not pua 0dc40e88a3 feat(battery): add support for OpenBSD (#11872) 7 months ago
.. f26a1ecdf0 feat(battery): add support for Android via Termux (#9752) 2 years ago
battery.plugin.zsh 0dc40e88a3 feat(battery): add support for OpenBSD (#11872) 7 months ago

Battery Plugin

This plugin adds some functions you can use to display battery information in your custom theme.

To use, add battery to the list of plugins in your .zshrc file:

plugins=(... battery)

Then, add the battery_pct_prompt function to your custom theme. For example:

RPROMPT='$(battery_pct_prompt) ...'


  • On Linux, you must have the acpi or acpitool commands installed on your operating system. On Debian/Ubuntu, you can do that with sudo apt install acpi or sudo apt install acpitool.

  • On Android (via Termux), you must have:

    1. The Termux:API addon app installed: Google Play | F-Droid

    2. The termux-api package installed within termux:

     pkg install termux-api