## Rationale ## The idea for this script is to help searches in important doc contents from frontend. ## Instalation ## I will send a Pull Request with this plugin for .oh-my-zsh official repository. If accept them, it's only add in plugins list that exists in ```.zshrc``` file. For now, you can clone this repository and add in ```custom/plugins``` folder ```bash $ git clone git://github.com/willmendesneto/frontend-search.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/frontend-search ``` After this, restart your terminal and frontend-search plugin is configurated in you CLI. ```bash ... plugins=( ... frontend-search) ... ``` ## Commands ## All command searches are accept only in format * `frontend ` The search content are * `jquery ` * `mdn ` * `compass ` * `html5please ` * `caniuse ` * `aurajs ` * `dartlang ` * `lodash ` * `qunit ` * `fontello ` * `bootsnipp ` * `cssflow ` * `codepen ` * `unheap ` * `bem &as_sitesearch=bem.info>` * `smacss &as_sitesearch=smacss.com>` * `angularjs &as_sitesearch=angularjs.org>` * `reactjs &as_sitesearch=facebook.github.io/react>` * `emberjs ` ## Aliases ## There are a few aliases presented as well: * `jquery` A shorthand for `frontend jquery` * `mdn` A shorthand for `frontend mdn` * `compass` A shorthand for `frontend compass` * `html5please` A shorthand for `frontend html5please` * `caniuse` A shorthand for `frontend caniuse` * `aurajs` A shorthand for `frontend aurajs` * `dartlang` A shorthand for `frontend dartlang` * `lodash` A shorthand for `frontend lodash` * `qunit` A shorthand for `frontend qunit` * `fontello` A shorthand for `frontend fontello` * `bootsnipp` A shorthand for `frontend bootsnipp` * `cssflow` A shorthand for `frontend cssflow` * `codepen` A shorthand for `frontend codepen` * `unheap` A shorthand for `frontend unheap` * `bem` A shorthand for `frontend bem` * `smacss` A shorthand for `frontend smacss` * `angularjs` A shorthand for `frontend angularjs` * `reactjs` A shorthand for `frontend reactjs` * `emberjs` A shorthand for `frontend emberjs` ## Author **Wilson Mendes (willmendesneto)** + + New features comming soon.