/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 3; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009, Wei Mingzhi . // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Modified by Lou Yihua with unicode support, 2015 // #include "main.h" VOID PAL_DrawOpeningMenuBackground( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Draw the background of the main menu. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { LPBYTE buf; buf = (LPBYTE)malloc(320 * 200); if (buf == NULL) { return; } // // Read the picture from fbp.mkf. // PAL_MKFDecompressChunk(buf, 320 * 200, MAINMENU_BACKGROUND_FBPNUM, gpGlobals->f.fpFBP); // // ...and blit it to the screen buffer. // PAL_FBPBlitToSurface(buf, gpScreen); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); free(buf); } INT PAL_OpeningMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the opening menu. Parameters: None. Return value: Which saved slot to load from (1-5). 0 to start a new game. --*/ { WORD wItemSelected; WORD wDefaultItem = 0; INT w[2] = { PAL_WordWidth(MAINMENU_LABEL_NEWGAME), PAL_WordWidth(MAINMENU_LABEL_LOADGAME) }; MENUITEM rgMainMenuItem[2] = { // value label enabled position { 0, MAINMENU_LABEL_NEWGAME, TRUE, PAL_XY(125 - (w[0] > 4 ? (w[0] - 4) * 8 : 0), 95) }, { 1, MAINMENU_LABEL_LOADGAME, TRUE, PAL_XY(125 - (w[1] > 4 ? (w[1] - 4) * 8 : 0), 112) } }; // // Play the background music // AUDIO_PlayMusic(RIX_NUM_OPENINGMENU, TRUE, 1); // // Draw the background // PAL_DrawOpeningMenuBackground(); PAL_FadeIn(0, FALSE, 1); while (TRUE) { // // Activate the menu // wItemSelected = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMainMenuItem, 2, wDefaultItem, MENUITEM_COLOR); if (wItemSelected == 0 || wItemSelected == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { // // Start a new game // wItemSelected = 0; break; } else { // // Load game // VIDEO_BackupScreen(gpScreen); wItemSelected = PAL_SaveSlotMenu(1); VIDEO_RestoreScreen(gpScreen); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); if (wItemSelected != MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { break; } wDefaultItem = 1; } } // // Fade out the screen and the music // AUDIO_PlayMusic(0, FALSE, 1); PAL_FadeOut(1); return (INT)wItemSelected; } INT PAL_SaveSlotMenu( WORD wDefaultSlot ) /*++ Purpose: Show the load game menu. Parameters: [IN] wDefaultSlot - default save slot number (1-5). Return value: Which saved slot to load from (1-5). MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED if cancelled. --*/ { LPBOX rgpBox[5]; int i, w = PAL_WordMaxWidth(LOADMENU_LABEL_SLOT_FIRST, 5); int dx = (w > 4) ? (w - 4) * 16 : 0; FILE *fp; WORD wItemSelected; WORD wSavedTimes; MENUITEM rgMenuItem[5]; const SDL_Rect rect = { 195 - dx, 7, 120 + dx, 190 }; // // Create the boxes and create the menu items // for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Fix render problem with shadow rgpBox[i] = PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(195 - dx, 7 + 38 * i), 6 + (w > 4 ? w - 4 : 0), FALSE); rgMenuItem[i].wValue = i + 1; rgMenuItem[i].fEnabled = TRUE; rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord = LOADMENU_LABEL_SLOT_FIRST + i; rgMenuItem[i].pos = PAL_XY(210 - dx, 17 + 38 * i); } // // Draw the numbers of saved times // for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { fp = fopen(va("%s%d%s", gConfig.pszSavePath, i, ".rpg"), "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { wSavedTimes = 0; } else { fread(&wSavedTimes, sizeof(WORD), 1, fp); wSavedTimes = SDL_SwapLE16(wSavedTimes); fclose(fp); } // // Draw the number // PAL_DrawNumber((UINT)wSavedTimes, 4, PAL_XY(270, 38 * i - 17), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); } VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Activate the menu // wItemSelected = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMenuItem, 5, wDefaultSlot - 1, MENUITEM_COLOR); // // Delete