
feat(plugins): add `universalarchive` plugin to conveniently compress files (#6846)

Co-authored-by: Marc Cornellà <marc.cornella@live.com>
Konfekt 3 年之前

+ 46 - 0

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+# universalarchive plugin
+Lets you compress files by a command `ua <format> <files>`, supporting various
+compression formats (e.g. 7z, tar.gz, lzma, ...).
+To enable it, add `universalarchive` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
+plugins=(... universalarchive)
+## Usage
+Run `ua <format> <files>` to compress `<files>` into an archive file using `<format>`.
+For example:
+ua xz *.html
+this command will compress all `.html` files in directory `folder` into `folder.xz`.
+This plugin saves you from having to remember which command line arguments compress a file.
+## Supported compression formats
+| Extension        | Description                    |
+| `7z`             | 7zip file                      |
+| `bz2`            | Bzip2 file                     |
+| `gz`             | Gzip file                      |
+| `lzma`           | LZMA archive                   |
+| `lzo`            | LZO archive                    |
+| `rar`            | WinRAR archive                 |
+| `tar`            | Tarball                        |
+| `tbz`/`tar.bz2`  | Tarball with bzip2 compression |
+| `tgz`/`tar.gz`   | Tarball with gzip compression  |
+| `tlz`/`tar.lzma` | Tarball with lzma compression  |
+| `txz`/`tar.xz`   | Tarball with lzma2 compression |
+| `tZ`/`tar.Z`     | Tarball with LZW compression   |
+| `xz`             | LZMA2 archive                  |
+| `Z`              | Z archive (LZW)                |
+| `zip`            | Zip archive                    |
+| `zst`            | Zstd archive                   |
+See [list of archive formats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_archive_formats) for more information regarding the archive formats.

+ 6 - 0

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+#compdef ua
+_arguments \
+  "1:archive format:(7z bz2 gz lzma lzo rar tar tar.bz2 tar.gz tar.lzma tar.xz tar.Z tbz tgz tlz txz tZ xz Z zip zst)" \
+  "*:input files:_files" \
+&& return 0

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+function ua() {
+  local usage=\
+"Archive files and directories using a given compression algorithm.
+Usage:   $0 <format> <files>
+Example: $0 tbz PKGBUILD
+Supported archive formats are:
+7z, bz2, gz, lzma, lzo, rar, tar, tbz (tar.bz2), tgz (tar.gz),
+tlz (tar.lzma), txz (tar.xz), tZ (tar.Z), xz, Z, zip, and zst."
+  if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
+    echo >&2 "$usage"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  local ext="$1"
+  local input="$(realpath "$2")"
+  shift
+  if [[ ! -e "$input" ]]; then
+    echo >&2 "$input not found"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # generate output file name
+  local output
+  if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
+    output="$(basename "${input%/*}")"
+  elif [[ -f "$input" ]]; then
+    output="$(basename "${input%.[^.]*}")"
+  elif [[ -d "$input" ]]; then
+    output="$(basename "${input}")"
+  fi
+  # if output file exists, generate a random name
+  if [[ -f "${output}.${ext}" ]]; then
+    output=$(mktemp "${output}_XXX") && rm "$output" || return 1
+  fi
+  # add extension
+  output="${output}.${ext}"
+  # safety check
+  if [[ -f "$output" ]]; then
+    echo >&2 "output file '$output' already exists. Aborting"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  case "$ext" in
+    7z)           7z u                        "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    bz2)          bzip2 -vcf                  "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    gz)           gzip -vcf                   "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    lzma)         lzma -vc -T0                "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    lzo)          lzop -vc                    "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    rar)          rar a                       "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    tar)          tar -cvf                    "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    tbz|tar.bz2)  tar -cvjf                   "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    tgz|tar.gz)   tar -cvzf                   "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    tlz|tar.lzma) XZ_OPT=-T0 tar --lzma -cvf  "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    txz|tar.xz)   XZ_OPT=-T0 tar -cvJf        "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    tZ|tar.Z)     tar -cvZf                   "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    xz)           xz -vc -T0                  "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    Z)            compress -vcf               "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    zip)          zip -rull                   "${output}"   "${@}" ;;
+    zst)          zstd -c -T0                 "${@}" > "${output}" ;;
+    *) echo >&2 "$usage"; return 1 ;;
+  esac