/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 3; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009, Wei Mingzhi . // All rights reserved. // // Based on PALx Project by palxex. // Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Pal Lockheart . // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include "main.h" BOOL g_fScriptSuccess = TRUE; static int g_iCurEquipPart = -1; static BOOL PAL_NPCWalkTo( WORD wEventObjectID, INT x, INT y, INT h, INT iSpeed ) /*++ Purpose: Make the specified event object walk to the map position specified by (x, y, h) at the speed of iSpeed. Parameters: [IN] wEventObjectID - the event object to move. [IN] x - Column number of the tile. [IN] y - Line number in the map. [IN] h - Each line in the map has two lines of tiles, 0 and 1. (See map.h for details.) [IN] iSpeed - the speed to move. Return value: TRUE if the event object has successfully moved to the specified position, FALSE if still need more moving. --*/ { LPEVENTOBJECT pEvtObj; int xOffset, yOffset; pEvtObj = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]); xOffset = (x * 32 + h * 16) - pEvtObj->x; yOffset = (y * 16 + h * 8) - pEvtObj->y; if (yOffset < 0) { pEvtObj->wDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirWest : kDirNorth); } else { pEvtObj->wDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirSouth: kDirEast); } if (abs(xOffset) < iSpeed * 2 || abs(yOffset) < iSpeed * 2) { pEvtObj->x = x * 32 + h * 16; pEvtObj->y = y * 16 + h * 8; } else { PAL_NPCWalkOneStep(wEventObjectID, iSpeed); } if (pEvtObj->x == x * 32 + h * 16 && pEvtObj->y == y * 16 + h * 8) { pEvtObj->wCurrentFrameNum = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static VOID PAL_PartyWalkTo( INT x, INT y, INT h, INT iSpeed ) /*++ Purpose: Make the party walk to the map position specified by (x, y, h) at the speed of iSpeed. Parameters: [IN] x - Column number of the tile. [IN] y - Line number in the map. [IN] h - Each line in the map has two lines of tiles, 0 and 1. (See map.h for details.) [IN] iSpeed - the speed to move. Return value: None. --*/ { int xOffset, yOffset, i, dx, dy; DWORD t; xOffset = x * 32 + h * 16 - PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); yOffset = y * 16 + h * 8 - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); t = 0; while (xOffset != 0 || yOffset != 0) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); while (SDL_GetTicks() <= t) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); SDL_Delay(1); } t = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; // // Store trail // for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { gpGlobals->rgTrail[i + 1] = gpGlobals->rgTrail[i]; } gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].wDirection = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection; gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); if (yOffset < 0) { gpGlobals->wPartyDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirWest : kDirNorth); } else { gpGlobals->wPartyDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirSouth: kDirEast); } dx = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); dy = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); if (abs(xOffset) <= iSpeed * 2) { dx += xOffset; } else { dx += iSpeed * (xOffset < 0 ? -2 : 2); } if (abs(yOffset) <= iSpeed) { dy += yOffset; } else { dy += iSpeed * (yOffset < 0 ? -1 : 1); } // // Move the viewport // gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(dx, dy); PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(TRUE); PAL_GameUpdate(FALSE); PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); xOffset = x * 32 + h * 16 - PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); yOffset = y * 16 + h * 8 - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); } PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(FALSE); } static VOID PAL_PartyRideEventObject( WORD wEventObjectID, INT x, INT y, INT h, INT iSpeed ) /*++ Purpose: Move the party to the specified position, riding the specified event object. Parameters: [IN] wEventObjectID - the event object to be ridden. [IN] x - Column number of the tile. [IN] y - Line number in the map. [IN] h - Each line in the map has two lines of tiles, 0 and 1. (See map.h for details.) [IN] iSpeed - the speed to move. Return value: TRUE if the party and event object has successfully moved to the specified position, FALSE if still need more moving. --*/ { int xOffset, yOffset, dx, dy, i; DWORD t; LPEVENTOBJECT p; p = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]); xOffset = x * 32 + h * 16 - PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); yOffset = y * 16 + h * 8 - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); t = 0; while (xOffset != 0 || yOffset != 0) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); while (SDL_GetTicks() <= t) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); SDL_Delay(1); } t = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; if (yOffset < 0) { gpGlobals->wPartyDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirWest : kDirNorth); } else { gpGlobals->wPartyDirection = ((xOffset < 0) ? kDirSouth: kDirEast); } if (abs(xOffset) > iSpeed * 2) { dx = iSpeed * (xOffset < 0 ? -2 : 2); } else { dx = xOffset; } if (abs(yOffset) > iSpeed) { dy = iSpeed * (yOffset < 0 ? -1 : 1); } else { dy = yOffset; } // // Store trail // for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { gpGlobals->rgTrail[i + 1] = gpGlobals->rgTrail[i]; } gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].wDirection = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection; gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + dx + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + dy + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); // // Move the viewport // gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + dx, PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + dy); p->x += dx; p->y += dy; PAL_GameUpdate(FALSE); PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); xOffset = x * 32 + h * 16 - PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); yOffset = y * 16 + h * 8 - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); } } static VOID PAL_MonsterChasePlayer( WORD wEventObjectID, WORD wSpeed, WORD wChaseRange, BOOL fFloating ) /*++ Purpose: Make the specified event object chase the players. Parameters: [IN] wEventObjectID - the event object ID of the monster. [IN] wSpeed - the speed of chasing. [IN] wChaseRange - sensitive range of the monster. [IN] fFloating - TRUE if monster is floating (i.e., ignore the obstacles) Return value: None. --*/ { LPEVENTOBJECT pEvtObj = &gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]; WORD wMonsterSpeed = 0, prevx, prevy; int x, y, i, j, l; if (gpGlobals->wChaseRange != 0) { x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset) - pEvtObj->x; y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset) - pEvtObj->y; if (x == 0) { x = RandomLong(0, 1) ? -1 : 1; } if (y == 0) { y = RandomLong(0, 1) ? -1 : 1; } prevx = pEvtObj->x; prevy = pEvtObj->y; i = prevx % 32; j = prevy % 16; prevx /= 32; prevy /= 16; l = 0; if (i + j * 2 >= 16) { if (i + j * 2 >= 48) { prevx++; prevy++; } else if (32 - i + j * 2 < 16) { prevx++; } else if (32 - i + j * 2 < 48) { l = 1; } else { prevy++; } } prevx = prevx * 32 + l * 16; prevy = prevy * 16 + l * 8; // // Is the party near to the event object? // if (abs(x) + abs(y) * 2 < wChaseRange * 32 * gpGlobals->wChaseRange) { if (x < 0) { if (y < 0) { pEvtObj->wDirection = kDirWest; } else { pEvtObj->wDirection = kDirSouth; } } else { if (y < 0) { pEvtObj->wDirection = kDirNorth; } else { pEvtObj->wDirection = kDirEast; } } if (x != 0) { x = pEvtObj->x + x / abs(x) * 16; } else { x = pEvtObj->x; } if (y != 0) { y = pEvtObj->y + y / abs(y) * 8; } else { y = pEvtObj->y; } if (fFloating) { wMonsterSpeed = wSpeed; } else { if (!PAL_CheckObstacle(PAL_XY(x, y), TRUE, wEventObjectID)) { wMonsterSpeed = wSpeed; } else { pEvtObj->x = prevx; pEvtObj->y = prevy; } for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) { switch (l) { case 0: pEvtObj->x -= 4; pEvtObj->y += 2; break; case 1: pEvtObj->x -= 4; pEvtObj->y -= 2; break; case 2: pEvtObj->x += 4; pEvtObj->y -= 2; break; case 3: pEvtObj->x += 4; pEvtObj->y += 2; break; } if (PAL_CheckObstacle(PAL_XY(pEvtObj->x, pEvtObj->y), FALSE, 0)) { pEvtObj->x = prevx; pEvtObj->y = prevy; } } } } } PAL_NPCWalkOneStep(wEventObjectID, wMonsterSpeed); } static VOID PAL_AdditionalCredits( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the additional credits. