12 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env zsh
  2. ##############################
  4. ##############################
  5. #* Holds the list of valid types recognized in a commit subject
  6. #* and the display string of such type
  7. local -A TYPES
  8. TYPES=(
  9. [build]="Build system"
  10. [chore]="Chore"
  11. [ci]="CI"
  12. [docs]="Documentation"
  13. [feat]="Features"
  14. [fix]="Bug fixes"
  15. [perf]="Performance"
  16. [refactor]="Refactor"
  17. [style]="Style"
  18. [test]="Testing"
  19. )
  20. #* Types that will be displayed in their own section,
  21. #* in the order specified here.
  22. local -a MAIN_TYPES
  23. MAIN_TYPES=(feat fix perf docs)
  24. #* Types that will be displayed under the category of other changes
  25. local -a OTHER_TYPES
  26. OTHER_TYPES=(refactor style other)
  27. #* Commit types that don't appear in $MAIN_TYPES nor $OTHER_TYPES
  28. #* will not be displayed and will simply be ignored.
  29. ############################
  31. ############################
  32. function parse-commit {
  33. # This function uses the following globals as output: commits (A),
  34. # subjects (A), scopes (A) and breaking (A). All associative arrays (A)
  35. # have $hash as the key.
  36. # - commits holds the commit type
  37. # - subjects holds the commit subject
  38. # - scopes holds the scope of a commit
  39. # - breaking holds the breaking change warning if a commit does
  40. # make a breaking change
  41. function commit:type {
  42. local type="$(sed -E 's/^([a-zA-Z_\-]+)(\(.+\))?!?: .+$/\1/' <<< "$1")"
  43. # If $type doesn't appear in $TYPES array mark it as 'other'
  44. if [[ -n "${(k)TYPES[(i)$type]}" ]]; then
  45. echo $type
  46. else
  47. echo other
  48. fi
  49. }
  50. function commit:scope {
  51. local scope
  52. # Try to find scope in "type(<scope>):" format
  53. scope=$(sed -nE 's/^[a-zA-Z_\-]+\((.+)\)!?: .+$/\1/p' <<< "$1")
  54. if [[ -n "$scope" ]]; then
  55. echo "$scope"
  56. return
  57. fi
  58. # If no scope found, try to find it in "<scope>:" format
  59. # Make sure it's not a type before printing it
  60. scope=$(sed -nE 's/^([a-zA-Z_\-]+): .+$/\1/p' <<< "$1")
  61. if [[ -z "${(k)TYPES[(i)$scope]}" ]]; then
  62. echo "$scope"
  63. fi
  64. }
  65. function commit:subject {
  66. # Only display the relevant part of the commit, i.e. if it has the format
  67. # type[(scope)!]: subject, where the part between [] is optional, only
  68. # displays subject. If it doesn't match the format, returns the whole string.
  69. sed -E 's/^[a-zA-Z_\-]+(\(.+\))?!?: (.+)$/\2/' <<< "$1"
  70. }
  71. # Return subject if the body or subject match the breaking change format
  72. function commit:is-breaking {
  73. local subject="$1" body="$2"
  74. if [[ "$body" =~ "BREAKING CHANGE: (.*)" || \
  75. "$subject" =~ '^[^ :\)]+\)?!: (.*)$' ]]; then
  76. echo "${match[1]}"
  77. else
  78. return 1
  79. fi
  80. }
  81. # Return truncated hash of the reverted commit
  82. function commit:is-revert {
  83. local subject="$1" body="$2"
  84. if [[ "$subject" = Revert* && \
  85. "$body" =~ "This reverts commit ([^.]+)\." ]]; then
  86. echo "${match[1]:0:7}"
  87. else
  88. return 1
  89. fi
  90. }
  91. # Parse commit with hash $1
  92. local hash="$1" subject body warning rhash
  93. subject="$(command git show -s --format=%s $hash)"
  94. body="$(command git show -s --format=%b $hash)"
  95. # Commits following Conventional Commits (
  96. # have the following format, where parts between [] are optional:
  97. #
  98. # type[(scope)][!]: subject
  99. #
  100. # commit body
  101. # [BREAKING CHANGE: warning]
  102. # commits holds the commit type
  103. commits[$hash]="$(commit:type "$subject")"
  104. # scopes holds the commit scope
  105. scopes[$hash]="$(commit:scope "$subject")"
  106. # subjects holds the commit subject
  107. subjects[$hash]="$(commit:subject "$subject")"
  108. # breaking holds whether a commit has breaking changes
  109. # and its warning message if it does
  110. if warning=$(commit:is-breaking "$subject" "$body"); then
  111. breaking[$hash]="$warning"
  112. fi
  113. # reverts holds commits reverted in the same release
  114. if rhash=$(commit:is-revert "$subject" "$body"); then
  115. reverts[$hash]=$rhash
  116. fi
  117. }
  118. #############################
  120. #############################
  121. function display-release {
  122. # This function uses the following globals: output, version,
  123. # commits (A), subjects (A), scopes (A), breaking (A) and reverts (A).
