Browse Source

Pull in simplified version from @wkentaro

This version uses `git status --porcelain` instead of making
multiple calls to `git status`.
Marc Cornellà 8 years ago
1 changed files with 42 additions and 38 deletions
  1. 42 38

+ 42 - 38

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # change this symbol to whatever you prefer
 prehash = ':'
+import subprocess
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 import sys
@@ -13,53 +14,56 @@ branch, error = gitsym.communicate()
 error_string = error.decode('utf-8')
 if 'fatal: Not a git repository' in error_string:
-	sys.exit(0)
+    sys.exit(0)
 branch = branch.decode("utf-8").strip()[11:]
-res, err = Popen(['git','diff','--name-status'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
-err_string = err.decode('utf-8')
-if 'fatal' in err_string:
-	sys.exit(0)
-changed_files = [namestat[0] for namestat in res.decode("utf-8").splitlines()]
-staged_files = [namestat[0] for namestat in Popen(['git','diff', '--staged','--name-status'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()]
-nb_changed = len(changed_files) - changed_files.count('U')
-nb_U = staged_files.count('U')
-nb_staged = len(staged_files) - nb_U
-staged = str(nb_staged)
-conflicts = str(nb_U)
-changed = str(nb_changed)
-nb_untracked = len([0 for status in Popen(['git','status','--porcelain',],stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").splitlines() if status.startswith('??')])
-untracked = str(nb_untracked)
+# Get git status (staged, change, conflicts and untracked)
+    res = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'])
+except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+    sys.exit(0)
+status = [(st[0], st[1], st[2:]) for st in res.splitlines()]
+untracked, staged, changed, conflicts = [], [], [], []
+for st in status:
+    if st[0] == '?' and st[1] == '?':
+        untracked.append(st)
+    else:
+        if st[1] == 'M':
+            changed.append(st)
+        if st[0] == 'U':
+            conflicts.append(st)
+        elif st[0] != ' ':
+            staged.append(st)
 ahead, behind = 0,0
 if not branch: # not on any branch
-	branch = prehash + Popen(['git','rev-parse','--short','HEAD'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")[:-1]
+    branch = prehash + Popen(['git','rev-parse','--short','HEAD'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")[:-1]
-	remote_name = Popen(['git','config','branch.%s.remote' % branch], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()
-	if remote_name:
-		merge_name = Popen(['git','config','branch.%s.merge' % branch], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()
-		if remote_name == '.': # local
-			remote_ref = merge_name
-		else:
-			remote_ref = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (remote_name, merge_name[11:])
-		revgit = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '--left-right', '%s...HEAD' % remote_ref],stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
-		revlist = revgit.communicate()[0]
-		if revgit.poll(): # fallback to local
-			revlist = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '--left-right', '%s...HEAD' % merge_name],stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]
-		behead = revlist.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
-		ahead = len([x for x in behead if x[0]=='>'])
-		behind = len(behead) - ahead
+    remote_name = Popen(['git','config','branch.%s.remote' % branch], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()
+    if remote_name:
+        merge_name = Popen(['git','config','branch.%s.merge' % branch], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").strip()
+        if remote_name == '.': # local
+            remote_ref = merge_name
+        else:
+            remote_ref = 'refs/remotes/%s/%s' % (remote_name, merge_name[11:])
+        revgit = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '--left-right', '%s...HEAD' % remote_ref],stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        revlist = revgit.communicate()[0]
+        if revgit.poll(): # fallback to local
+            revlist = Popen(['git', 'rev-list', '--left-right', '%s...HEAD' % merge_name],stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        behead = revlist.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
+        ahead = len([x for x in behead if x[0]=='>'])
+        behind = len(behead) - ahead
 out = ' '.join([
-	branch,
-	str(ahead),
-	str(behind),
-	staged,
-	conflicts,
-	changed,
-	untracked,
-	])
+    branch,
+    str(ahead),
+    str(behind),
+    str(len(staged)),
+    str(len(conflicts)),
+    str(len(changed)),
+    str(len(untracked)),
 print(out, end='')