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { LPCSTR rgszStrings[] = { "SDLPAL (http://sdlpal.codeplex.com/)", #ifdef PAL_CLASSIC " (\xB8\x67\xA8\xE5\xAF\x53\xA7\x4F\xBD\x67 " __DATE__ ")", #else " (" __DATE__ ")", #endif " ", " (c) 2009-2014, Wei Mingzhi", " .", #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__ " Symbian S60 \xB2\xBE\xB4\xD3 (c) 2009, netwan.", #endif #ifdef GPH " GPH Caanoo & Wiz \xB2\xBE\xB4\xD3 (c) 2011, Rikku2000.", #endif #ifdef GEKKO " Nintendo WII \xB2\xBE\xB4\xD3 (c) 2012, Rikku2000.", #endif #ifdef DINGOO " DINGOO & Dingux \xB2\xBE\xB4\xD3 (c) 2011, Rikku2000.", #endif " ", "\xA5\xBB\xB5\x7B\xA6\xA1\xAC\x4F\xA6\xDB\xA5\xD1\xB3\x6E\xC5\xE9\xA1\x41\xAB\xF6\xB7\xD3" " GNU General", "Public License (GPLv3) \xB5\x6F\xA7\x47", " ", " ...\xAB\xF6 Enter \xB5\xB2\xA7\xF4", "" }; int i = 0; #ifdef PAL_WIN95 extern BOOL fIsBig5; fIsBig5 = TRUE; #endif PAL_DrawOpeningMenuBackground(); while (rgszStrings[i][0] != '\0') { PAL_DrawText(rgszStrings[i], PAL_XY(25, 20 + i * 16), DESCTEXT_COLOR, TRUE, FALSE); i++; } PAL_SetPalette(0, FALSE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); PAL_WaitForKey(0); } static WORD PAL_InterpretInstruction( WORD wScriptEntry, WORD wEventObjectID ) /*++ Purpose: Interpret and execute one instruction in the script. Parameters: [IN] wScriptEntry - The script entry to execute. [IN] wEventObjectID - The event object ID which invoked the script. Return value: The address of the next script instruction to execute. --*/ { LPEVENTOBJECT pEvtObj, pCurrent; LPSCRIPTENTRY pScript; int iPlayerRole, i, j, x, y; WORD w, wCurEventObjectID; pScript = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgScriptEntry[wScriptEntry]); if (wEventObjectID != 0) { pEvtObj = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]); } else { pEvtObj = NULL; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 0 || pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 0xFFFF) { pCurrent = pEvtObj; wCurEventObjectID = wEventObjectID; } else { i = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; if (i > 0x9000) { // HACK for Dream 2.11 to avoid crash i -= 0x9000; } pCurrent = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[i]); wCurEventObjectID = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] < MAX_PLAYABLE_PLAYER_ROLES) { iPlayerRole = gpGlobals->rgParty[pScript->rgwOperand[0]].wPlayerRole; } else { iPlayerRole = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].wPlayerRole; } switch (pScript->wOperation) { case 0x000B: case 0x000C: case 0x000D: case 0x000E: // // walk one step // pEvtObj->wDirection = pScript->wOperation - 0x000B; PAL_NPCWalkOneStep(wEventObjectID, 2); break; case 0x000F: // // Set the direction and/or gesture for event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0xFFFF) { pEvtObj->wDirection = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0xFFFF) { pEvtObj->wCurrentFrameNum = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x0010: // // Walk straight to the specified position // if (!PAL_NPCWalkTo(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 3)) { wScriptEntry--; } break; case 0x0011: // // Walk straight to the specified position, at a lower speed // if ((wEventObjectID & 1) ^ (gpGlobals->dwFrameNum & 1)) { if (!PAL_NPCWalkTo(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 2)) { wScriptEntry--; } } else { wScriptEntry--; } break; case 0x0012: // // Set the position of the event object, relative to the party // pCurrent->x = pScript->rgwOperand[1] + PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); pCurrent->y = pScript->rgwOperand[2] + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); break; case 0x0013: // // Set the position of the event object // pCurrent->x = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; pCurrent->y = pScript->rgwOperand[2]; break; case 0x0014: // // Set the gesture of the event object // pEvtObj->wCurrentFrameNum = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; pEvtObj->wDirection = kDirSouth; break; case 0x0015: // // Set the direction and gesture for a party member // gpGlobals->wPartyDirection = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; gpGlobals->rgParty[pScript->rgwOperand[2]].wFrame = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection * 3 + pScript->rgwOperand[1]; break; case 0x0016: // // Set the direction and gesture for an event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0) { pCurrent->wDirection = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; pCurrent->wCurrentFrameNum = pScript->rgwOperand[2]; } break; case 0x0017: // // set the player's extra attribute // { WORD *p; i = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 0xB; p = (WORD *)(&gpGlobals->rgEquipmentEffect[i]); // HACKHACK p[pScript->rgwOperand[1] * MAX_PLAYER_ROLES + wEventObjectID] = (SHORT)pScript->rgwOperand[2]; } break; case 0x0018: // // Equip the selected item // i = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 0x0B; g_iCurEquipPart = i; // // The wEventObjectID parameter here should indicate the player role // PAL_RemoveEquipmentEffect(wEventObjectID, i); if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][wEventObjectID] != pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { w = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][wEventObjectID]; gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][wEventObjectID] = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; PAL_AddItemToInventory(pScript->rgwOperand[1], -1); if (w != 0) { PAL_AddItemToInventory(w, 1); } gpGlobals->wLastUnequippedItem = w; } break; case 0x0019: // // Increase/decrease the player's attribute // { WORD *p = (WORD *)(&gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles); // HACKHACK if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] == 0) { iPlayerRole = wEventObjectID; } else { iPlayerRole = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } p[pScript->rgwOperand[0] * MAX_PLAYER_ROLES + iPlayerRole] += (SHORT)pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x001A: // // Set player's stat // { WORD *p = (WORD *)(&gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles); // HACKHACK if (g_iCurEquipPart != -1) { // // In the progress of equipping items // p = (WORD *)&(gpGlobals->rgEquipmentEffect[g_iCurEquipPart]); } if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] == 0) { // // Apply to the current player. The wEventObjectID should // indicate the player role. // iPlayerRole = wEventObjectID; } else { iPlayerRole = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } p[pScript->rgwOperand[0] * MAX_PLAYER_ROLES + iPlayerRole] = (SHORT)pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x001B: // // Increase/decrease player's HP // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; PAL_IncreaseHPMP(w, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]), 0); } } else { // // Apply to one player. The wEventObjectID parameter should indicate the player role. // if (!PAL_IncreaseHPMP(wEventObjectID, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]), 0)) { g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } } break; case 0x001C: // // Increase/decrease player's MP // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; PAL_IncreaseHPMP(w, 0, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])); } } else { // // Apply to one player. The wEventObjectID parameter should indicate the player role. // if (!PAL_IncreaseHPMP(wEventObjectID, 0, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]))) { g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } } break; case 0x001D: // // Increase/decrease player's HP and MP // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; PAL_IncreaseHPMP(w, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]), (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])); } } else { // // Apply to one player. The wEventObjectID parameter should indicate the player role. // if (!PAL_IncreaseHPMP(wEventObjectID, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]), (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]))) { g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } } break; case 0x001E: // // Increase or decrease cash by the specified amount // if ((SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]) < 0 && gpGlobals->dwCash < (WORD)(-(SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]))) { // // not enough cash // wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } else { gpGlobals->dwCash += (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); } break; case 0x001F: // // Add item to inventory // PAL_AddItemToInventory(pScript->rgwOperand[0], (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])); break; case 0x0020: // // Remove item from inventory // if (!PAL_AddItemToInventory(pScript->rgwOperand[0], -((pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) ? 