/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // WinRTIO.cpp: UWP C-style file I/O wrapper for SDLPal. // Author: Lou Yihua @ 2016-2017 // // Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Wei Mingzhi . // Copyright (c) 2011-2017 SDLPAL development team. // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AsyncHelper.h" #include "StringHelper.h" #pragma comment(lib, "ShCore.lib") static const LARGE_INTEGER liZero = { 0 }; static const void* const _SIGNATURE = &liZero; /*========================*/ typedef struct WRT_FILE WRT_FILE; struct WRT_FILE { const void* sig; IStream* stream; CRITICAL_SECTION cs; bool readable; bool writable; bool binary; WRT_FILE() : sig(&liZero), stream(nullptr), readable(false), writable(false), binary(false) { InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&cs, 4000, 0); } WRT_FILE(Windows::Storage::Streams::IRandomAccessStream^ s, bool r, bool w, bool b) : sig(&liZero), stream(nullptr), readable(r), writable(w), binary(b) { HRESULT hr; InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&cs, 4000, 0); if (FAILED(hr = CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream(s, IID_PPV_ARGS(&stream)))) throw ref new Platform::Exception(hr); } ~WRT_FILE() { if (stream) stream->Release(); DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); } }; static std::map g_specialFiles; static std::map g_specialFolders; class CriticalSection { public: CriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION& cs) : m_cs(cs) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); } ~CriticalSection() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } private: CRITICAL_SECTION& m_cs; }; class Event { public: Event() : _eventHandle(CreateEventEx(NULL, NULL, 0, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS)) {} ~Event() { CloseHandle(_eventHandle); } operator HANDLE() { return _eventHandle; } private: HANDLE _eventHandle; }; static const std::string get_directory(const char* _Filename) { auto ptr = _Filename; while (*ptr == '/' || *ptr == '\\') ptr++; std::string directory((ptr != _Filename) ? "\\" : ""); while (*ptr) { std::string temp; auto pos = ptr; while (*pos && *pos != '/' && *pos != '\\') pos++; if (*pos) { directory.append(ptr, pos - ptr); directory.append("\\"); } while (*pos == '/' || *pos == '\\') pos++; ptr = pos; } return directory; } static const std::string get_filename(const char* _Filename) { auto ptr = _Filename + strlen(_Filename); while (ptr > _Filename && *ptr != '/' && *ptr != '\\') ptr--; if (*ptr == '/' || *ptr == '\\') ptr++; return ptr; } extern "C" std::map* get_special_files_map() { return &g_specialFiles; } extern "C" std::map* get_special_folders_map() { return &g_specialFolders; } extern "C" errno_t WRT_fopen_s(WRT_FILE ** pFile, const char * _Filename, const char * _Mode) { if (nullptr == _Filename || nullptr == _Mode || nullptr == pFile) return EINVAL; *pFile = nullptr; bool r, w, b = false; switch (*_Mode) { case 'a': w = true; r = false; break; case 'w': w = true; r = false; break; case 'r': w = false; r = true; break; default: return EINVAL; } for (size_t i = 1; i < strlen(_Mode); i++) { switch (_Mode[i]) { case '+': r = w = true; break; case 'b': b = true; break; case 't': b = false; break; default: return EINVAL; } } try { Event eventHandle; // If the file belongs to so-called 'special files' (i.e., specified in configuration file), then return its object directly if (g_specialFiles.find(_Filename) != g_specialFiles.end()) { *pFile = new WRT_FILE(AWait(g_specialFiles[_Filename]->OpenAsync(w ? Windows::Storage::FileAccessMode::ReadWrite : Windows::Storage::FileAccessMode::Read), eventHandle), r, w, b); return 0; } auto directory = get_directory(_Filename); auto filename = get_filename(_Filename); Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ folder = nullptr; // If the file's folder belongs to so-called 'special folders' (i.e., specified in configuration file), then use the cache folder object for (auto i = g_specialFolders.begin(); directory.length() > 0 && i != g_specialFolders.end(); i++) { if (_strnicmp(i->first.c_str(), directory.c_str(), i->first.size()) == 0) { folder = i->second; if (directory.length() > i->first.length()) { size_t pos = i->first.length(), next = directory.find('\\', pos); while (next != std::string::npos) { folder = AWait(folder->GetFolderAsync(ConvertString(std::string(&directory[pos], next - pos))), eventHandle); next = directory.find('\\', pos = next + 1); } if (pos < directory.length()) { folder = AWait(folder->GetFolderAsync(ConvertString(std::string(&directory[pos], directory.length() - pos))), eventHandle); } } } } // The try get folder directly by its full path if (!folder && directory.length()) { folder = AWait(Windows::Storage::StorageFolder::GetFolderFromPathAsync(ConvertString(directory)), eventHandle); } // As a last sort, use app's local folder if (!folder) { folder = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder; } Windows::Storage::StorageFile^ file = nullptr; switch (*_Mode) { case 'a': file = AWait(folder->CreateFileAsync(ConvertString(filename), Windows::Storage::CreationCollisionOption::OpenIfExists), eventHandle); break; case 'w': file = AWait(folder->CreateFileAsync(ConvertString(filename), Windows::Storage::CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting), eventHandle); break; case 'r': file = AWait(folder->GetFileAsync(ConvertString(filename)), eventHandle); break; } if (file) { *pFile = new WRT_FILE(AWait(file->OpenAsync(w ? Windows::Storage::FileAccessMode::ReadWrite : Windows::Storage::FileAccessMode::Read), eventHandle), r, w, b); } } catch (Platform::AccessDeniedException^) { return EACCES; } catch (Platform::Exception^) { return EIO; } return 0; } extern "C" WRT_FILE* WRT_fopen(const char * _Filename, const char * _Mode) { WRT_FILE* ret; int err = WRT_fopen_s(&ret, _Filename, _Mode); _set_errno(err); return err ? nullptr : ret; } extern "C" int WRT_fclose(WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fclose((FILE*)_File); delete _File; return 0; } extern "C" int WRT_feof(WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return feof((FILE*)_File); STATSTG st; ULARGE_INTEGER uli; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); if (SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &uli)) && SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Stat(&st, STATFLAG_NONAME))) return uli.QuadPart >= st.cbSize.QuadPart; else return 1; } extern "C" int WRT_fseeki64(WRT_FILE * _File, long long _Offset, int _Origin) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return _fseeki64((FILE*)_File, _Offset, _Origin); CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; liOffset.QuadPart = _Offset; return SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Seek(liOffset, _Origin, NULL)) ? 0 : -1; } extern "C" int WRT_fseek(WRT_FILE * _File, long _Offset, int _Origin) { return WRT_fseeki64(_File, _Offset, _Origin); } extern "C" long long WRT_ftelli64(WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return _ftelli64((FILE*)_File); CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); unsigned long long pos; return SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, (PULARGE_INTEGER)&pos)) ? pos : -1; } extern "C" size_t WRT_ftell(WRT_FILE * _File) { return (size_t)WRT_ftelli64(_File); } extern "C" size_t WRT_fread(void * _DstBuf, size_t _ElementSize, size_t _Count, WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fread(_DstBuf, _ElementSize, _Count, (FILE*)_File); if (!_File->readable || _ElementSize == 0 || _Count == 0 || !_DstBuf) return 0; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); unsigned long cbRead; return SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Read(_DstBuf, _ElementSize * _Count, &cbRead)) ? cbRead / _ElementSize : 0; } extern "C" size_t WRT_fwrite(const void * _Str, size_t _Size, size_t _Count, WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fwrite(_Str, _Size, _Count, (FILE*)_File); if (!_File->writable || !_Str || _Size == 0 || _Count == 0) return 0; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); unsigned long cbWrite; return SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Write(_Str, _Size * _Count, &cbWrite)) ? cbWrite / _Size : 0; } extern "C" int WRT_fflush(WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fflush((FILE*)_File); if (!_File->writable) return 0; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); return SUCCEEDED(_File->stream->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT)) ? 0 : EOF; } static int WRT_fgetc_nolock(WRT_FILE * _File) { unsigned long cbRead; unsigned char buf; return _File->stream->Read(&buf, 1, &cbRead) == S_OK ? buf : EOF; } extern "C" int WRT_fgetc(WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fgetc((FILE*)_File); CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); return _File->readable ? WRT_fgetc_nolock(_File) : EOF; } extern "C" char* WRT_fgets(char * _Buf, int _MaxCount, WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fgets(_Buf, _MaxCount, (FILE*)_File); if (!_File->readable || !_Buf || _MaxCount <= 0) return nullptr; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); int n = 0, flag = 0, ch; while (n < _MaxCount - 1 && EOF != (ch = WRT_fgetc_nolock(_File))) { if (flag) { if (ch != '\n') _Buf[n++] = '\r'; flag = 0; } if (ch != '\r') { _Buf[n++] = ch; if (ch == '\n') break; } else flag = 1; } if (n > 0) { _Buf[n] = '\0'; return _Buf; } else return nullptr; } extern "C" int WRT_fputc(int _Ch, WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fputc(_Ch, (FILE*)_File); CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); unsigned long cbWrite; return _File->writable && _File->stream->Write(&_Ch, 1, &cbWrite) == S_OK ? cbWrite : EOF; } extern "C" int WRT_fputs(const char * _Str, WRT_FILE * _File) { if (!_File || _File->sig != _SIGNATURE) return fputs(_Str, (FILE*)_File); if (!_File->writable || !_Str) return EOF; const char *start = _Str; int length = strlen(_Str); unsigned long cbWrite; const char crlf[] = { '\r', '\n' }; CriticalSection cs(_File->cs); while (true) { const char *ptr = start; while (*ptr && *ptr != '\n') ptr++; if (_File->stream->Write(start, ptr - start, &cbWrite) != S_OK) return EOF; if (*ptr == '\n') { if (_File->stream->Write(crlf, 2, &cbWrite) != S_OK) return EOF; else start = ptr + 1; } else break; } return length; }