12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 |
- #compdef zeus
- #autoload
- # in order to make this work, you will need to have the gem zeus installed
- # zeus zsh completion, based on adb completion
- local -a _1st_arguments
- _1st_arguments=(
- 'console:Lets you interact with your Rails application from the command line. (alias = c)'
- 'cucumber:Runs cucumber.'
- 'dbconsole:Figures out which database you are using and drops you into whichever command line interface.'
- 'destroy:Figures out what generate did, and undoes it. (alias = d)'
- 'generate:Uses templates to create a whole lot of things. (alias = g)'
- 'rake:Execute rake tasks.'
- 'runner:Runs Ruby code in the context of Rails non-interactively. (alias = r)'
- 'server:Launches a small web server named WEBrick which comes bundled with Ruby. (alias = s)'
- 'start:Preloads the zeus environment'
- 'test:Runs RSpec tests. (alias = rspec, testrb)'
- 'version:Shows the version number.'
- )
- local expl
- local -a pkgs installed_pkgs
- _arguments \
- '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
- if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
- _describe -t commands "zeus subcommand" _1st_arguments
- return
- fi
- _files