feature_request.yml 1.6 KB

  1. name: Feature request
  2. description: Suggest a feature for Oh My Zsh
  3. labels: ["Feature"]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. ## Self Check
  9. - Look for similar features in existing [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/issues?q=is%3Aissue) (open or closed).
  10. - type: input
  11. attributes:
  12. label: If the feature request is for a plugin or theme, specify it here.
  13. description: The name of the plugin or theme that you would like us to improve.
  14. placeholder: e.g. Git plugin, Agnoster theme
  15. - type: textarea
  16. attributes:
  17. label: If the feature solves a problem you have, specify it here.
  18. description: A description of what the problem is.
  19. placeholder: Ex. I'm always frustrated when...
  20. - type: textarea
  21. attributes:
  22. label: Describe the proposed feature.
  23. description: A description of what you want to happen. Be as specific as possible.
  24. validations:
  25. required: true
  26. - type: textarea
  27. attributes:
  28. label: Describe alternatives you've considered
  29. description: A description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. This can also include other plugins or themes.
  30. - type: textarea
  31. attributes:
  32. label: Additional context
  33. description: Add any other context, screenshots or Discord conversations about the feature request here. Also if you have any PRs related to this issue that are already open that you would like us to look at.
  34. - type: textarea
  35. attributes:
  36. label: Related Issues
  37. description: Is there any open or closed issues that is related to this feature request? If so please link them below!