/** * @Author HonorLee (dev@honorlee.me) * @Version 1.0 (2018-05-04) * @License MIT */ module.exports = { __construct:function(){ (global as any).H = function(healperName:string){ if(!healperName){ LOGGER.error('Helper name undefined!!'); return null; } healperName = healperName.toLowerCase(); const ext = healperName.includes('.js')?'':'.js'; let filePath = `${SYSTEM.PATH.Helper}/${healperName}${ext}` try{ FILE.statSync(filePath); return require(filePath); }catch(e:any){ if(e.code!='ENOENT'){ LOGGER.error('Load help file error:'); LOGGER.error(e.stack); return; } filePath = `${SYSTEM.PATH.CoreHelper}/${healperName}${ext}` try{ FILE.statSync(filePath); return require(filePath); }catch(e:any){ if(e.code!='ENOENT'){ LOGGER.error('Load help file error:'); LOGGER.error(e.stack); }else{ LOGGER.error('No such helper ['+healperName+'],please check the helper file name,all letter must be lowercase'); } return null; } } } } }