1 : pScript->rgwOperand[1]))) { // // Try removing equipped item // x = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; if (x == 0) { x = 1; } for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; for (j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; j++) { if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[j][w] == pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { PAL_RemoveEquipmentEffect(w, j); gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[j][w] = 0; if (--x == 0) { i = 9999; break; } } } } if (x > 0 && pScript->rgwOperand[2] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } } break; case 0x0021: // // Inflict damage to the enemy // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Inflict damage to all enemies // for (i = 0;i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID != 0) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].e.wHealth -= pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } } } else { // // Inflict damage to one enemy // g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth -= pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x0022: // // Revive player // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] == 0) { gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[w] * pScript->rgwOperand[1] / 10; PAL_CurePoisonByLevel(w, 3); for (x = 0; x < kStatusAll; x++) { PAL_RemovePlayerStatus(w, x); } g_fScriptSuccess = TRUE; } } } else { // // Apply to one player // if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[wEventObjectID] == 0) { gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[wEventObjectID] = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[wEventObjectID] * pScript->rgwOperand[1] / 10; PAL_CurePoisonByLevel(wEventObjectID, 3); for (x = 0; x < kStatusAll; x++) { PAL_RemovePlayerStatus(wEventObjectID, x); } } else { g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } } break; case 0x0023: // // Remove equipment from the specified player // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) { // // Remove all equipments // for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; i++) { w = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][iPlayerRole]; if (w != 0) { PAL_AddItemToInventory(w, 1); gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][iPlayerRole] = 0; } PAL_RemoveEquipmentEffect(iPlayerRole, i); } } else { w = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1][iPlayerRole]; if (w != 0) { PAL_RemoveEquipmentEffect(iPlayerRole, pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1); PAL_AddItemToInventory(w, 1); gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1][iPlayerRole] = 0; } } break; case 0x0024: // // Set the autoscript entry address for an event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0) { pCurrent->wAutoScript = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x0025: // // Set the trigger script entry address for an event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0) { pCurrent->wTriggerScript = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x0026: // // Show the buy item menu // PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); PAL_BuyMenu(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0027: // // Show the sell item menu // PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); PAL_SellMenu(); break; case 0x0028: // // Apply poison to enemy // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID; if (w == 0) { continue; } if (RandomLong(0, 9) >= gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wResistanceToSorcery) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { break; } } if (j >= MAX_POISONS) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == 0) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonScript = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[1]].poison.wEnemyScript, wEventObjectID); break; } } } } } } else { // // Apply to one enemy // w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID; if (RandomLong(0, 9) >= gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wResistanceToSorcery) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { break; } } if (j >= MAX_POISONS) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == 0) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonScript = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[1]].poison.wEnemyScript, wEventObjectID); break; } } } } } break; case 0x0029: // // Apply poison to player // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to everyone // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; if (RandomLong(1, 100) > PAL_GetPlayerPoisonResistance(w)) { PAL_AddPoisonForPlayer(w, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } } } else { // // Apply to one player // if (RandomLong(1, 100) > PAL_GetPlayerPoisonResistance(wEventObjectID)) { PAL_AddPoisonForPlayer(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } } break; case 0x002A: // // Cure poison by object ID for enemy // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Apply to all enemies // for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == 0) { continue; } for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID = 0; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonScript = 0; break; } } } } else { // // Apply to one enemy // for (j = 0; j < MAX_POISONS; j++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID == pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonID = 0; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[j].wPoisonScript = 0; break; } } } break; case 0x002B: // // Cure poison by object ID for player // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; PAL_CurePoisonByKind(w, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } } else { PAL_CurePoisonByKind(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } break; case 0x002C: // // Cure poisons by level // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; PAL_CurePoisonByLevel(w, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } } else { PAL_CurePoisonByLevel(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } break; case 0x002D: // // Set the status for player // PAL_SetPlayerStatus(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x002E: // // Set the status for enemy // w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID; #ifdef PAL_CLASSIC i = 9; #else i = ((pScript->rgwOperand[0] == kStatusSlow) ? 14 : 9); #endif if (RandomLong(0, i) >= gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wResistanceToSorcery && g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[pScript->rgwOperand[0]] == 0) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[pScript->rgwOperand[0]] = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } else { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } break; case 0x002F: // // Remove player's status // PAL_RemovePlayerStatus(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0030: // // Increase player's stat temporarily by percent // { WORD *p = (WORD *)(&gpGlobals->rgEquipmentEffect[kBodyPartExtra]); // HACKHACK WORD *p1 = (WORD *)(&gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles); if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] == 0) { iPlayerRole = wEventObjectID; } else { iPlayerRole = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } p[pScript->rgwOperand[0] * MAX_PLAYER_ROLES + iPlayerRole] = p1[pScript->rgwOperand[0] * MAX_PLAYER_ROLES + iPlayerRole] * (SHORT)pScript->rgwOperand[1] / 100; } break; case 0x0031: // // Change battle sprite temporarily for player // gpGlobals->rgEquipmentEffect[kBodyPartExtra].rgwSpriteNumInBattle[wEventObjectID] = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; break; case 0x0033: // // collect the enemy for items // if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wCollectValue != 0) { gpGlobals->wCollectValue += g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wCollectValue; } else { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } break; case 0x0034: // // Transform collected enemies into items // if (gpGlobals->wCollectValue > 0) { char s[256]; #ifdef PAL_CLASSIC i = RandomLong(1, gpGlobals->wCollectValue); if (i > 9) { i = 9; } #else i = RandomLong(1, 9); if (i > gpGlobals->wCollectValue) { i = gpGlobals->wCollectValue; } #endif gpGlobals->wCollectValue -= i; i--; PAL_AddItemToInventory(gpGlobals->g.lprgStore[0].rgwItems[i], 1); PAL_StartDialog(kDialogCenterWindow, 0, 0, FALSE); strcpy(s, PAL_GetWord(42)); strcat(s, PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.lprgStore[0].rgwItems[i])); PAL_ShowDialogText(s); } else { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } break; case 0x0035: // // Shake the screen // i = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; if (i == 0) { i = 4; } VIDEO_ShakeScreen(pScript->rgwOperand[0], i); if (!pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); } break; case 0x0036: // // Set the current playing RNG animation // gpGlobals->iCurPlayingRNG = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; break; case 0x0037: // // Play RNG animation // PAL_RNGPlay(gpGlobals->iCurPlayingRNG, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1] > 0 ? pScript->rgwOperand[1] : 999, pScript->rgwOperand[2] > 0 ? pScript->rgwOperand[2] : 16); break; case 0x0038: // // Teleport the party out of the scene // if (!gpGlobals->fInBattle && gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wScriptOnTeleport != 0) { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wScriptOnTeleport = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wScriptOnTeleport, 0xFFFF); } else { // // failed // g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } break; case 0x0039: // // Drain HP from enemy // w = gpGlobals->rgParty[g_Battle.wMovingPlayerIndex].wPlayerRole; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth -= pScript->rgwOperand[0]; gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] += pScript->rgwOperand[0]; if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] > gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[w]) { gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[w]; } break; case 0x003A: // // Player flee from the battle // if (g_Battle.fIsBoss) { // // Cannot flee from bosses // wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } else { PAL_BattlePlayerEscape(); } break; case 0x003F: // // Ride the event object to the specified position, at a low speed // PAL_PartyRideEventObject(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 2); break; case 0x0040: // // set the trigger method for a event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0) { pCurrent->wTriggerMode = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x0041: // // Mark the script as failed // g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; break; case 0x0042: // // Simulate a magic for player // i = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[2]) - 1; if (i < 0) { i = wEventObjectID; } PAL_BattleSimulateMagic(i, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x0043: // // Set background music // gpGlobals->wNumMusic = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; PAL_PlayMUS(pScript->rgwOperand[0], (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0x3D), pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x0044: // // Ride the event object to the specified position, at the normal speed // PAL_PartyRideEventObject(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 4); break; case 0x0045: // // Set battle music // gpGlobals->wNumBattleMusic = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; break; case 0x0046: // // Set the party position on the map // { int xOffset, yOffset, x, y; xOffset = ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirSouth) ? 16 : -16); yOffset = ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirNorth) ? 8 : -8); x = pScript->rgwOperand[0] * 32 + pScript->rgwOperand[2] * 16; y = pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 16 + pScript->rgwOperand[2] * 8; x -= PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); y -= PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(x, y); x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYABLE_PLAYER_ROLES; i++) { gpGlobals->rgParty[i].x = x; gpGlobals->rgParty[i].y = y; gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].x = x + PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].y = y + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].wDirection = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection; x += xOffset; y += yOffset; } } break; case 0x0047: // // Play sound effect // SOUND_Play(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0049: // // Set the state of event object // pCurrent->sState = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; break; case 0x004A: // // Set the current battlefield // gpGlobals->wNumBattleField = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; break; case 0x004B: // // Nullify the event object for a short while // pEvtObj->sVanishTime = -15; break; case 0x004C: // // chase the player // i = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; // max. distance j = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; // speed if (i == 0) { i = 8; } if (j == 0) { j = 4; } PAL_MonsterChasePlayer(wEventObjectID, j, i, pScript->rgwOperand[2]); break; case 0x004D: // // wait for any key // PAL_WaitForKey(0); break; case 0x004E: // // Load the last saved game // PAL_FadeOut(1); PAL_InitGameData(gpGlobals->bCurrentSaveSlot); return 0; // don't go further case 0x004F: // // Fade the screen to red color (game over) // PAL_FadeToRed(); break; case 0x0050: // // screen fade out // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); PAL_FadeOut(pScript->rgwOperand[0] ? pScript->rgwOperand[0] : 1); gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn = TRUE; break; case 0x0051: // // screen fade in // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); PAL_FadeIn(gpGlobals->wNumPalette, gpGlobals->fNightPalette, ((SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]) > 0) ? pScript->rgwOperand[0] : 1); gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn = FALSE; break; case 0x0052: // // hide the event object for a while, default 800 frames // pEvtObj->sState *= -1; pEvtObj->sVanishTime = (pScript->rgwOperand[0] ? pScript->rgwOperand[0] : 800); break; case 0x0053: // // use the day palette // gpGlobals->fNightPalette = FALSE; break; case 0x0054: // // use the night palette // gpGlobals->fNightPalette = TRUE; break; case 0x0055: // // Add magic to a player // i = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; if (i == 0) { i = wEventObjectID; } else { i--; } PAL_AddMagic(i, pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0056: // // Remove magic from a player // i = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; if (i == 0) { i = wEventObjectID; } else { i--; } PAL_RemoveMagic(i, pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0057: // // Set the base damage of magic according to MP value // i = ((pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) ? 8 : pScript->rgwOperand[1]); j = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[0]].magic.wMagicNumber; gpGlobals->g.lprgMagic[j].wBaseDamage = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[wEventObjectID] * i; gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[wEventObjectID] = 0; break; case 0x0058: // // Jump if there is less than the specified number of the specified items // in the inventory // if (PAL_GetItemAmount(pScript->rgwOperand[0]) < (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } break; case 0x0059: // // Change to the specified scene // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] > 0 && pScript->rgwOperand[0] <= MAX_SCENES && gpGlobals->wNumScene != pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // Set data to load the scene in the next frame // gpGlobals->wNumScene = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; PAL_SetLoadFlags(kLoadScene); gpGlobals->fEnteringScene = TRUE; gpGlobals->wLayer = 0; } break; case 0x005A: // // Halve the player's HP // The wEventObjectID parameter here should indicate the player role // gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[wEventObjectID] /= 2; break; case 0x005B: // // Halve the enemy's HP // w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth / 2 + 1; if (w > pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { w = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth -= w; break; case 0x005C: // // Hide for a while // g_Battle.iHidingTime = -(INT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x005D: // // Jump if player doesn't have the specified poison // if (!PAL_IsPlayerPoisonedByKind(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0])) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } break; case 0x005E: // // Jump if enemy doesn't have the specified poison // for (i = 0; i < MAX_POISONS; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgPoisons[i].wPoisonID == pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { break; } } if (i >= MAX_POISONS) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } break; case 0x005F: // // Kill the player immediately // The wEventObjectID parameter here should indicate the player role // gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[wEventObjectID] = 0; break; case 0x0060: // // Immediate KO of the enemy // g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth = 0; break; case 0x0061: // // Jump if player is not poisoned // if (!PAL_IsPlayerPoisonedByLevel(wEventObjectID, 1)) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } break; case 0x0062: // // Pause enemy chasing for a while // gpGlobals->wChasespeedChangeCycles = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; gpGlobals->wChaseRange = 0; break; case 0x0063: // // Speed up enemy chasing for a while // gpGlobals->wChasespeedChangeCycles = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; gpGlobals->wChaseRange = 3; break; case 0x0064: // // Jump if enemy's HP is more than the specified percentage // i = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID].enemy.wEnemyID; if ((INT)(g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth) * 100 > (INT)(gpGlobals->g.lprgEnemy[i].wHealth) * pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } break; case 0x0065: // // Set the player's sprite // gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwSpriteNum[pScript->rgwOperand[0]] = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; if (!gpGlobals->fInBattle && pScript->rgwOperand[2]) { PAL_SetLoadFlags(kLoadPlayerSprite); PAL_LoadResources(); } break; case 0x0066: // // Throw weapon to enemy // w = pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 5; w += gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwAttackStrength[gpGlobals->rgParty[g_Battle.wMovingPlayerIndex].wPlayerRole]; w += RandomLong(0, 4); PAL_BattleSimulateMagic((SHORT)wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], w); break; case 0x0067: // // Enemy use magic // g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wMagic = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wMagicRate = ((pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) ? 10 : pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x0068: // // Jump if it's enemy's turn // if (g_Battle.fEnemyMoving) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; } break; case 0x0069: // // Enemy escape in battle // PAL_BattleEnemyEscape(); break; case 0x006A: // // Steal from the enemy // PAL_BattleStealFromEnemy(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x006B: // // Blow away enemies // g_Battle.iBlow = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x006C: // // Walk the NPC in one step // pCurrent->x += (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); pCurrent->y += (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[2]); PAL_NPCWalkOneStep(wCurEventObjectID, 0); break; case 0x006D: // // Set the enter script and teleport script for a scene // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { if (pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wScriptOnEnter = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[2]) { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wScriptOnTeleport = pScript->rgwOperand[2]; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0 && pScript->rgwOperand[2] == 0) { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wScriptOnEnter = 0; gpGlobals->g.rgScene[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wScriptOnTeleport = 0; } } break; case 0x006E: // // Move the player to the specified position in one step // for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { gpGlobals->rgTrail[i + 1] = gpGlobals->rgTrail[i]; } gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].wDirection = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection; gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); gpGlobals->rgTrail[0].y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY( PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]), PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])); gpGlobals->wLayer = pScript->rgwOperand[2] * 8; if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0 || pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0) { PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(TRUE); } break; case 0x006F: // // Sync the state of current event object with another event object // if (pCurrent->sState == (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])) { pEvtObj->sState = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } break; case 0x0070: // // Walk the party to the specified position // PAL_PartyWalkTo(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 2); break; case 0x0071: // // Wave the screen // gpGlobals->wScreenWave = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; gpGlobals->sWaveProgression = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x0073: // // Fade the screen to scene // VIDEO_BackupScreen(); PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_FadeScreen(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x0074: // // Jump if not all players are full HP // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[w] < gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[w]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; break; } } break; case 0x0075: // // Set the player party // gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pScript->rgwOperand[i] != 0) { gpGlobals->rgParty[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex].wPlayerRole = pScript->rgwOperand[i] - 1; g_Battle.rgPlayer[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex].action.ActionType = kBattleActionAttack; gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex++; } } if (gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex == 0) { // HACK for Dream 2.11 gpGlobals->rgParty[0].wPlayerRole = 0; gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex = 1; } gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex--; // // Reload the player sprites // PAL_SetLoadFlags(kLoadPlayerSprite); PAL_LoadResources(); memset(gpGlobals->rgPoisonStatus, 0, sizeof(gpGlobals->rgPoisonStatus)); PAL_UpdateEquipments(); break; case 0x0076: // // Show FBP picture // #ifdef PAL_WIN95 SDL_FillRect(gpScreen, NULL, 0); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); #else PAL_EndingSetEffectSprite(0); PAL_ShowFBP(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1]); #endif break; case 0x0077: // // Stop current playing music // PAL_PlayMUS(0, FALSE, (pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 0) ? 2.0f : (FLOAT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]) * 2); gpGlobals->wNumMusic = 0; break; case 0x0078: // // FIXME: ??? // break; case 0x0079: // // Jump if the specified player is in the party // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole] == pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; break; } } break; case 0x007A: // // Walk the party to the specified position, at a higher speed // PAL_PartyWalkTo(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 4); break; case 0x007B: // // Walk the party to the specified position, at the highest speed // PAL_PartyWalkTo(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 8); break; case 0x007C: // // Walk straight to the specified position // if ((wEventObjectID & 1) ^ (gpGlobals->dwFrameNum & 1)) { if (!PAL_NPCWalkTo(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 4)) { wScriptEntry--; } } else { wScriptEntry--; } break; case 0x007D: // // Move the event object // pCurrent->x += (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); pCurrent->y += (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[2]); break; case 0x007E: // // Set the layer of event object // pCurrent->sLayer = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); break; case 0x007F: // // Move the viewport // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 0 && pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) { // // Move the viewport back to normal state // x = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].x - 160; y = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].y - 112; gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + x, PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + y); gpGlobals->partyoffset = PAL_XY(160, 112); for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { gpGlobals->rgParty[i].x -= x; gpGlobals->rgParty[i].y -= y; } if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] != 0xFFFF) { PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); } } else { DWORD time; i = 0; x = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]); y = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); time = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; do { if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] == 0xFFFF) { x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(pScript->rgwOperand[0] * 32 - 160, pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 16 - 112); x -= PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); y -= PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); for (j = 0; j <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; j++) { gpGlobals->rgParty[j].x += x; gpGlobals->rgParty[j].y += y; } } else { gpGlobals->viewport = PAL_XY(PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + x, PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + y); gpGlobals->partyoffset = PAL_XY(PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset) - x, PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset) - y); for (j = 0; j <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; j++) { gpGlobals->rgParty[j].x -= x; gpGlobals->rgParty[j].y -= y; } } if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] != 0xFFFF) { PAL_GameUpdate(FALSE); } PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); // // Delay for one frame // PAL_ProcessEvent(); while (SDL_GetTicks() < time) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); SDL_Delay(1); } time = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; } while (++i < (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[2])); } break; case 0x0080: // // Toggle day/night palette // gpGlobals->fNightPalette = !(gpGlobals->fNightPalette); PAL_PaletteFade(gpGlobals->wNumPalette, gpGlobals->fNightPalette, !(pScript->rgwOperand[0])); break; case 0x0081: // // Jump if the player is not facing the specified event object // { if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] <= gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wEventObjectIndex || pScript->rgwOperand[0] > gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene].wEventObjectIndex) { // // The event object is not in the current scene // wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; break; } x = pCurrent->x; y = pCurrent->y; x += ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirSouth) ? 16 : -16); y += ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirNorth) ? 8 : -8); x -= PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); y -= PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); if (abs(x) + abs(y * 2) < pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 32 + 16) { if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] > 0) { // // Change the trigger mode so that the object can be triggered in next frame // pCurrent->wTriggerMode = kTriggerTouchNormal + pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } } else { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } } break; case 0x0082: // // Walk straight to the specified position, at a high speed // if (!PAL_NPCWalkTo(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 8)) { wScriptEntry--; } break; case 0x0083: // // Jump if event object is not in the specified zone of the current event object // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] <= gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wEventObjectIndex || pScript->rgwOperand[0] > gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene].wEventObjectIndex) { // // The event object is not in the current scene // wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; break; } x = pEvtObj->x - pCurrent->x; y = pEvtObj->y - pCurrent->y; if (abs(x) + abs(y * 2) >= pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 32 + 16) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } break; case 0x0084: // // Place the item which player used as an event object to the scene // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] <= gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wEventObjectIndex || pScript->rgwOperand[0] > gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene].wEventObjectIndex) { // // The event object is not in the current scene // wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; break; } x = PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_X(gpGlobals->partyoffset); y = PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport) + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->partyoffset); x += ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirSouth) ? -16 : 16); y += ((gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirWest || gpGlobals->wPartyDirection == kDirNorth) ? -8 : 8); if (PAL_CheckObstacle(PAL_XY(x, y), FALSE, 0)) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; g_fScriptSuccess = FALSE; } else { pCurrent->x = x; pCurrent->y = y; pCurrent->sState = (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } break; case 0x0085: // // Delay for a period // UTIL_Delay(pScript->rgwOperand[0] * 80); break; case 0x0086: // // Jump if the specified item is not equipped // y = FALSE; for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; for (x = 0; x < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; x++) { if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[x][w] == pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { y = TRUE; i = 999; break; } } } if (!y) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } break; case 0x0087: // // Animate the event object // PAL_NPCWalkOneStep(wCurEventObjectID, 0); break; case 0x0088: // // Set the base damage of magic according to amount of money // i = ((gpGlobals->dwCash > 5000) ? 5000 : gpGlobals->dwCash); gpGlobals->dwCash -= i; j = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[0]].magic.wMagicNumber; gpGlobals->g.lprgMagic[j].wBaseDamage = i * 2 / 5; break; case 0x0089: // // Set the battle result // g_Battle.BattleResult = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; break; case 0x008A: // // Enable Auto-Battle for next battle // gpGlobals->fAutoBattle = TRUE; break; case 0x008B: // // change the current palette // gpGlobals->wNumPalette = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; if (!gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn) { PAL_SetPalette(gpGlobals->wNumPalette, FALSE); } break; case 0x008C: // // Fade from/to color // PAL_ColorFade(pScript->rgwOperand[1], (BYTE)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]), pScript->rgwOperand[2]); gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn = FALSE; break; case 0x008D: // // Increase player's level // PAL_PlayerLevelUp(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0]); break; case 0x008F: // // Halve the cash amount // gpGlobals->dwCash /= 2; break; case 0x0090: // // Set the object script // gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[0]].rgwData[2 + pScript->rgwOperand[2]] = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; break; case 0x0091: // // Jump if the enemy is not alone // if (gpGlobals->fInBattle) { for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (i != wEventObjectID && g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1; break; } } } break; case 0x0092: // // Show a magic-casting animation for a player in battle // if (gpGlobals->fInBattle) { if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] != 0) { PAL_BattleShowPlayerPreMagicAnim(pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1, FALSE); g_Battle.rgPlayer[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wCurrentFrame = 6; } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; j++) { g_Battle.rgPlayer[j].iColorShift = i * 2; } PAL_BattleDelay(1, 0, TRUE); } PAL_BattleBackupScene(); PAL_BattleUpdateFighters(); PAL_BattleMakeScene(); PAL_BattleFadeScene(); } break; case 0x0093: // // Fade the screen. Update scene in the process. // PAL_SceneFade(gpGlobals->wNumPalette, gpGlobals->fNightPalette, (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0])); gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn = ((SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[0]) < 0); break; case 0x0094: // // Jump if the state of event object is the specified one // if (pCurrent->sState == (SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1])) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } break; case 0x0095: // // Jump if the current scene is the specified one // if (gpGlobals->wNumScene == pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } break; case 0x0096: // // Show the ending animation // #ifndef PAL_WIN95 PAL_EndingAnimation(); #endif break; case 0x0097: // // Ride the event object to the specified position, at a higher speed // PAL_PartyRideEventObject(wEventObjectID, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], 8); break; case 0x0098: // // Set follower of the party // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] > 0) { gpGlobals->nFollower = 1; gpGlobals->rgParty[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex + 1].wPlayerRole = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; PAL_SetLoadFlags(kLoadPlayerSprite); PAL_LoadResources(); // // Update the position and gesture for the follower // gpGlobals->rgParty[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex + 1].x = gpGlobals->rgTrail[3].x - PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->rgParty[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex + 1].y = gpGlobals->rgTrail[3].y - PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->rgParty[gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex + 1].wFrame = gpGlobals->rgTrail[3].wDirection * 3; } else { gpGlobals->nFollower = 0; } break; case 0x0099: // // Change the map for the specified scene // if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 0xFFFF) { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[gpGlobals->wNumScene - 1].wMapNum = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; PAL_SetLoadFlags(kLoadScene); PAL_LoadResources(); } else { gpGlobals->g.rgScene[pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1].wMapNum = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } break; case 0x009A: // // Set the state for multiple event objects // for (i = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; i <= pScript->rgwOperand[1]; i++) { gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[i - 1].sState = pScript->rgwOperand[2]; } break; case 0x009B: // // Fade to the current scene // FIXME: This is obviously wrong // VIDEO_BackupScreen(); PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_FadeScreen(2); break; case 0x009C: // // Enemy duplicate itself // w = 0; for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID != 0) { w++; } } if (w != 1) { // // Duplication is only possible when only 1 enemy left // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1] - 1; } break; } w = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; if (w == 0) { w = 1; } for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (w > 0 && g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == 0) { w--; memset(&(g_Battle.rgEnemy[i]), 0, sizeof(BATTLEENEMY)); g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].e = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnTurnStart = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wScriptOnTurnStart; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnBattleEnd = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wScriptOnBattleEnd; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnReady = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wScriptOnReady; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].state = kFighterWait; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].flTimeMeter = 50; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].iColorShift = 0; } } PAL_LoadBattleSprites(); for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == 0) { continue; } g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].pos = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].pos; } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; j++) { x = (PAL_X(g_Battle.rgEnemy[j].pos) + PAL_X(g_Battle.rgEnemy[j].posOriginal)) / 2; y = (PAL_Y(g_Battle.rgEnemy[j].pos) + PAL_Y(g_Battle.rgEnemy[j].posOriginal)) / 2; g_Battle.rgEnemy[j].pos = PAL_XY(x, y); } PAL_BattleDelay(1, 0, TRUE); } PAL_BattleUpdateFighters(); PAL_BattleDelay(1, 0, TRUE); break; case 0x009E: // // Enemy summons another monster // x = 0; w = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; y = (((SHORT)(pScript->rgwOperand[1]) <= 0) ? 1 : (SHORT)pScript->rgwOperand[1]); if (w == 0 || w == 0xFFFF) { w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID; } for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == 0) { x++; } } if (x < y || g_Battle.iHidingTime > 0 || g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusSleep] != 0 || g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusParalyzed] != 0 || g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusConfused] != 0) { if (pScript->rgwOperand[2] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2] - 1; } } else { for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { if (g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID == 0) { memset(&(g_Battle.rgEnemy[i]), 0, sizeof(BATTLEENEMY)); g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wObjectID = w; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].e = gpGlobals->g.lprgEnemy[gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wEnemyID]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].state = kFighterWait; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnTurnStart = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wScriptOnTurnStart; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnBattleEnd = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wScriptOnBattleEnd; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].wScriptOnReady = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].enemy.wScriptOnReady; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].flTimeMeter = 50; g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].iColorShift = 8; y--; if (y <= 0) { break; } } } PAL_BattleDelay(2, 0, TRUE); PAL_BattleBackupScene(); PAL_LoadBattleSprites(); PAL_BattleMakeScene(); SOUND_Play(212); PAL_BattleFadeScene(); for (i = 0; i <= g_Battle.wMaxEnemyIndex; i++) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[i].iColorShift = 0; } PAL_BattleBackupScene(); PAL_BattleMakeScene(); PAL_BattleFadeScene(); } break; case 0x009F: // // Enemy transforms into something else // if (g_Battle.iHidingTime <= 0 && g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusSleep] == 0 && g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusParalyzed] == 0 && g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].rgwStatus[kStatusConfused] == 0) { w = g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wObjectID = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e = gpGlobals->g.lprgEnemy[gpGlobals->g.rgObject[pScript->rgwOperand[0]].enemy.wEnemyID]; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].e.wHealth = w; g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].wCurrentFrame = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].iColorShift = i; PAL_BattleDelay(1, 0, FALSE); } g_Battle.rgEnemy[wEventObjectID].iColorShift = 0; PAL_BattleBackupScene(); PAL_LoadBattleSprites(); PAL_BattleMakeScene(); PAL_BattleFadeScene(); } break; case 0x00A0: // // Quit game // #ifdef PAL_WIN95 PAL_EndingScreen(); #endif PAL_AdditionalCredits(); PAL_Shutdown(); exit(0); break; case 0x00A1: // // Set the positions of all party members to the same as the first one // for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYABLE_PLAYER_ROLES; i++) { gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].wDirection = gpGlobals->wPartyDirection; gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].x = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].x + PAL_X(gpGlobals->viewport); gpGlobals->rgTrail[i].y = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].y + PAL_Y(gpGlobals->viewport); } for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { gpGlobals->rgParty[i].x = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].x; gpGlobals->rgParty[i].y = gpGlobals->rgParty[0].y - 1; } PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(FALSE); break; case 0x00A2: // // Jump to one of the following instructions randomly // wScriptEntry += RandomLong(0, pScript->rgwOperand[0] - 1); break; case 0x00A3: // // Play CD music. Use the RIX music for fallback. // if (!SOUND_PlayCDA(pScript->rgwOperand[0])) { PAL_PlayMUS(pScript->rgwOperand[1], TRUE, 0); } break; case 0x00A4: // // Scroll FBP to the screen // #ifndef PAL_WIN95 if (pScript->rgwOperand[0] == 68) { // // HACKHACK: to make the ending picture show correctly // PAL_ShowFBP(69, 0); PAL_ScrollFBP(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[2], TRUE); } else { PAL_ScrollFBP(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[2], pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } #endif break; case 0x00A5: // // Show FBP picture with sprite effects // #ifndef PAL_WIN95 if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0xFFFF) { PAL_EndingSetEffectSprite(pScript->rgwOperand[1]); } PAL_ShowFBP(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[2]); #endif break; case 0x00A6: // // backup screen // VIDEO_BackupScreen(); break; default: TerminateOnError("SCRIPT: Invalid Instruction at %4x: (%4x - %4x, %4x, %4x)", wScriptEntry, pScript->wOperation, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2]); break; } return wScriptEntry + 1; } WORD PAL_RunTriggerScript( WORD wScriptEntry, WORD wEventObjectID ) /*++ Purpose: Runs a trigger script. Parameters: [IN] wScriptEntry - The script entry to execute. [IN] wEventObjectID - The event object ID which invoked the script. Return value: The entry point of the script. --*/ { static WORD wLastEventObject = 0; WORD