# dnf plugin This plugin makes `dnf` usage easier by adding aliases for the most common commands. `dnf` is the new package manager for RPM-based distributions, which replaces `yum`. To use it, add `dnf` to the plugins array in your zshrc file: ```zsh plugins=(... dnf) ``` Classic `dnf` is getting superseded by `dnf5`; this plugin detects the presence of `dnf5` and uses it as drop-in alternative to the slower `dnf`. ## Aliases | Alias | Command | Description | |-------|-------------------------|--------------------------| | dnfl | `dnf list` | List packages | | dnfli | `dnf list installed` | List installed packages | | dnfgl | `dnf grouplist` | List package groups | | dnfmc | `dnf makecache` | Generate metadata cache | | dnfp | `dnf info` | Show package information | | dnfs | `dnf search` | Search package | | **Use `sudo`** | | dnfu | `sudo dnf upgrade` | Upgrade package | | dnfi | `sudo dnf install` | Install package | | dnfgi | `sudo dnf groupinstall` | Install package group | | dnfr | `sudo dnf remove` | Remove package | | dnfgr | `sudo dnf groupremove` | Remove package group | | dnfc | `sudo dnf clean all` | Clean cache |