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feat(composer): add `cuh` alias for updating global packages (#6048)

Closes #6048
Raphael Stolt 7 years ago
2 changed files with 20 additions and 18 deletions
  1. 19 18
  2. 1 0

+ 19 - 18

@@ -14,21 +14,22 @@ Original author: Daniel Gomes <>
 ## Aliases
 ## Aliases
-| Alias  | Command                      | Description                                                                             |
-| ------ | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `c`    | `composer`                   | Starts composer                                                                         |
-| `ccp`  | `composer create-project`    | Create new project from an existing package                                             |
-| `cdo`  | `composer dump-autoload -o`  | Converts PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap for a faster autoloader (good for production)  |
-| `cdu`  | `composer dump-autoload`     | Updates the autoloader                                                                  |
-| `cget` | `curl -s <installer> \| php` | Installs composer in the current directory                                              |
-| `cgr`  | `composer global require`    | Allows require command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                |
-| `cgrm` | `composer global remove`     | Allows remove command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                 |
-| `cgu`  | `composer global update`     | Allows update command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                 |
-| `ci`   | `composer install`           | Resolves and installs dependencies from `composer.json`                                 |
-| `co`   | `composer outdated`          | Shows a list of installed packages with available updates                               |
-| `cod`  | `composer outdated --direct` | Shows a list of installed packages with available updates which are direct dependencies |
-| `cr`   | `composer require`           | Adds new packages to `composer.json`                                                    |
-| `crm`  | `composer remove`            | Removes packages from `composer.json`                                                   |
-| `cs`   | `composer show`              | Lists available packages, with optional filtering                                       |
-| `csu`  | `composer self-update`       | Updates composer to the latest version                                                  |
-| `cu`   | `composer update`            | Updates composer dependencies and `composer.lock` file                                  |
+| Alias  | Command                            | Description                                                                             |
+| ------ | ---------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `c`    | `composer`                         | Starts composer                                                                         |
+| `ccp`  | `composer create-project`          | Create new project from an existing package                                             |
+| `cdo`  | `composer dump-autoload -o`        | Converts PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap for a faster autoloader (good for production)  |
+| `cdu`  | `composer dump-autoload`           | Updates the autoloader                                                                  |
+| `cget` | `curl -s <installer> \| php`       | Installs composer in the current directory                                              |
+| `cgr`  | `composer global require`          | Allows require command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                |
+| `cgrm` | `composer global remove`           | Allows remove command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                 |
+| `cgu`  | `composer global update`           | Allows update command to run on COMPOSER_HOME directory                                 |
+| `ci`   | `composer install`                 | Resolves and installs dependencies from `composer.json`                                 |
+| `co`   | `composer outdated`                | Shows a list of installed packages with available updates                               |
+| `cod`  | `composer outdated --direct`       | Shows a list of installed packages with available updates which are direct dependencies |
+| `cr`   | `composer require`                 | Adds new packages to `composer.json`                                                    |
+| `crm`  | `composer remove`                  | Removes packages from `composer.json`                                                   |
+| `cs`   | `composer show`                    | Lists available packages, with optional filtering                                       |
+| `csu`  | `composer self-update`             | Updates composer to the latest version                                                  |
+| `cu`   | `composer update`                  | Updates composer dependencies and `composer.lock` file                                  |
+| `cuh`  | `composer update -d <config-home>` | Updates globally installed packages                                                     |

+ 1 - 0

@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ alias crm='composer remove'
 alias cs='composer show'
 alias cs='composer show'
 alias csu='composer self-update'
 alias csu='composer self-update'
 alias cu='composer update'
 alias cu='composer update'
+alias cuh='composer update --working-dir=$(composer config -g home)'
 ## If Composer not found, try to add known directories to $PATH
 ## If Composer not found, try to add known directories to $PATH