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kubectl: add README (#7258)

Kayla Altepeter 5 years ago
2 changed files with 90 additions and 2 deletions
  1. 88 0
  2. 2 2

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Kubectl plugin
+This plugin adds completion for the [Kubernetes cluster manager](,
+as well as some aliases for common kubectl commands.
+To use it, add `kubectl` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
+plugins=(... kubectl)
+## Aliases
+| Alias   | Command                             | Description                                                                                      |
+| k       | `kubectl`                           | The kubectl command                                                                              |
+| kaf     | `kubectl apply -f`                  | Apply a YML file                                                                                 |
+| keti    | `kubectl exec -ti`                  | Drop into an interactive terminal on a container                                                 |
+|         |                                     | **Manage configuration quickly to switch contexts between local, dev and staging**               |
+| kcuc    | `kubectl config use-context`        | Set the current-context in a kubeconfig file                                                     |
+| kcsc    | `kubectl config set-context`        | Set a context entry in kubeconfig                                                                |
+| kcdc    | `kubectl config delete-context`     | Delete the specified context from the kubeconfig                                                 |
+| kccc    | `kubectl config current-context`    | Display the current-context                                                                      |
+|         |                                     | **General aliases**                                                                              |
+| kdel    | `kubectl delete`                    | Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector    |
+| kdelf   | `kubectl delete -f`                 | Delete a pod using the type and name specified in -f argument                                    |
+|         |                                     | **Pod management**                                                                               |
+| kgp     | `kubectl get pods`                  | List all pods in ps output format                                                                |
+| kgpw    | `kgp --watch`                       | After listing/getting the requested object, watch for changes                                    |
+| kgpwide | `kgp -o wide`                       | Output in plain-text format with any additional information. For pods, the node name is included |
+| kep     | `kubectl edit pods`                 | Edit pods from the default editor                                                                |
+| kdp     | `kubectl describe pods`             | Describe all pods                                                                                |
+| kdelp   | `kubectl delete pods`               | Delete all pods matching passed arguments                                                        |
+| kgpl    | `kgp -l`                            | Get pod by label. Example: `kgpl "app=myapp" -n myns`                                            |
+|         |                                     | **Service management**                                                                           |
+| kgs     | `kubectl get svc`                   | List all services in ps output format                                                            |
+| kgsw    | `kgs --watch`                       | After listing all services, watch for changes                                                    |
+| kgswide | `kgs -o wide`                       | After listing all services, output in plain-text format with any additional information          |
+| kes     | `kubectl edit svc`                  | Edit services(svc) from the default editor                                                       |
+| kds     | `kubectl describe svc`              | Describe all services in detail                                                                  |
+| kdels   | `kubectl delete svc`                | Delete all services matching passed argument                                                     |
+|         |                                     | **Ingress management**                                                                           |
+| kgi     | `kubectl get ingress`               | List ingress resources in ps output format                                                       |
+| kei     | `kubectl edit ingress`              | Edit ingress resource from the default editor                                                    |
+| kdi     | `kubectl describe ingress`          | Describe ingress resource in detail                                                              |
+| kdeli   | `kubectl delete ingress`            | Delete ingress resources matching passed argument                                                |
+|         |                                     | **Namespace management**                                                                         |
+| kgns    | `kubectl get namespaces`            | List the current namespaces in a cluster                                                         |
+| kens    | `kubectl edit namespace`            | Edit namespace resource from the default editor                                                  |
+| kdns    | `kubectl describe namespace`        | Describe namespace resource in detail                                                            |
+| kdelns  | `kubectl delete namespace`          | Delete the namespace. WARNING! This deletes everything in the namespace                          |
+|         |                                     | **ConfigMap management**                                                                         |
+| kgcm    | `kubectl get configmaps`            | List the configmaps in ps output format                                                          |
+| kecm    | `kubectl edit configmap`            | Edit configmap resource from the default editor                                                  |
+| kdcm    | `kubectl describe configmap`        | Describe configmap resource in detail                                                            |
+| kdelcm  | `kubectl delete configmap`          | Delete the configmap                                                                             |
+|         |                                     | **Secret management**                                                                            |
+| kgsec   | `kubectl get secret`                | Get secret for decoding                                                                          |
+| kdsec   | `kubectl describe secret`           | Describe secret resource in detail                                                               |
+| kdelsec | `kubectl delete secret`             | Delete the secret                                                                                |
+|         |                                     | **Deployment management**                                                                        |
+| kgd     | `kubectl get deployment`            | Get the deployment                                                                               |
+| kgdw    | `kgd --watch`                       | After getting the deployment, watch for changes                                                  |
+| kgdwide | `kgd -o wide`                       | After getting the deployment, output in plain-text format with any additional information        |
+| ked     | `kubectl edit deployment`           | Edit deployment resource from the default editor                                                 |
+| kdd     | `kubectl describe deployment`       | Describe deployment resource in detail                                                           |
+| kdeld   | `kubectl delete deployment`         | Delete the deployment                                                                            |
+| ksd     | `kubectl scale deployment`          | Scale a deployment                                                                               |
+| krsd    | `kubectl rollout status deployment` | Check the rollout status of a deployment                                                         |
+|         |                                     | **Rollout management**                                                                           |
+| kgrs    | `kubectl get rs`                    | To see the ReplicaSet `rs` created by the deployment                                             |
+| krh     | `kubectl rollout history`           | Check the revisions of this deployment                                                           |
+| kru     | `kubectl rollout undo`              | Rollback to the previous revision                                                                |
+|         |                                     | **Port forwarding**                                                                              |
+| kpf     | `kubectl port-forward`              | Forward one or more local ports to a pod                                                         |
+|         |                                     | **Tools for accessing all information**                                                          |
+| kga     | `kubectl get all`                   | List all resources in ps format                                                                  |
+| kgaa    | `kubectl get all --all-namespaces`  | List the requested object(s) across all namespaces                                               |
+|         |                                     | **Logs**                                                                                         |
+| kl      | `kubectl logs`                      | Print the logs for a container or resource                                                       |
+| klf     | `kubectl logs -f`                   | Stream the logs for a container or resource (follow)                                             |
+|         |                                     | **File copy**                                                                                    |
+| kcp     | `kubectl cp`                        | Copy files and directories to and from containers                                                |
+|         |                                     | **Node management**                                                                              |
+| kgno    | `kubectl get nodes`                 | List the nodes in ps output format                                                               |
+| keno    | `kubectl edit node`                 | Edit nodes resource from the default editor                                                      |
+| kdno    | `kubectl describe node`             | Describe node resource in detail                                                                 |
+| kdelno  | `kubectl delete node`               | Delete the node                                                                                  |

+ 2 - 2

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ alias kdp='kubectl describe pods'
 alias kdelp='kubectl delete pods'
 # get pod by label: kgpl "app=myapp" -n myns
-alias kgpl='function _kgpl(){ label=$1; shift; kgp -l $label $*; };_kgpl'
+alias kgpl='kgp -l'
 # Service management.
 alias kgs='kubectl get svc'
@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ alias kcp='kubectl cp'
 alias kgno='kubectl get nodes'
 alias keno='kubectl edit node'
 alias kdno='kubectl describe node'
-alias kdelno='kubectl delete node'
+alias kdelno='kubectl delete node'