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feat(shrink-path): add ability to toggle off path shrinking (#9794)

Marc Cornellà 2 years ago
2 changed files with 73 additions and 26 deletions
  1. 61 26
  2. 12 0

+ 61 - 26

@@ -1,43 +1,50 @@
-# A plugin to shrink directory paths for brevity and pretty-printing
+# shrink-path
+A plugin to shrink directory paths for brevity and pretty-printing.
+To use it, add `shrink-path` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
+plugins=(... shrink-path)
 ## Examples
 For this directory tree:
-    /home/
-      me/
-        f o o/     # The prefix f is ambiguous between "f o o" and "f i g".
-          bar/
-            quux/
-          biz/     # The prefix b is ambiguous between bar and biz.
-        f i g/
-          baz/
+  me/
+    f o o/     # The prefix f is ambiguous between "f o o" and "f i g".
+      bar/
+        quux/
+      biz/     # The prefix b is ambiguous between bar and biz.
+    f i g/
+      baz/
 here are the results of calling `shrink_path <option> /home/me/foo/bar/quux`:
-    Option        Result
-    <none>        /h/m/f o/ba/q
-    -l|--last     /h/m/f o/ba/q
-    -s|--short    /h/m/f/b/q
-    -t|--tilde    ~/f o/ba/q
-    -f|--fish     ~/f/b/quux
-    -g|--glob     /h*/m*/f o*/ba*/q*
-    -3            /hom/me/f o/bar/quu
-    -e '$' -3     /hom$/me/f o$/bar/quu$
-    -q            /h/m/f\ o/ba/q
-    -g -q         /h*/m*/f\ o*/ba*/q*
+Option        Result
+<none>        /h/m/f o/ba/q
+-l|--last     /h/m/f o/ba/q
+-s|--short    /h/m/f/b/q
+-t|--tilde    ~/f o/ba/q
+-f|--fish     ~/f/b/quux
+-g|--glob     /h*/m*/f o*/ba*/q*
+-3            /hom/me/f o/bar/quu
+-e '$' -3     /hom$/me/f o$/bar/quu$
+-q            /h/m/f\ o/ba/q
+-g -q         /h*/m*/f\ o*/ba*/q*
+-x            /home/me/foo/bar/quux
 ## Usage
 For a fish-style working directory in your command prompt, add the following to
 your theme or zshrc:
-    setopt prompt_subst
-    PS1='%n@%m $(shrink_path -f)>'
+setopt prompt_subst
+PS1='%n@%m $(shrink_path -f)>'
 The following options are available:
@@ -54,17 +61,45 @@ The following options are available:
                      ellipsis character(s) (defaulting to 1).
     -e SYMBOL        Postfix symbol(s) to indicate that a directory name had been truncated.
     -q, --quote      Quote special characters in the shrunk path
+    -x, --expand     Print the full path. This takes precedence over the other options
 The long options can also be set via zstyle, like
-    zstyle :prompt:shrink_path fish yes
+zstyle :prompt:shrink_path fish yes
 Note: Directory names containing two or more consecutive spaces are not yet
+## Trick: toggle shrinking with a keyboard shortcut
+You can use the `expand` option to disable the path shrinking. You can combine that
+with a key binding widget to toggle path shrinking on and off.
+# Toggle off path shrinking
+zstyle ':prompt:shrink_path' expand true
+# Toggle on path shrinking
+zstyle -d ':prompt:shrink_path' expand
+Combined with a widget:
+# Widget definition
+shrink-path-toggle() {
+  zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' expand \
+    && zstyle -d ':prompt:shrink_path' expand \
+    || zstyle ':prompt:shrink_path' expand true
+  zle reset-prompt
+zle -N shrink-path-toggle
+# Key binding to ALT+SHIFT+S
+bindkey "^[S" shrink-path-toggle
 ## License
 Copyright (C) 2008 by Daniel Friesel <derf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

+ 12 - 0

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ shrink_path () {
         typeset -i length=1
         typeset ellipsis=""
         typeset -i quote=0
+        typeset -i expand=0
         if zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' fish; then
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ shrink_path () {
         zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' tilde && tilde=1
         zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' glob && ellipsis='*'
         zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' quote && quote=1
+        zstyle -t ':prompt:shrink_path' expand && expand=1
         while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
                 case $1 in
@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@ shrink_path () {
                                 print '                 ellipsis character(s) (defaulting to 1).'
                                 print ' -e SYMBOL       Postfix symbol(s) to indicate that a directory name had been truncated.'
                                 print ' -q, --quote     Quote special characters in the shrunk path'
+                                print ' -x, --expand    Print the full path. This takes precedence over the other options'
+                                print ''
                                 print 'The long options can also be set via zstyle, like'
                                 print '  zstyle :prompt:shrink_path fish yes'
                                 return 0
@@ -109,6 +113,9 @@ shrink_path () {
+                        -x|--expand)
+                                expand=1
+                        ;;
@@ -120,6 +127,11 @@ shrink_path () {
         [[ -d $dir ]] || return 0
+        if (( expand )) {
+                echo "$dir"
+                return 0
+        }
         if (( named )) {
                 for part in ${(k)nameddirs}; {
                         [[ $dir == ${nameddirs[$part]}(/*|) ]] && dir=${dir/#${nameddirs[$part]}/\~$part}