  124. #
  125. # - output is the output format to use when formatting (raw|text|md)
  126. # - version is the version in which the commits are made
  127. # - commits, subjects, scopes, breaking, and reverts are associative arrays
  128. # with commit hashes as keys
  129. # Remove commits that were reverted
  130. local hash rhash
  131. for hash rhash in ${(kv)reverts}; do
  132. if (( ${+commits[$rhash]} )); then
  133. # Remove revert commit
  134. unset "commits[$hash]" "subjects[$hash]" "scopes[$hash]" "breaking[$hash]"
  135. # Remove reverted commit
  136. unset "commits[$rhash]" "subjects[$rhash]" "scopes[$rhash]" "breaking[$rhash]"
  137. fi
  138. done
  139. # If no commits left skip displaying the release
  140. if (( $#commits == 0 )); then
  141. return
  142. fi
  143. ##* Formatting functions
  144. # Format the hash according to output format
  145. # If no parameter is passed, assume it comes from `$hash`
  146. function fmt:hash {
  147. #* Uses $hash from outer scope
  148. local hash="${1:-$hash}"
  149. case "$output" in
  150. raw) printf "$hash" ;;
  151. text) printf "\e[33m$hash\e[0m" ;; # red
  152. md) printf "[\`$hash\`]($hash)" ;;
  153. esac
  154. }
  155. # Format headers according to output format
  156. # Levels 1 to 2 are considered special, the rest are formatted
  157. # the same, except in md output format.
  158. function fmt:header {
  159. local header="$1" level="$2"
  160. case "$output" in
  161. raw)
  162. case "$level" in
  163. 1) printf "$header\n$(printf '%.0s=' {1..${#header}})\n\n" ;;
  164. 2) printf "$header\n$(printf '%.0s-' {1..${#header}})\n\n" ;;
  165. *) printf "$header:\n\n" ;;
  166. esac ;;
  167. text)
  168. case "$level" in
  169. 1|2) printf "\e[1;4m$header\e[0m\n\n" ;; # bold, underlined
  170. *) printf "\e[1m$header:\e[0m\n\n" ;; # bold
  171. esac ;;
  172. md) printf "$(printf '%.0s#' {1..${level}}) $header\n\n" ;;
  173. esac
  174. }
  175. function fmt:scope {
  176. #* Uses $scopes (A) and $hash from outer scope
  177. local scope="${1:-${scopes[$hash]}}"
  178. # Get length of longest scope for padding
  179. local max_scope=0 padding=0
  180. for hash in ${(k)scopes}; do
  181. max_scope=$(( max_scope < ${#scopes[$hash]} ? ${#scopes[$hash]} : max_scope ))
  182. done
  183. # If no scopes, exit the function
  184. if [[ $max_scope -eq 0 ]]; then
  185. return
  186. fi
  187. # Get how much padding is required for this scope
  188. padding=$(( max_scope < ${#scope} ? 0 : max_scope - ${#scope} ))
  189. padding="${(r:$padding:: :):-}"
  190. # If no scope, print padding and 3 spaces (equivalent to "[] ")
  191. if [[ -z "$scope" ]]; then
  192. printf "${padding} "
  193. return
  194. fi
  195. # Print [scope]
  196. case "$output" in
  197. raw|md) printf "[$scope]${padding} " ;;
  198. text) printf "[\e[38;5;9m$scope\e[0m]${padding} " ;; # red 9
  199. esac
  200. }
  201. # If no parameter is passed, assume it comes from `$subjects[$hash]`
  202. function fmt:subject {
  203. #* Uses $subjects (A) and $hash from outer scope
  204. local subject="${1:-${subjects[$hash]}}"
  205. # Capitalize first letter of the subject
  206. subject="${(U)subject:0:1}${subject:1}"
  207. case "$output" in
  208. raw) printf "$subject" ;;
  209. # In text mode, highlight (#<issue>) and dim text between `backticks`
  210. text) sed -E $'s|#([0-9]+)|\e[32m#\\1\e[0m|g;s|`(.+)`|`\e[2m\\1\e[0m`|g' <<< "$subject" ;;
  211. # In markdown mode, link to (#<issue>) issues
  212. md) sed -E 's|#([0-9]+)|[#\1](\1)|g' <<< "$subject" ;;
  213. esac
  214. }
  215. function fmt:type {
  216. #* Uses $type from outer scope
  217. local type="${1:-${TYPES[$type]:-${(C)type}}}"
  218. [[ -z "$type" ]] && return 0
  219. case "$output" in
  220. raw|md) printf "$type: " ;;
  221. text) printf "\e[4m$type\e[24m: " ;; # underlined
  222. esac
  223. }
  224. ##* Section functions
  225. function display:version {
  226. fmt:header "$version" 2
  227. }
  228. function display:breaking {
  229. (( $#breaking != 0 )) || return 0
  230. case "$output" in
  231. raw) display:type-header "BREAKING CHANGES" ;;
