############################################################################## # A descriptive listing of core Gradle commands ############################################################################ function _gradle_core_commands() { local ret=1 state _arguments ':subcommand:->subcommand' && ret=0 case $state in subcommand) subcommands=( "properties:Display all project properties" "tasks:Calculate and display all tasks" "dependencies:Calculate and display all dependencies" "projects:Discover and display all sub-projects" "build:Build the project" "help:Display help" ) _describe -t subcommands 'gradle subcommands' subcommands && ret=0 esac return ret } function _gradle_arguments() { _arguments -C \ '-a[Do not rebuild project dependencies]' \ '-h[Help]' \ '-D[System property]' \ '-d[Log at the debug level]' \ '--gui[Launches the Gradle GUI app]' \ '--stop[Stop the Gradle daemon]' \ '--daemon[Use the Gradle daemon]' \ '--no-daemon[Do not use the Gradle daemon]' \ '--rerun-task [Specifies that any task optimization is ignored.]' \ '-i[Log at the info level]' \ '-m[Dry run]' \ '-P[Set a project property]' \ '-p[Specifies the start directory]' \ '--profile[Profile the build time]' \ '-q[Log at the quiet level (only show errors)]' \ '-v[Print the Gradle version info]' \ '-x[Specify a task to be excluded]' \ '-b[Specifies the build file.]' \ '-c[Specifies the settings file.]' \ '--continue[Continues task execution after a task failure.]' \ '-g[Specifies the Gradle user home directory.]' \ '-I[Specifies an initialization script.]' \ '--refresh-dependencies[Refresh the state of dependencies.]' \ '-u[Don''t search in parent directories for a settings.gradle file.]' \ '*::command:->command' \ && return 0 } ############################################################################## # Examine the build.gradle file to see if its timestamp has changed; # and if so, regenerate the .gradle_tasks cache file ############################################################################ _gradle_does_task_list_need_generating () { [[ ! -f .gradletasknamecache ]] || [[ build.gradle -nt .gradletasknamecache ]] } ############################################################################## # Discover the gradle tasks by running "gradle tasks --all" ############################################################################ _gradle_tasks () { if [[ -f build.gradle ]]; then _gradle_arguments if _gradle_does_task_list_need_generating; then gradle tasks --all | awk '/[a-zA-Z0-9:-]* - / {print $1}' > .gradletasknamecache fi compadd -X "==== Gradle Tasks ====" $(cat .gradletasknamecache) fi } _gradlew_tasks () { if [[ -f build.gradle ]]; then _gradle_arguments if _gradle_does_task_list_need_generating; then ./gradlew tasks --all | awk '/[a-zA-Z0-9:-]* - / {print $1}' > .gradletasknamecache fi compadd -X "==== Gradlew Tasks ====" $(cat .gradletasknamecache) fi } ############################################################################## # Register the completions against the gradle and gradlew commands ############################################################################ compdef _gradle_tasks gradle compdef _gradlew_tasks gradlew