zeus.plugin.zsh 1.4 KB

  1. # Some aliases for zeus. (See: https://github.com/burke/zeus)
  2. # Zeus preloads your Rails environment and forks that process whenever
  3. # needed. This effectively speeds up Rails' boot process to under 1 sec.
  4. # Always use bundler.
  5. # Rails depends on bundler, so we can be pretty sure, that there are no
  6. # problems with this command. For all the other aliases I provided an
  7. # alternative, in case people have conflicts with other plugins (e.g. suse).
  8. alias zeus='bundle exec zeus'
  9. # Init
  10. alias zi='zeus init'
  11. alias zinit='zeus init'
  12. # Start
  13. alias zs='zeus start'
  14. alias ztart='zeus start'
  15. # Console
  16. alias zc='zeus console'
  17. alias zonsole='zeus console'
  18. # Server
  19. alias zsr='zeus server'
  20. alias zerver='zeus server'
  21. # Rake
  22. alias zr='zeus rake'
  23. alias zake='zeus rake'
  24. # Generate
  25. alias zg='zeus generate'
  26. alias zenerate='zeus generate'
  27. # Runner
  28. alias zrn='zeus runner'
  29. alias zunner='zeus runner'
  30. # Cucumber
  31. alias zcu='zeus cucumber'
  32. alias zucumber='zeus cucumber'
  33. # Test
  34. alias zt='zeus test'
  35. alias zest='zeus test'
  36. alias zu='zeus test test/unit/*'
  37. alias zunits='zeus test test/unit/*'
  38. alias zf='zeus test test/functional/*'
  39. alias zunctional='zeus test test/functional/*'
  40. alias za='zeus test test/unit/*; zeus test test/functional/; zeus cucumber'
  41. alias zall='zeus test test/unit/*; zeus test test/functional/; zeus cucumber'
  42. # Clean up crashed zeus instances.
  43. alias zsw='rm .zeus.sock'
  44. alias zweep='rm .zeus.sock'