# Copy this file into /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/ # and add 'autoload n-cd` to .zshrc # # This function allows to choose a directory from pushd stack # # Uses n-list emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob pushdignoredups zmodload zsh/curses local IFS=" " # Unset before configuration is read unset NLIST_COLORING_PATTERN [ -f ~/.config/znt/n-list.conf ] && . ~/.config/znt/n-list.conf [ -f ~/.config/znt/n-cd.conf ] && . ~/.config/znt/n-cd.conf local list local selected NLIST_REMEMBER_STATE=0 list=( `dirs -p` ) list=( "${(@M)list:#(#i)*$1*}" ) local NLIST_GREP_STRING="$1" [ "$#list" -eq 0 ] && echo "No matching directories" if [ "$#hotlist" -ge 1 ]; then typeset -a NLIST_NONSELECTABLE_ELEMENTS NLIST_HOP_INDEXES local tmp_list_size="$#list" NLIST_NONSELECTABLE_ELEMENTS=( $(( tmp_list_size+1 )) $(( tmp_list_size+2 )) ) list=( "$list[@]" "" $'\x1b[00;31m'"Hotlist"$'\x1b[00;00m': "$hotlist[@]" ) (( tmp_list_size+=3 )) local middle_hop=$(( (tmp_list_size+$#list) / 2 )) [[ "$middle_hop" -eq $tmp_list_size || "$middle_hop" -eq $#list ]] && middle_hop="" [ "$tmp_list_size" -eq $#list ] && tmp_list_size="" NLIST_HOP_INDEXES=( 1 $tmp_list_size $middle_hop $#list ) else [ "$#list" -eq 0 ] && return 1 fi n-list "${list[@]}" if [ "$REPLY" -gt 0 ]; then selected="$reply[REPLY]" selected="${selected/#\~/$HOME}" (( NCD_DONT_PUSHD )) && setopt NO_AUTO_PUSHD cd "$selected" (( NCD_DONT_PUSHD )) && setopt AUTO_PUSHD # ZLE? if [ "${(t)CURSOR}" = "integer-local-special" ]; then zle -M "You have selected $selected" else echo "You have selected $selected" fi else [ "${(t)CURSOR}" = "integer-local-special" ] && zle redisplay fi # vim: set filetype=zsh: