Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

Robby Russell 7 years ago

+ 15 - 18

@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 # fixme - the load process here seems a bit bizarre
+zmodload -i zsh/complist
 unsetopt menu_complete   # do not autoselect the first completion entry
 unsetopt flowcontrol
@@ -6,32 +9,26 @@ setopt auto_menu         # show completion menu on succesive tab press
 setopt complete_in_word
 setopt always_to_end
-zmodload -i zsh/complist
+# should this be in keybindings?
+bindkey -M menuselect '^o' accept-and-infer-next-history
+zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
-## case-insensitive (all),partial-word and then substring completion
-if [ "x$CASE_SENSITIVE" = "xtrue" ]; then
-  zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+# case insensitive (all), partial-word and substring completion
+if [[ "$CASE_SENSITIVE" = true ]]; then
+  zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
-  if [ "x$HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE" = "xtrue" ]; then
-    zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+  if [[ "$HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE" = true ]]; then
+    zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
-    zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+    zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
 zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
-# should this be in keybindings?
-bindkey -M menuselect '^o' accept-and-infer-next-history
-zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
 zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
-if [ "$OSTYPE[0,7]" = "solaris" ]
+if [[ "$OSTYPE" = solaris* ]]; then
   zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command "ps -u $USER -o pid,user,comm"
   zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command "ps -u $USER -o pid,user,comm -w -w"

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# `copybuffer` plugin
+This plugin binds the ctrl-o keyboard shortcut to a command that copies the text
+that is currently typed in the command line ($BUFFER) to the system clipboard.
+This is useful if you type a command - and before you hit enter to execute it - want
+to copy it maybe so you can paste it into a script, gist or whatnot.
+plugins=(... copybuffer)

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# copy the active line from the command line buffer 
+# onto the system clipboard (requires clipcopy plugin)
+copybuffer () {
+  if which clipcopy &>/dev/null; then
+    echo $BUFFER | clipcopy
+  else
+    echo "clipcopy function not found. Please make sure you have Oh My Zsh installed correctly."
+  fi
+zle -N copybuffer
+bindkey "^O" copybuffer

+ 8 - 5

@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ __docker_get_log_options() {
     journald_options=("env" "labels" "tag")
     json_file_options=("env" "labels" "max-file" "max-size")
     syslog_options=("env" "labels" "syslog-address" "syslog-facility" "syslog-format" "syslog-tls-ca-cert" "syslog-tls-cert" "syslog-tls-key" "syslog-tls-skip-verify" "tag")
-    splunk_options=("env" "labels" "splunk-caname" "splunk-capath" "splunk-format" "splunk-index" "splunk-insecureskipverify" "splunk-source" "splunk-sourcetype" "splunk-token" "splunk-url" "splunk-verify-connection" "tag")
+    splunk_options=("env" "labels" "splunk-caname" "splunk-capath" "splunk-format" "splunk-gzip" "splunk-gzip-level" "splunk-index" "splunk-insecureskipverify" "splunk-source" "splunk-sourcetype" "splunk-token" "splunk-url" "splunk-verify-connection" "tag")
     [[ $log_driver = (awslogs|all) ]] && _describe -t awslogs-options "awslogs options" awslogs_options "$@" && ret=0
     [[ $log_driver = (fluentd|all) ]] && _describe -t fluentd-options "fluentd options" fluentd_options "$@" && ret=0
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ __docker_complete_events_filter() {
                 local -a event_opts
                 event_opts=('attach' 'commit' 'connect' 'copy' 'create' 'delete' 'destroy' 'detach' 'die' 'disconnect' 'exec_create' 'exec_detach'
-                'exec_start' 'export' 'import' 'kill' 'load'  'mount' 'oom' 'pause' 'pull' 'push' 'reload' 'rename' 'resize' 'restart' 'save' 'start'
+                'exec_start' 'export' 'health_status' 'import' 'kill' 'load'  'mount' 'oom' 'pause' 'pull' 'push' 'reload' 'rename' 'resize' 'restart' 'save' 'start'
                 'stop' 'tag' 'top' 'unmount' 'unpause' 'untag' 'update')
                 _describe -t event-filter-opts "event filter options" event_opts && ret=0
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ __docker_node_commands() {
         "ls:List nodes in the swarm"
         "promote:Promote a node as manager in the swarm"
         "rm:Remove one or more nodes from the swarm"
-        "ps:List tasks running on a node"
+        "ps:List tasks running on a node, defaults to current node"
         "update:Update a node"
     _describe -t docker-node-commands "docker node command" _docker_node_subcommands
@@ -1083,6 +1083,7 @@ __docker_service_subcommand() {
         "($help)*--constraint=[Placement constraints]:constraint: "
         "($help)--endpoint-mode=[Placement constraints]:mode:(dnsrr vip)"
         "($help)*"{-e=,--env=}"[Set environment variables]:env: "
+        "($help)*--group-add=[Add additional user groups to the container]:group:_groups"
         "($help)*--label=[Service labels]:label: "
         "($help)--limit-cpu=[Limit CPUs]:value: "
         "($help)--limit-memory=[Limit Memory]:value: "
@@ -1177,6 +1178,7 @@ __docker_service_subcommand() {
                 "($help)--arg=[Service command args]:arguments: _normal" \
                 "($help)*--container-label-add=[Add or update container labels]:label: " \
                 "($help)*--container-label-rm=[Remove a container label by its key]:label: " \
+                "($help)*--group-rm=[Remove previously added user groups from the container]:group:_groups" \
                 "($help)--image=[Service image tag]:image:__docker_repositories" \
                 "($help -)1:service:__docker_complete_services" && ret=0
@@ -1658,7 +1660,8 @@ __docker_subcommand() {
                 $opts_help \
                 "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:__docker_complete_events_filter" \
                 "($help)--since=[Events created since this timestamp]:timestamp: " \
-                "($help)--until=[Events created until this timestamp]:timestamp: " && ret=0
+                "($help)--until=[Events created until this timestamp]:timestamp: " \
+                "($help)--format=[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " && ret=0
             local state
@@ -1701,7 +1704,7 @@ __docker_subcommand() {
                 "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Show all images]" \
                 "($help)--digests[Show digests]" \
                 "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \
-                "($help)--format[Pretty-print containers using a Go template]:template: " \
+                "($help)--format[Pretty-print images using a Go template]:template: " \
                 "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \
                 "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only show numeric IDs]" \
                 "($help -): :__docker_repositories" && ret=0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ alias gapa='git add --patch'
 alias gb='git branch'
 alias gba='git branch -a'
+alias gbd='git branch -d'
 alias gbda='git branch --no-color --merged | command grep -vE "^(\*|\s*(master|develop|dev)\s*$)" | command xargs -n 1 git branch -d'
 alias gbl='git blame -b -w'
 alias gbnm='git branch --no-merged'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function listMavenCompletions {
         gwt:browser gwt:clean gwt:compile gwt:compile-report gwt:css gwt:debug gwt:eclipse gwt:eclipseTest gwt:generateAsync gwt:help gwt:i18n gwt:mergewebxml gwt:resources gwt:run gwt:sdkInstall gwt:source-jar gwt:soyc gwt:test
         # options
-        -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -DskipITs -Dmaven.surefire.debug -DenableCiProfile -Dpmd.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dtycho.mode=maven -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
+        -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DskipTests -DskipITs -Dmaven.surefire.debug -DenableCiProfile -Dpmd.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dtycho.mode=maven -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -DgroupId= -DartifactId= -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=
         # arguments
         -am -amd -B -C -c -cpu -D -e -emp -ep -f -fae -ff -fn -gs -h -l -N -npr -npu -nsu -o -P -pl -q -rf -s -T -t -U -up -V -v -X

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+## NG Plugin
+This [ng plugin](
+ adds completion support for Angular's CLI (named ng).
+Ng is hosted on [ng home](
+It is used to generate Angular 2 app "stubs", build those apps, configure them,
+test them, lint them etc.
+Ahem, "stubs" is not what Angular engineers refer to the items ng can generate
+for you.
+"Stubs" can be any one of:
+- class
+- component
+- directive
+- enum
+- module
+- pipe
+- route
+- service
+At the moment, `ng completion` creates a very rough completion for Zsh and
+It is missing most of the options and a few arguments.
+In future, this plugin may be shortened to simply being
+eval `ng completion`
+There is hope this materialises in the 21st century.
+ - Carlo Dapor ([catull](

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ng_opts='addon asset-sizes b build completion d destroy doc e2e g generate get github-pages:deploy gh-pages:deploy h help i init install lint make-this-awesome new s serve server set t test v version -h --help'
+_ng_completion () {
+  local words cword opts
+  read -Ac words
+  read -cn cword
+  let cword-=1
+  case $words[cword] in
+    addon )
+      opts='-b --blueprint -d -dir --directory --dry-run -sb --skip-bower -sg --skip-git -sn --skip-npm -v --verbose'
+      ;;
+    asset-sizes )
+      opts='-o --output-path'
+      ;;
+    b | build )
+      opts='--environment --output-path --suppress-sizes --target --watch --watcher -dev -e -prod'
+      ;;
+    d | destroy )
+      opts='--dry-run --verbose --pod --classic --dummy --in-repo --in-repo-addon -d -v -p -c -dum -id -ir'
+      ;;
+    g | generate )
+      opts='class component directive enum module pipe route service --generate -d --dry-run --verbose -v --pod -p --classic -c --dummy -dum -id --in-repo --in-repo-addon -ir'
+      ;;
+    gh-pages:deploy | github-pages:deploy )
+      opts='--environment --gh-token --gh-username --skip-build --user-page --message'
+      ;;
+    h | help | -h | --help)
+      opts='--json --verbose -v'
+      ;;
+    init )
+      opts='--blueprint --dry-run --link-cli --mobile --name --prefix --skip-bower --skip-npm --source-dir --style --verbose -b -d -lc -n -p -sb -sd -sn -v'
+      ;;
+    new )
+      opts='--blueprint --directory --dry-run --link-cli --mobile --prefix --skip-bower --skip-git --skip-npm --source-dir --style --verbose -b -d -dir -lc -p -sb -sd -sg -sn -v'
+      ;;
+    s | serve | server )
+      opts='--environment --host --insecure-proxy --inspr --live-reload --live-reload-base-url --live-reload-host --live-reload-live-css --live-reload-port --output-path --port --proxy --ssl --ssl-cert --ssl-key --target --watcher -H -dev -e -lr -lrbu -lrh -lrp -op -out -p -pr -prod -pxy -t -w'
+      ;;
+    set )
+      opts='--global -g'
+      ;;
+    t | test )
+      opts='--browsers --colors --config-file --environment --filter --host --launch --log-level --module --path --port --query --reporter --server --silent --test-page --test-port --watch -H -c -cf -e -f -m -r -s -tp -w'
+      ;;
+    v | version )
+      opts='--verbose'
+      ;;
+    ng )
+      opts=$ng_opts
+      ;;
+    * )
+      opts=''
+      ;;
+  esac
+  setopt shwordsplit
+  reply=($opts)
+  unset shwordsplit
+compctl -K _ng_completion ng

+ 6 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ alias npmE='PATH="$(npm bin)":"$PATH"'
 # Check which npm modules are outdated
 alias npmO="npm outdated"
+# Check package versions
+alias npmV="npm -v"
+# List packages
+alias npmL="npm list"
 # Run npm start
 alias npmst="npm start"

+ 6 - 6

@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 ### Aliases
 # Set all files' permissions to 644 recursively in a directory
-alias set644='find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644'
+alias set644='find . -type f ! -perm 644 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644'
 # Set all directories' permissions to 755 recursively in a directory
-alias set755='find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755'
+alias set755='find . -type d ! -perm 755 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755'
 ### Functions
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ EOF
   if [[ $use_slow == true ]]; then
     # Process directories first so non-traversable ones are fixed as we go
-    find "$target" -type d -exec chmod $chmod_opts 755 {} \;
+    find "$target" -type d ! -perm 755 -exec chmod $chmod_opts 755 {} \;
     if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit_status=$?; fi
-    find "$target" -type f -exec chmod $chmod_opts 644 {} \;
+    find "$target" -type f ! -perm 644 -exec chmod $chmod_opts 644 {} \;
     if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit_status=$?; fi
-    find "$target" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod $chmod_opts 755
+    find "$target" -type d ! -perm 755 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod $chmod_opts 755
     if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit_status=$?; fi
-    find "$target" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod $chmod_opts 644
+    find "$target" -type f ! -perm 644 -print0 | xargs -0 chmod $chmod_opts 644
     if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit_status=$?; fi
   echo "Complete"

+ 1 - 0

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ alias -g RET='RAILS_ENV=test'
 # Rails aliases
 alias rc='rails console'
+alias rcs='rails console --sandbox'
 alias rd='rails destroy'
 alias rdb='rails dbconsole'
 alias rg='rails generate'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ plugins=(... xcode)
 ###  `xc`
-Opens the current directory in Xcode as an Xcode project. This will open one of the `.xcworkspace` and `.xcodeproj` files that it can find in the current working directory.
+Opens the current directory in Xcode as an Xcode project. This will open one of the `.xcworkspace` and `.xcodeproj` files that it can find in the current working directory. You can also specify a directory to look in for the Xcode files.
 Returns 1 if it didn't find any relevant files.
 ###  `simulator`

+ 11 - 2

@@ -7,10 +7,19 @@ alias xcsel='sudo xcode-select --switch'
 # source:
 function xc {
   local xcode_proj
-  xcode_proj=(*.{xcworkspace,xcodeproj}(N))
+  if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
+    xcode_proj=(*.{xcworkspace,xcodeproj}(N))
+  else
+    xcode_proj=($1/*.{xcworkspace,xcodeproj}(N))
+  fi
   if [[ ${#xcode_proj} -eq 0 ]]; then
-    echo "No xcworkspace/xcodeproj file found in the current directory."
+    if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
+      echo "No xcworkspace/xcodeproj file found in the current directory."
+    else
+      echo "No xcworkspace/xcodeproj file found in $1."
+    fi
     return 1
     echo "Found ${xcode_proj[1]}"

+ 24 - 1

@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ prompt_context() {
 # Git: branch/detached head, dirty status
 prompt_git() {
+  (( $+commands[git] )) || return
   () {
     local LC_ALL="" LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
@@ -127,6 +127,28 @@ prompt_git() {
+prompt_bzr() {
+    (( $+commands[bzr] )) || return
+    if (bzr status >/dev/null 2>&1); then
+        status_mod=`bzr status | head -n1 | grep "modified" | wc -m`
+        status_all=`bzr status | head -n1 | wc -m`
+        revision=`bzr log | head -n2 | tail -n1 | sed 's/^revno: //'`
+        if [[ $status_mod -gt 0 ]] ; then
+            prompt_segment yellow black
+            echo -n "bzr@"$revision "✚ "
+        else
+            if [[ $status_all -gt 0 ]] ; then
+                prompt_segment yellow black
+                echo -n "bzr@"$revision
+            else
+                prompt_segment green black
+                echo -n "bzr@"$revision
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
 prompt_hg() {
   (( $+commands[hg] )) || return
   local rev status
@@ -198,6 +220,7 @@ build_prompt() {
+  prompt_bzr

+ 1 - 7

@@ -41,10 +41,4 @@ PROMPT='
 ${smiley}  %{$reset_color%}'
-if [[ -d ~/.rvm ]] && [[ -e ~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt ]]; then
-    rvm_prompt='$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt)'
-    rvm_prompt=''
-RPROMPT='%{$fg[white]%} $rvm_prompt$(git_prompt)%{$reset_color%}'
+RPROMPT='%{$fg[white]%} $(ruby_prompt_info)$(git_prompt)%{$reset_color%}'