Luiz 3bb23e8e31 feat(transfer): allow encryption of uploads using GPG (#9983) 2 years ago
.. 3bb23e8e31 feat(transfer): allow encryption of uploads using GPG (#9983) 2 years ago
transfer.plugin.zsh 3bb23e8e31 feat(transfer): allow encryption of uploads using GPG (#9983) 2 years ago

transfer plugin is an easy to use file sharing service from the command line

To use it, add transfer to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... transfer)


  • Transfer a file: transfer file.txt.

  • Transfer a whole directory (it will be automatically compressed): transfer dir.

Encryption / Decryption

  • Encrypt and upload a file with symmetric cipher and create ASCII armored output:
  transfer file -ca
  • Encrypt and upload directory with symmetric cipher and gpg output:
  transfer directory -ca
  • Decrypt file:
  gpg -d file -ca
  • Decrypt directory:
  gpg -d your_archive.tgz.gpg | tar xz