/* native_midi: Hardware Midi support for the SDL_mixer library Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Florian 'Proff' Schulze This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Florian 'Proff' Schulze florian.proff.schulze@gmx.net */ #include "SDL.h" /* everything below is currently one very big bad hack ;) Proff */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "native_midi.h" #include "native_midi_common.h" struct _NativeMidiSong { int MusicLoaded; int MusicPlaying; MIDIHDR MidiStreamHdr; MIDIEVENT *NewEvents; Uint16 ppqn; int Size; int NewPos; }; static UINT MidiDevice=MIDI_MAPPER; static HMIDISTRM hMidiStream; static NativeMidiSong *currentsong; static int BlockOut(NativeMidiSong *song) { MMRESULT err; int BlockSize; if ((song->MusicLoaded) && (song->NewEvents)) { // proff 12/8/98: Added for savety midiOutUnprepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hMidiStream,&song->MidiStreamHdr,sizeof(MIDIHDR)); if (song->NewPos>=song->Size) return 0; BlockSize=(song->Size-song->NewPos); if (BlockSize<=0) return 0; if (BlockSize>36000) BlockSize=36000; song->MidiStreamHdr.lpData=(void *)((unsigned char *)song->NewEvents+song->NewPos); song->NewPos+=BlockSize; song->MidiStreamHdr.dwBufferLength=BlockSize; song->MidiStreamHdr.dwBytesRecorded=BlockSize; song->MidiStreamHdr.dwFlags=0; err=midiOutPrepareHeader((HMIDIOUT)hMidiStream,&song->MidiStreamHdr,sizeof(MIDIHDR)); if (err!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR) return 0; err=midiStreamOut(hMidiStream,&song->MidiStreamHdr,sizeof(MIDIHDR)); return 0; } return 1; } static void MIDItoStream(NativeMidiSong *song, MIDIEvent *evntlist) { int eventcount; MIDIEvent *event; MIDIEVENT *newevent; eventcount=0; event=evntlist; while (event) { eventcount++; event=event->next; } song->NewEvents=malloc(eventcount*3*sizeof(DWORD)); if (!song->NewEvents) return; memset(song->NewEvents,0,(eventcount*3*sizeof(DWORD))); eventcount=0; event=evntlist; newevent=song->NewEvents; while (event) { int status = (event->status&0xF0)>>4; switch (status) { case MIDI_STATUS_NOTE_OFF: case MIDI_STATUS_NOTE_ON: case MIDI_STATUS_AFTERTOUCH: case MIDI_STATUS_CONTROLLER: case MIDI_STATUS_PROG_CHANGE: case MIDI_STATUS_PRESSURE: case MIDI_STATUS_PITCH_WHEEL: newevent->dwDeltaTime=event->time; newevent->dwEvent=(event->status|0x80)|(event->data[0]<<8)|(event->data[1]<<16)|(MEVT_SHORTMSG<<24); newevent=(MIDIEVENT*)((char*)newevent+(3*sizeof(DWORD))); eventcount++; break; case MIDI_STATUS_SYSEX: if (event->status == 0xFF && event->data[0] == 0x51) /* Tempo change */ { int tempo = (event->extraData[0] << 16) | (event->extraData[1] << 8) | event->extraData[2]; newevent->dwDeltaTime=event->time; newevent->dwEvent=(MEVT_TEMPO<<24) | tempo; newevent=(MIDIEVENT*)((char*)newevent+(3*sizeof(DWORD))); eventcount++; } break; } event=event->next; } song->Size=eventcount*3*sizeof(DWORD); { int time; int temptime; song->NewPos=0; time=0; newevent=song->NewEvents; while (song->NewPosSize) { temptime=newevent->dwDeltaTime; newevent->dwDeltaTime-=time; time=temptime; if ((song->NewPos+12)>=song->Size) newevent->dwEvent |= MEVT_F_CALLBACK; newevent=(MIDIEVENT*)((char*)newevent+(3*sizeof(DWORD))); song->NewPos+=12; } } song->NewPos=0; song->MusicLoaded=1; } void CALLBACK MidiProc( HMIDIIN hMidi, UINT uMsg, unsigned long dwInstance, unsigned long dwParam1, unsigned long dwParam2 ) { switch( uMsg ) { case MOM_DONE: if ((currentsong->MusicLoaded) && (dwParam1 == (unsigned long)¤tsong->MidiStreamHdr)) BlockOut(currentsong); break; case MOM_POSITIONCB: if ((currentsong->MusicLoaded) && (dwParam1 == (unsigned long)¤tsong->MidiStreamHdr)) currentsong->MusicPlaying=0; break; default: break; } } int native_midi_detect() { MMRESULT merr; HMIDISTRM MidiStream; merr=midiStreamOpen(&MidiStream,&MidiDevice,(DWORD)1,(unsigned long)MidiProc,(unsigned long)0,CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (merr!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR) return 0; midiStreamClose(MidiStream); return 1; } NativeMidiSong *native_midi_loadsong(const char *midifile) { NativeMidiSong *newsong; MIDIEvent *evntlist = NULL; SDL_RWops *rw; newsong=malloc(sizeof(NativeMidiSong)); if (!newsong) return NULL; memset(newsong,0,sizeof(NativeMidiSong)); /* Attempt to load the midi file */ rw = SDL_RWFromFile(midifile, "rb"); if (rw) { evntlist = CreateMIDIEventList(rw, &newsong->ppqn); SDL_RWclose(rw); if (!evntlist) { free(newsong); return NULL; } } MIDItoStream(newsong, evntlist); FreeMIDIEventList(evntlist); return newsong; } NativeMidiSong *native_midi_loadsong_RW(SDL_RWops *rw) { NativeMidiSong *newsong; MIDIEvent *evntlist = NULL; newsong=malloc(sizeof(NativeMidiSong)); if (!newsong) return NULL; memset(newsong,0,sizeof(NativeMidiSong)); /* Attempt to load the midi file */ evntlist = CreateMIDIEventList(rw, &newsong->ppqn); if (!evntlist) { free(newsong); return NULL; } MIDItoStream(newsong, evntlist); FreeMIDIEventList(evntlist); return newsong; } void native_midi_freesong(NativeMidiSong *song) { if (hMidiStream) { midiStreamStop(hMidiStream); midiStreamClose(hMidiStream); } if (song) { if (song->NewEvents) free(song->NewEvents); free(song); } } void native_midi_start(NativeMidiSong *song) { MMRESULT merr; MIDIPROPTIMEDIV mptd; native_midi_stop(); if (!hMidiStream) { merr=midiStreamOpen(&hMidiStream,&MidiDevice,1,(DWORD)&MidiProc,0,CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (merr!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { hMidiStream=0; return; } //midiStreamStop(hMidiStream); currentsong=song; currentsong->NewPos=0; currentsong->MusicPlaying=1; mptd.cbStruct=sizeof(MIDIPROPTIMEDIV); mptd.dwTimeDiv=currentsong->ppqn; merr=midiStreamProperty(hMidiStream,(LPBYTE)&mptd,MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV); BlockOut(song); merr=midiStreamRestart(hMidiStream); } } void native_midi_stop() { if (!hMidiStream) return; midiStreamStop(hMidiStream); midiStreamClose(hMidiStream); currentsong=NULL; hMidiStream = 0; } int native_midi_active() { return currentsong->MusicPlaying; } void native_midi_setvolume(int volume) { int calcVolume; if (volume > 128) volume = 128; if (volume < 0) volume = 0; calcVolume = (65535 * volume / 128); midiOutSetVolume((HMIDIOUT)hMidiStream, MAKELONG(calcVolume , calcVolume)); } const char *native_midi_error(void) { return ""; }