frontend-search.plugin.zsh 3.5 KB

  1. alias angular='frontend angular'
  2. alias angularjs='frontend angularjs'
  3. alias aurajs='frontend aurajs'
  4. alias bem='frontend bem'
  5. alias bootsnipp='frontend bootsnipp'
  6. alias caniuse='frontend caniuse'
  7. alias codepen='frontend codepen'
  8. alias compassdoc='frontend compassdoc'
  9. alias cssflow='frontend cssflow'
  10. alias dartlang='frontend dartlang'
  11. alias emberjs='frontend emberjs'
  12. alias fontello='frontend fontello'
  13. alias html5please='frontend html5please'
  14. alias jquery='frontend jquery'
  15. alias lodash='frontend lodash'
  16. alias mdn='frontend mdn'
  17. alias npmjs='frontend npmjs'
  18. alias qunit='frontend qunit'
  19. alias reactjs='frontend reactjs'
  20. alias smacss='frontend smacss'
  21. alias stackoverflow='frontend stackoverflow'
  22. alias unheap='frontend unheap'
  23. function frontend() {
  24. emulate -L zsh
  25. # define search context URLS
  26. typeset -A urls
  27. urls=(
  28. angular ''
  29. angularjs ''
  30. aurajs ''
  31. bem ''
  32. bootsnipp ''
  33. caniuse ''
  34. codepen ''
  35. compassdoc ''
  36. cssflow ''
  37. dartlang ''
  38. emberjs ''
  39. fontello ''
  40. html5please ''
  41. jquery ''
  42. lodash ''
  43. mdn ''
  44. npmjs ''
  45. qunit ''
  46. reactjs ''
  47. smacss ''
  48. stackoverflow ''
  49. unheap ''
  50. )
  51. # show help for command list
  52. if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
  53. then
  54. print -P "Usage: frontend %Ucontext%u %Uterm%u [...%Umore%u] (or just: %Ucontext%u %Uterm%u [...%Umore%u])"
  55. print -P ""
  56. print -P "%Uterm%u and what follows is what will be searched for in the %Ucontext%u website,"
  57. print -P "and %Ucontext%u is one of the following:"
  58. print -P ""
  59. print -P " angular (>= 2.0), angularjs (1.x), aurajs, bem, bootsnipp, caniuse, codepen,"
  60. print -P " compassdoc, cssflow, dartlang, emberjs, fontello, html5please, jquery,"
  61. print -P " lodash, mdn, npmjs, qunit, reactjs, smacss, stackoverflow, unheap"
  62. print -P ""
  63. print -P "For example: frontend npmjs mocha (or just: npmjs mocha)."
  64. print -P ""
  65. return 1
  66. fi
  67. # check whether the search context is supported
  68. if [[ -z "$urls[$1]" ]]
  69. then
  70. echo "Search context \"$1\" currently not supported."
  71. echo ""
  72. echo "Valid contexts are:"
  73. echo ""
  74. echo " angular (>= 2.0), angularjs (1.x), aurajs, bem, bootsnipp, caniuse, codepen,"
  75. echo " compassdoc, cssflow, dartlang, emberjs, fontello, html5please, jquery,"
  76. echo " lodash, mdn, npmjs, qunit, reactjs, smacss, stackoverflow, unheap"
  77. echo ""
  78. return 1
  79. fi
  80. # build search url:
  81. # join arguments passed with '%20', then append to search context URL
  82. # TODO substitute for proper urlencode method
  83. url="${urls[$1]}${(j:%20:)@[2,-1]}"
  84. echo "Opening $url ..."
  85. open_command "$url"
  86. }