  232. text|md) display:type-header "⚠ BREAKING CHANGES" ;;
  233. esac
  234. local hash subject
  235. for hash message in ${(kv)breaking}; do
  236. echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:subject "${message}")"
  237. done | sort
  238. echo
  239. }
  240. function display:type {
  241. local hash type="$1"
  242. local -a hashes
  243. hashes=(${(k)commits[(R)$type]})
  244. # If no commits found of type $type, go to next type
  245. (( $#hashes != 0 )) || return 0
  246. fmt:header "${TYPES[$type]}" 3
  247. for hash in $hashes; do
  248. echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:subject)"
  249. done | sort -k3 # sort by scope
  250. echo
  251. }
  252. function display:others {
  253. local hash type
  254. # Commits made under types considered other changes
  255. local -A changes
  256. changes=(${(kv)commits[(R)${(j:|:)OTHER_TYPES}]})
  257. # If no commits found under "other" types, don't display anything
  258. (( $#changes != 0 )) || return 0
  259. fmt:header "Other changes" 3
  260. for hash type in ${(kv)changes}; do
  261. case "$type" in
  262. other) echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:subject)" ;;
  263. *) echo " - $(fmt:hash) $(fmt:scope)$(fmt:type)$(fmt:subject)" ;;
  264. esac
  265. done | sort -k3 # sort by scope
  266. echo
  267. }
  268. ##* Release sections order
  269. # Display version header
  270. display:version
  271. # Display breaking changes first
  272. display:breaking
  273. # Display changes for commit types in the order specified
  274. for type in $MAIN_TYPES; do
  275. display:type "$type"
  276. done
  277. # Display other changes
  278. display:others
  279. }
  280. function main {
  281. # $1 = until commit, $2 = since commit
  282. # $3 = output format (--raw|--text|--md)
  283. local until="$1" since="$2"
  284. local output=${${3:-"--text"}#--*}
  285. if [[ -z "$until" ]]; then
  286. until=HEAD
  287. fi
  288. # If $since is not specified, look up first version tag before $until
  289. if [[ -z "$since" ]]; then
  290. since=$(command git describe --abbrev=0 --tags "$until^" 2>/dev/null) || \
  291. unset since
  292. elif [[ "$since" = --all ]]; then
  293. unset since
  294. fi
  295. # Commit classification arrays
  296. local -A commits subjects scopes breaking reverts
  297. local truncate=0 read_commits=0
  298. local hash version tag
  299. # Get the first version name:
  300. # 1) try tag-like version, or
  301. # 2) try name-rev, or
  302. # 3) try branch name, or
  303. # 4) try short hash
  304. version=$(command git describe --tags $until 2>/dev/null) \
  305. || version=$(command git name-rev --no-undefined --name-only --exclude="remotes/*" $until 2>/dev/null) \
  306. || version=$(command git symbolic-ref --quiet --short $until 2>/dev/null) \
  307. || version=$(command git rev-parse --short $until 2>/dev/null)
  308. # Get commit list from $until commit until $since commit, or until root
  309. # commit if $since is unset, in short hash form.
  310. # --first-parent is used when dealing with merges: it only prints the
  311. # merge commit, not the commits of the merged branch.
  312. command git rev-list --first-parent --abbrev-commit --abbrev=7 ${since:+$since..}$until | while read hash; do
  313. # Truncate list on versions with a lot of commits
  314. if [[ -z "$since" ]] && (( ++read_commits > 35 )); then
  315. truncate=1
  316. break
  317. fi
  318. # If we find a new release (exact tag)
  319. if tag=$(command git describe --exact-match --tags $hash 2>/dev/null); then
  320. # Output previous release
  321. display-release
  322. # Reinitialize commit storage
  323. commits=()
  324. subjects=()
  325. scopes=()
  326. breaking=()
  327. reverts=()
  328. # Start work on next release
  329. version="$tag"
  330. read_commits=1
  331. fi
  332. parse-commit "$hash"
  333. done
  334. display-release
  335. if (( truncate )); then
  336. echo " ...more commits omitted"
  337. echo
  338. fi
  339. }
  340. cd "$ZSH"
  341. # Use raw output if stdout is not a tty
  342. if [[ ! -t 1 && -z "$3" ]]; then
  343. main "$1" "$2" --raw
  344. else
  345. main "$@"
  346. fi