heroku.alias.sh 2.2 KB

  1. # general
  2. alias h='heroku'
  3. alias hauto='heroku autocomplete $(echo $SHELL)'
  4. alias hl='heroku local'
  5. # log
  6. alias hg='heroku logs'
  7. alias hgt='heroku log tail'
  8. # database
  9. alias hpg='heroku pg'
  10. alias hpsql='heroku pg:psql'
  11. alias hpb='heroku pg:backups'
  12. alias hpbc='heroku pg:backups:capture'
  13. alias hpbd='heroku pg:backups:download'
  14. alias hpbr='heroku pg:backups:restore'
  15. # config
  16. alias hc='heroku config'
  17. alias hca='heroku config -a'
  18. alias hcr='heroku config -r'
  19. alias hcs='heroku config:set'
  20. alias hcu='heroku config:unset'
  21. # this function allow to load multi env set in a file
  22. hcfile() {
  23. echo 'Which platform [-r/a name] ?'
  24. read platform
  25. echo 'Which file ?'
  26. read file
  27. while read line;
  28. do heroku config:set "$platform" "$line";
  29. done < "$file"
  30. }
  31. # apps and favorites
  32. alias ha='heroku apps'
  33. alias hpop='heroku create'
  34. alias hkill='heroku apps:destroy'
  35. alias hlog='heroku apps:errors'
  36. alias hfav='heroku apps:favorites'
  37. alias hfava='heroku apps:favorites:add'
  38. alias hfavr='heroku apps:favorites:remove'
  39. alias hai='heroku apps:info'
  40. alias hair='heroku apps:info -r'
  41. alias haia='heroku apps:info -a'
  42. # auth
  43. alias h2fa='heroku auth:2fa'
  44. alias h2far='heroku auth:2fa:disable'
  45. # access
  46. alias hac='heroku access'
  47. alias hacr='heroku access -r'
  48. alias haca='heroku access -a'
  49. alias hadd='heroku access:add'
  50. alias hdel='heroku access:remove'
  51. alias hup='heroku access:update'
  52. # addons
  53. alias hads='heroku addons -A'
  54. alias hada='heroku addons -a'
  55. alias hadr='heroku addons -r'
  56. alias hadat='heroku addons:attach'
  57. alias hadc='heroku addons:create'
  58. alias hadel='heroku addons:destroy'
  59. alias hadde='heroku addons:detach'
  60. alias hadoc='heroku addons:docs'
  61. # login
  62. alias hin='heroku login'
  63. alias hout='heroku logout'
  64. alias hi='heroku login -i'
  65. alias hwho='heroku auth:whoami'
  66. # authorizations
  67. alias hth='heroku authorizations'
  68. alias hthadd='heroku authorizations:create'
  69. alias hthif='heroku authorizations:info'
  70. alias hthdel='heroku authorizations:revoke'
  71. alias hthrot='heroku authorizations:rotate'
  72. alias hthup='heroku authorizations:update'
  73. # plugins
  74. alias hp='heroku plugins'
  75. # cert
  76. alias hssl='heroku certs'
  77. alias hssli='heroku certs:info'
  78. alias hssla='heroku certs:add'
  79. alias hsslu='heroku certs:update'
  80. alias hsslr='heroku certs:remove'