wNextScriptEntry; BOOL fEnded; LPSCRIPTENTRY pScript; LPEVENTOBJECT pEvtObj = NULL; int i; extern BOOL g_fUpdatedInBattle; // HACKHACK wNextScriptEntry = wScriptEntry; fEnded = FALSE; g_fUpdatedInBattle = FALSE; if (wEventObjectID == 0xFFFF) { wEventObjectID = wLastEventObject; } wLastEventObject = wEventObjectID; if (wEventObjectID != 0) { pEvtObj = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]); } g_fScriptSuccess = TRUE; // // Set the default dialog speed. // PAL_DialogSetDelayTime(3); while (wScriptEntry != 0 && !fEnded) { pScript = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgScriptEntry[wScriptEntry]); UTIL_WriteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "[SCRIPT] %.4x: %.4x %.4x %.4x %.4x\n", wScriptEntry, pScript->wOperation, pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[2], pScript->rgwOperand[3]); switch (pScript->wOperation) { case 0x0000: // // Stop running // fEnded = TRUE; break; case 0x0001: // // Stop running and replace the entry with the next line // fEnded = TRUE; wNextScriptEntry = wScriptEntry + 1; break; case 0x0002: // // Stop running and replace the entry with the specified one // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0 || ++(pEvtObj->nScriptIdleFrame) < pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { fEnded = TRUE; wNextScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } else { // // failed // pEvtObj->nScriptIdleFrame = 0; wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0003: // // unconditional jump // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0 || ++(pEvtObj->nScriptIdleFrame) < pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } else { // // failed // pEvtObj->nScriptIdleFrame = 0; wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0004: // // Call script // PAL_RunTriggerScript(pScript->rgwOperand[0], ((pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) ? wEventObjectID : pScript->rgwOperand[1])); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x0005: // // Redraw screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); if (PAL_DialogIsPlayingRNG()) { VIDEO_RestoreScreen(); } else if (gpGlobals->fInBattle) { PAL_BattleMakeScene(); SDL_BlitSurface(g_Battle.lpSceneBuf, NULL, gpScreen, NULL); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); } else { if (pScript->rgwOperand[2]) { PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(FALSE); } PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); UTIL_Delay((pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0) ? 60 : (pScript->rgwOperand[1] * 60)); } wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x0006: // // Jump to the specified address by the specified rate // if (RandomLong(1, 100) >= pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; continue; } else { wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0007: // // Start battle // i = PAL_StartBattle(pScript->rgwOperand[0], !pScript->rgwOperand[2]); if (i == kBattleResultLost && pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; } else if (i == kBattleResultFleed && pScript->rgwOperand[2] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[2]; } else { wScriptEntry++; } gpGlobals->fAutoBattle = FALSE; break; case 0x0008: // // Replace the entry with the next instruction // wScriptEntry++; wNextScriptEntry = wScriptEntry; break; case 0x0009: // // wait for the specified number of frames // { DWORD time; PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); time = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; for (i = 0; i < (pScript->rgwOperand[0] ? pScript->rgwOperand[0] : 1); i++) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); while (SDL_GetTicks() < time) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); SDL_Delay(1); } time = SDL_GetTicks() + FRAME_TIME; if (pScript->rgwOperand[2]) { PAL_UpdatePartyGestures(FALSE); } PAL_GameUpdate(pScript->rgwOperand[1] ? TRUE : FALSE); PAL_MakeScene(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); } } wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x000A: // // Goto the specified address if player selected no // PAL_ClearDialog(FALSE); if (!PAL_ConfirmMenu()) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } else { wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x003B: // // Show dialog in the middle part of the screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); PAL_StartDialog(kDialogCenter, (BYTE)pScript->rgwOperand[0], 0, pScript->rgwOperand[2] ? TRUE : FALSE); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x003C: // // Show dialog in the upper part of the screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); PAL_StartDialog(kDialogUpper, (BYTE)pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[2] ? TRUE : FALSE); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x003D: // // Show dialog in the lower part of the screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); PAL_StartDialog(kDialogLower, (BYTE)pScript->rgwOperand[1], pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[2] ? TRUE : FALSE); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x003E: // // Show text in a window at the center of the screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); PAL_StartDialog(kDialogCenterWindow, (BYTE)pScript->rgwOperand[0], 0, FALSE); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x008E: // // Restore the screen // PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); VIDEO_RestoreScreen(); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0xFFFF: // // Print dialog text // PAL_ShowDialogText(PAL_GetMsg(pScript->rgwOperand[0])); wScriptEntry++; break; default: PAL_ClearDialog(TRUE); wScriptEntry = PAL_InterpretInstruction(wScriptEntry, wEventObjectID); break; } } PAL_EndDialog(); g_iCurEquipPart = -1; return wNextScriptEntry; } WORD PAL_RunAutoScript( WORD wScriptEntry, WORD wEventObjectID ) /*++ Purpose: Runs the autoscript of the specified event object. Parameters: [IN] wScriptEntry - The script entry to execute. [IN] wEventObjectID - The event object ID which invoked the script. Return value: The address of the next script instruction to execute. --*/ { LPSCRIPTENTRY pScript; LPEVENTOBJECT pEvtObj; #ifdef PAL_WIN95 int iDescLine = 0; #endif begin: pScript = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgScriptEntry[wScriptEntry]); pEvtObj = &(gpGlobals->g.lprgEventObject[wEventObjectID - 1]); // // For autoscript, we should interpret one instruction per frame (except // jumping) and save the address of next instruction. // switch (pScript->wOperation) { case 0x0000: // // Stop running // break; case 0x0001: // // Stop running and replace the entry with the next line // wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x0002: // // Stop running and replace the entry with the specified one // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0 || ++(pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto) < pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; } else { pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto = 0; wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0003: // // unconditional jump // if (pScript->rgwOperand[1] == 0 || ++(pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto) < pScript->rgwOperand[1]) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[0]; goto begin; } else { pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto = 0; wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0004: // // Call subroutine // PAL_RunTriggerScript(pScript->rgwOperand[0], pScript->rgwOperand[1] ? pScript->rgwOperand[1] : wEventObjectID); wScriptEntry++; break; case 0x0006: // // jump to the specified address by the specified rate // if (RandomLong(1, 100) >= pScript->rgwOperand[0] && pScript->rgwOperand[1] != 0) { wScriptEntry = pScript->rgwOperand[1]; goto begin; } else { wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0x0009: // // Wait for a certain number of frames // if (++(pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto) >= pScript->rgwOperand[0]) { // // waiting ended; go further // pEvtObj->wScriptIdleFrameCountAuto = 0; wScriptEntry++; } break; case 0xFFFF: #ifdef PAL_WIN95 iDescLine = (wEventObjectID & ~(1 << 15)); if (wEventObjectID & (1 << 15)) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetMsg(pScript->rgwOperand[0]), PAL_XY(75, iDescLine * 16 + 150), DESCTEXT_COLOR, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetMsg(pScript->rgwOperand[0]), PAL_XY(100, iDescLine * 16 + 3), DESCTEXT_COLOR, TRUE, FALSE); } iDescLine++; #endif wScriptEntry++; break; #ifdef PAL_WIN95 case 0x00A7: wScriptEntry++; break; #endif default: // // Other operations // wScriptEntry = PAL_InterpretInstruction(wScriptEntry, wEventObjectID); break; } return wScriptEntry; }