# sublime Plugin for [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/), a cross platform text and code editor, available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. To use the plugin, add `sublime` to the plugins array of your zshrc file: ```zsh plugins=(... sublime) ``` Sublime Text has to be installed to use the plugin. ## Usage The plugin defines several aliases, such as: - `st`: opens Sublime Text. If passed a file or directory, Sublime Text will open it. - `stt`: open Sublime Text on the current directory. - `sst`: if `sudo` is available, `sst` will open Sublime Text with root permissions, so that you can modify any file or directory that you pass it. Useful to edit system files. There are also a few functions available: - `find_project` (or `stp` alias): if called, the function will search for a `.sublime-project` file on the current directory or its parents, until it finds none. If there is no `.sublime-project` file but the current folder is in a Git repository, it will open Sublime Text on the root directory of the repository. If there is no Git repository, it will then open Sublime Text on the current directory. - `create_project` (or `stn` alias): if called without an argument, create a stub `.sublime-project` file in the current working directory, if one does not already exist. If passed a directory, create a stub `.sublime-project` file in it.