import os import subprocess import sys import requests import shutil import yaml from copy import deepcopy from typing import Optional, TypedDict # Get TMP_DIR variable from environment TMP_DIR = os.path.join(os.environ.get("TMP_DIR", "/tmp"), "ohmyzsh") # Relative path to dependencies.yml file DEPS_YAML_FILE = ".github/dependencies.yml" # Dry run flag DRY_RUN = os.environ.get("DRY_RUN", "0") == "1" import timeit class CodeTimer: def __init__(self, name=None): = " '" + name + "'" if name else '' def __enter__(self): self.start = timeit.default_timer() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.took = (timeit.default_timer() - self.start) * 1000.0 print('Code block' + + ' took: ' + str(self.took) + ' ms') ### YAML representation def str_presenter(dumper, data): """ Configures yaml for dumping multiline strings Ref: """ if len(data.splitlines()) > 1: # check for multiline string return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data) yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter) yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.add_representer(str, str_presenter) # Types class DependencyDict(TypedDict): repo: str branch: str version: str precopy: Optional[str] postcopy: Optional[str] class DependencyYAML(TypedDict): dependencies: dict[str, DependencyDict] class UpdateStatus(TypedDict): has_updates: bool version: Optional[str] compare_url: Optional[str] head_ref: Optional[str] head_url: Optional[str] class CommandRunner: class Exception(Exception): def __init__(self, message, returncode, stage, stdout, stderr): super().__init__(message) self.returncode = returncode self.stage = stage self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr @staticmethod def run_or_fail(command: list[str], stage: str, *args, **kwargs): if DRY_RUN and command[0] == "gh": command.insert(0, "echo") result =, *args, capture_output=True, **kwargs) if result.returncode != 0: raise CommandRunner.Exception( f"{stage} command failed with exit code {result.returncode}", returncode=result.returncode, stage=stage, stdout=result.stdout.decode("utf-8"), stderr=result.stderr.decode("utf-8") ) return result class DependencyStore: store: DependencyYAML = { "dependencies": {} } @staticmethod def set(data: DependencyYAML): = data @staticmethod def update_dependency_version(path: str, version: str) -> DependencyYAML: with CodeTimer(f"store deepcopy: {path}"): store_copy = deepcopy( dependency = store_copy["dependencies"].get(path, {}) dependency["version"] = version store_copy["dependencies"][path] = dependency return store_copy @staticmethod def write_store(file: str, data: DependencyYAML): with open(file, "w") as yaml_file: yaml.safe_dump(data, yaml_file, sort_keys=False) class Dependency: def __init__(self, path: str, values: DependencyDict): self.path = path self.values = values str = "" self.desc: str = "" self.kind: str = "" match path.split("/"): case ["plugins", name]: = name self.kind = "plugin" self.desc = f"{name} plugin" case ["themes", name]: = name.replace(".zsh-theme", "") self.kind = "theme" self.desc = f"{} theme" case _: = self.desc = path def __str__(self): output: str = "" for key in DependencyDict.__dict__['__annotations__'].keys(): if key not in self.values: output += f"{key}: None\n" continue value = self.values[key] if "\n" not in value: output += f"{key}: {value}\n" else: output += f"{key}:\n " output += value.replace("\n", "\n ", value.count("\n") - 1) return output def update_or_notify(self): # Print dependency settings print(f"Processing {self.desc}...", file=sys.stderr) print(self, file=sys.stderr) # Check for updates repo = self.values["repo"] remote_branch = self.values["branch"] version = self.values["version"] is_tag = version.startswith("tag:") try: with CodeTimer(f"update check: {repo}"): if is_tag: status = GitHub.check_newer_tag(repo, version.replace("tag:", "")) else: status = GitHub.check_updates(repo, remote_branch, version) if status["has_updates"]: short_sha = status["head_ref"][:8] new_version = status["version"] if is_tag else short_sha try: # Create new branch branch = Git.create_branch(self.path, new_version) # Update dependencies.yml file self.__update_yaml(f"tag:{new_version}" if is_tag else status["version"]) # Update dependency files self.__apply_upstream_changes() # Add all changes and commit Git.add_and_commit(, short_sha) # Push changes to remote Git.push(branch) # Create GitHub PR GitHub.create_pr( branch, f"feat({}): update to version {new_version}", f"""## Description Update for **{self.desc}**: update to version [{new_version}]({status['head_url']}). Check out the [list of changes]({status['compare_url']}). """ ) # Clean up repository Git.clean_repo() except (CommandRunner.Exception, shutil.Error) as e: # Handle exception on automatic update match type(e): case CommandRunner.Exception: # Print error message print(f"Error running {e.stage} command: {e.returncode}", file=sys.stderr) print(e.stderr, file=sys.stderr) case shutil.Error: print(f"Error copying files: {e}", file=sys.stderr) try: Git.clean_repo() except CommandRunner.Exception as e: print(f"Error reverting repository to clean state: {e}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Create a GitHub issue to notify maintainer title = f"{self.path}: update to {new_version}" body = ( f"""## Description There is a new version of `{}` {self.kind} available. New version: [{new_version}]({status['head_url']}) Check out the [list of changes]({status['compare_url']}). """ ) print(f"Creating GitHub issue", file=sys.stderr) print(f"{title}\n\n{body}", file=sys.stderr) GitHub.create_issue(title, body) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) def __update_yaml(self, new_version: str) -> None: dep_yaml = DependencyStore.update_dependency_version(self.path, new_version) DependencyStore.write_store(DEPS_YAML_FILE, dep_yaml) def __apply_upstream_changes(self) -> None: # Patterns to ignore in copying files from upstream repo GLOBAL_IGNORE = [ ".git", ".github", ".gitignore" ] path = os.path.abspath(self.path) precopy = self.values.get("precopy") postcopy = self.values.get("postcopy") repo = self.values["repo"] branch = self.values["branch"] remote_url = f"{repo}.git" repo_dir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, repo) # Clone repository Git.clone(remote_url, branch, repo_dir, reclone=True) # Run precopy on tmp repo if precopy is not None: print("Running precopy script:", end="\n ", file=sys.stderr) print(precopy.replace("\n", "\n ", precopy.count("\n") - 1), file=sys.stderr) CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["bash", "-c", precopy], cwd=repo_dir, stage="Precopy") # Copy files from upstream repo print(f"Copying files from {repo_dir} to {path}", file=sys.stderr) shutil.copytree(repo_dir, path, dirs_exist_ok=True, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(*GLOBAL_IGNORE)) # Run postcopy on our repository if postcopy is not None: print("Running postcopy script:", end="\n ", file=sys.stderr) print(postcopy.replace("\n", "\n ", postcopy.count("\n") - 1), file=sys.stderr) CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["bash", "-c", postcopy], cwd=path, stage="Postcopy") class Git: default_branch = "master" @staticmethod def clone(remote_url: str, branch: str, repo_dir: str, reclone=False): # If repo needs to be fresh if reclone and os.path.exists(repo_dir): shutil.rmtree(repo_dir) # Clone repo in tmp directory and checkout branch if not os.path.exists(repo_dir): print(f"Cloning {remote_url} to {repo_dir} and checking out {branch}", file=sys.stderr) CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "clone", "--depth=1", "-b", branch, remote_url, repo_dir], stage="Clone") @staticmethod def create_branch(path: str, version: str): # Get current branch name result = CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stage="GetDefaultBranch") Git.default_branch = result.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() # Create new branch and return created branch name branch_name = f"update/{path}/{version}" CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "checkout", "-b", branch_name], stage="CreateBranch") return branch_name @staticmethod def add_and_commit(scope: str, version: str): user_name = os.environ.get("GIT_APP_NAME") user_email = os.environ.get("GIT_APP_EMAIL") # Add all files to git staging CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "add", "-A", "-v"], stage="AddFiles") # Reset environment and git config clean_env = os.environ.copy() clean_env["LANG"]="C.UTF-8" clean_env["GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL"]="/dev/null" clean_env["GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM"]="1" # Commit with settings above CommandRunner.run_or_fail([ "git", "-c", f"{user_name}", "-c", f"{user_email}", "commit", "-m", f"feat({scope}): update to {version}" ], stage="CreateCommit", env=clean_env) @staticmethod def push(branch: str): CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "push", "-u", "origin", branch], stage="PushBranch") @staticmethod def clean_repo(): CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "reset", "--hard", "HEAD"], stage="ResetRepository") CommandRunner.run_or_fail(["git", "checkout", Git.default_branch], stage="CheckoutDefaultBranch") class GitHub: @staticmethod def check_newer_tag(repo, current_tag) -> UpdateStatus: # GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/tags url = f"{repo}/git/refs/tags" # Send a GET request to the GitHub API response = requests.get(url) # If the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the JSON response data = response.json() if len(data) == 0: return { "has_updates": False, } latest_ref = data[-1] latest_tag = latest_ref["ref"].replace("refs/tags/", "") if latest_tag == current_tag: return { "has_updates": False, } return { "has_updates": True, "version": latest_tag, "compare_url": f"{repo}/compare/{current_tag}...{latest_tag}", "head_ref": latest_ref["object"]["sha"], "head_url": f"{repo}/releases/tag/{latest_tag}", } else: # If the request was not successful, raise an exception raise Exception(f"GitHub API request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.json()}") @staticmethod def check_updates(repo, branch, version) -> UpdateStatus: # TODO: add support for semver updating (based on tags) # Check if upstream github repo has a new version # GitHub API URL for comparing two commits url = f"{repo}/compare/{version}...{branch}" # Send a GET request to the GitHub API response = requests.get(url) # If the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the JSON response data = response.json() # If the base is behind the head, there is a newer version has_updates = data["status"] != "identical" if not has_updates: return { "has_updates": False, } return { "has_updates": data["status"] != "identical", "version": data["commits"][-1]["sha"], "compare_url": data["permalink_url"], "head_ref": data["commits"][-1]["sha"], "head_url": data["commits"][-1]["html_url"] } else: # If the request was not successful, raise an exception raise Exception(f"GitHub API request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.json()}") @staticmethod def create_issue(title: str, body: str) -> None: cmd = [ "gh", "issue", "create", "-t", title, "-b", body ] CommandRunner.run_or_fail(cmd, stage="CreateIssue") @staticmethod def create_pr(branch: str, title: str, body: str) -> None: cmd = [ "gh", "pr", "create", "-B", Git.default_branch, "-H", branch, "-t", title, "-b", body ] CommandRunner.run_or_fail(cmd, stage="CreatePullRequest") def main(): # Load the YAML file with open(DEPS_YAML_FILE, "r") as yaml_file: data: DependencyYAML = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) if "dependencies" not in data: raise Exception(f"dependencies.yml not properly formatted") # Cache YAML version DependencyStore.set(data) dependencies = data["dependencies"] for path in dependencies: dependency = Dependency(path, dependencies[path]) dependency.update_or_notify() if __name__ == "__main__": main()