the boxes // for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { PAL_DeleteBox(rgpBox[i]); } VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); return wItemSelected; } static WORD PAL_SelectionMenu( int nWords, int nDefault, WORD wItems[] ) /*++ Purpose: Show a common selection box. Parameters: [IN] nWords - number of emnu items. [IN] nDefault - index of default item. [IN] wItems - item word array. Return value: User-selected index. --*/ { LPBOX rgpBox[4]; MENUITEM rgMenuItem[4]; int w[4] = { (nWords >= 1 && wItems[0]) ? PAL_WordWidth(wItems[0]) : 1, (nWords >= 2 && wItems[1]) ? PAL_WordWidth(wItems[1]) : 1, (nWords >= 3 && wItems[2]) ? PAL_WordWidth(wItems[2]) : 1, (nWords >= 4 && wItems[3]) ? PAL_WordWidth(wItems[3]) : 1 }; int dx[4] = { (w[0] - 1) * 16, (w[1] - 1) * 16, (w[2] - 1) * 16, (w[3] - 1) * 16 }, i; PAL_POS pos[4] = { PAL_XY(145, 110), PAL_XY(220 + dx[0], 110), PAL_XY(145, 160), PAL_XY(220 + dx[2], 160) }; WORD wReturnValue; const SDL_Rect rect = { 130, 100, 125 + max(dx[0] + dx[1], dx[2] + dx[3]), 100 }; for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) if (nWords > i && !wItems[i]) return MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; // // Create menu items // for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { rgMenuItem[i].fEnabled = TRUE; rgMenuItem[i].pos = pos[i]; rgMenuItem[i].wValue = i; rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord = wItems[i]; } // // Create the boxes // dx[1] = dx[0]; dx[3] = dx[2]; dx[0] = dx[2] = 0; for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { rgpBox[i] = PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(130 + 75 * (i % 2) + dx[i], 100 + 50 * (i / 2)), w[i] + 1, TRUE); } VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Activate the menu // wReturnValue = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMenuItem, nWords, nDefault, MENUITEM_COLOR); // // Delete the boxes // for (i = 0; i < nWords; i++) { PAL_DeleteBox(rgpBox[i]); } VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); return wReturnValue; } WORD PAL_TripleMenu( WORD wThirdWord ) /*++ Purpose: Show a triple-selection box. Parameters: None. Return value: User-selected index. --*/ { WORD wItems[3] = { CONFIRMMENU_LABEL_NO, CONFIRMMENU_LABEL_YES, wThirdWord }; return PAL_SelectionMenu(3, 0, wItems); } BOOL PAL_ConfirmMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show a "Yes or No?" confirm box. Parameters: None. Return value: TRUE if user selected Yes, FALSE if selected No. --*/ { WORD wItems[2] = { CONFIRMMENU_LABEL_NO, CONFIRMMENU_LABEL_YES }; WORD wReturnValue = PAL_SelectionMenu(2, 0, wItems); return (wReturnValue == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED || wReturnValue == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE; } BOOL PAL_SwitchMenu( BOOL fEnabled ) /*++ Purpose: Show a "Enable/Disable" selection box. Parameters: [IN] fEnabled - whether the option is originally enabled or not. Return value: TRUE if user selected "Enable", FALSE if selected "Disable". --*/ { WORD wItems[2] = { SWITCHMENU_LABEL_DISABLE, SWITCHMENU_LABEL_ENABLE }; WORD wReturnValue = PAL_SelectionMenu(2, fEnabled ? 1 : 0, wItems); return (wReturnValue == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) ? fEnabled : ((wReturnValue == 0) ? FALSE : TRUE); } #ifndef PAL_CLASSIC static VOID PAL_BattleSpeedMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the Battle Speed selection box. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { LPBOX lpBox; WORD wReturnValue; const SDL_Rect rect = {131, 100, 165, 50}; MENUITEM rgMenuItem[5] = { { 1, BATTLESPEEDMENU_LABEL_1, TRUE, PAL_XY(145, 110) }, { 2, BATTLESPEEDMENU_LABEL_2, TRUE, PAL_XY(170, 110) }, { 3, BATTLESPEEDMENU_LABEL_3, TRUE, PAL_XY(195, 110) }, { 4, BATTLESPEEDMENU_LABEL_4, TRUE, PAL_XY(220, 110) }, { 5, BATTLESPEEDMENU_LABEL_5, TRUE, PAL_XY(245, 110) }, }; // // Create the boxes // lpBox = PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(131, 100), 8, TRUE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Activate the menu // wReturnValue = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMenuItem, 5, gpGlobals->bBattleSpeed - 1, MENUITEM_COLOR); // // Delete the boxes // PAL_DeleteBox(lpBox); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); if (wReturnValue != MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { gpGlobals->bBattleSpeed = wReturnValue; } } #endif LPBOX PAL_ShowCash( DWORD dwCash ) /*++ Purpose: Show the cash amount at the top left corner of the screen. Parameters: [IN] dwCash - amount of cash. Return value: pointer to the saved screen part. --*/ { LPBOX lpBox; // // Create the box. // lpBox = PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(0, 0), 5, TRUE); if (lpBox == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Draw the text label. // PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(CASH_LABEL), PAL_XY(10, 10), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); // // Draw the cash amount. // PAL_DrawNumber(dwCash, 6, PAL_XY(49, 14), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); return lpBox; } static VOID PAL_SystemMenu_OnItemChange( WORD wCurrentItem ) /*++ Purpose: Callback function when user selected another item in the system menu. Parameters: [IN] wCurrentItem - current selected item. Return value: None. --*/ { gpGlobals->iCurSystemMenuItem = wCurrentItem - 1; } static BOOL PAL_SystemMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the system menu. Parameters: None. Return value: TRUE if user made some operations in the menu, FALSE if user cancelled. --*/ { LPBOX lpMenuBox; WORD wReturnValue; int iSlot, i, iSavedTimes; FILE *fp; const SDL_Rect rect = {40, 60, 280, 135}; // // Create menu items // const MENUITEM rgSystemMenuItem[] = { // value label enabled pos { 1, SYSMENU_LABEL_SAVE, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72) }, { 2, SYSMENU_LABEL_LOAD, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72 + 18) }, { 3, SYSMENU_LABEL_MUSIC, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72 + 36) }, { 4, SYSMENU_LABEL_SOUND, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72 + 54) }, { 5, SYSMENU_LABEL_QUIT, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72 + 72) }, #if !defined(PAL_CLASSIC) { 6, SYSMENU_LABEL_BATTLEMODE, TRUE, PAL_XY(53, 72 + 90) }, #endif }; const int nSystemMenuItem = sizeof(rgSystemMenuItem) / sizeof(MENUITEM); // // Create the menu box. // lpMenuBox = PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(40, 60), nSystemMenuItem - 1, PAL_MenuTextMaxWidth(rgSystemMenuItem, nSystemMenuItem) - 1, 0, TRUE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Perform the menu. // wReturnValue = PAL_ReadMenu(PAL_SystemMenu_OnItemChange, rgSystemMenuItem, nSystemMenuItem, gpGlobals->iCurSystemMenuItem, MENUITEM_COLOR); if (wReturnValue == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { // // User cancelled the menu // PAL_DeleteBox(lpMenuBox); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); return FALSE; } switch (wReturnValue) { case 1: // // Save game // iSlot = PAL_SaveSlotMenu(gpGlobals->bCurrentSaveSlot); if (iSlot != MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { gpGlobals->bCurrentSaveSlot = (BYTE)iSlot; iSavedTimes = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { fp = fopen(va("%s%d%s", gConfig.pszSavePath, i, ".rpg"), "rb"); if (fp != NULL) { WORD wSavedTimes; fread(&wSavedTimes, sizeof(WORD), 1, fp); fclose(fp); wSavedTimes = SDL_SwapLE16(wSavedTimes); if ((int)wSavedTimes > iSavedTimes) { iSavedTimes = wSavedTimes; } } } PAL_SaveGame(va("%s%d%s", gConfig.pszSavePath, iSlot, ".rpg"), iSavedTimes + 1); } break; case 2: // // Load game // iSlot = PAL_SaveSlotMenu(gpGlobals->bCurrentSaveSlot); if (iSlot != MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { AUDIO_PlayMusic(0, FALSE, 1); PAL_FadeOut(1); PAL_InitGameData(iSlot); } break; case 3: // // Music // AUDIO_EnableMusic(PAL_SwitchMenu(AUDIO_MusicEnabled())); if (gConfig.eMusicType == MUSIC_MIDI) { AUDIO_PlayMusic(AUDIO_MusicEnabled() ? gpGlobals->wNumMusic : 0, AUDIO_MusicEnabled(), 0); } break; case 4: // // Sound // AUDIO_EnableSound(PAL_SwitchMenu(AUDIO_SoundEnabled())); break; case 5: // // Quit // PAL_QuitGame(); break; #if !defined(PAL_CLASSIC) case 6: // // Battle Mode // PAL_BattleSpeedMenu(); break; #endif } PAL_DeleteBox(lpMenuBox); return TRUE; } VOID PAL_InGameMagicMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the magic menu. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { MENUITEM rgMenuItem[MAX_PLAYERS_IN_PARTY]; int i, y; static WORD w; WORD wMagic; const SDL_Rect rect = {35, 62, 285, 90}; // // Draw the player info boxes // y = 45; for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { PAL_PlayerInfoBox(PAL_XY(y, 165), gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole, 100, TIMEMETER_COLOR_DEFAULT, TRUE); y += 78; } y = 75; // // Generate one menu items for each player in the party // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { assert(i <= MAX_PLAYERS_IN_PARTY); rgMenuItem[i].wValue = i; rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole]; rgMenuItem[i].fEnabled = (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole] > 0); rgMenuItem[i].pos = PAL_XY(48, y); y += 18; } // // Draw the box // PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(35, 62), gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex, PAL_MenuTextMaxWidth(rgMenuItem, sizeof(rgMenuItem)/sizeof(MENUITEM)) - 1, 0, FALSE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); w = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMenuItem, gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex + 1, w, MENUITEM_COLOR); if (w == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { return; } wMagic = 0; while (TRUE) { wMagic = PAL_MagicSelectionMenu(gpGlobals->rgParty[w].wPlayerRole, FALSE, wMagic); if (wMagic == 0) { break; } if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wFlags & kMagicFlagApplyToAll) { gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnUse = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnUse, 0); if (g_fScriptSuccess) { gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnSuccess = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnSuccess, 0); gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[gpGlobals->rgParty[w].wPlayerRole] -= gpGlobals->g.lprgMagic[gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wMagicNumber].wCostMP; } if (gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn) { PAL_FadeIn(gpGlobals->wNumPalette, gpGlobals->fNightPalette, 1); gpGlobals->fNeedToFadeIn = FALSE; } } else { // // Need to select which player to use the magic on. // WORD wPlayer = 0; SDL_Rect rect; while (wPlayer != MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { // // Redraw the player info boxes first // y = 45; for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { PAL_PlayerInfoBox(PAL_XY(y, 165), gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole, 100, TIMEMETER_COLOR_DEFAULT, TRUE); y += 78; } // // Draw the cursor on the selected item // rect.x = 70 + 78 * wPlayer; rect.y = 193; rect.w = 9; rect.h = 6; PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_CURSOR), gpScreen, PAL_XY(rect.x, rect.y)); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); while (TRUE) { PAL_ClearKeyState(); PAL_ProcessEvent(); if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeyMenu) { wPlayer = MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeySearch) { gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnUse = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnUse, gpGlobals->rgParty[wPlayer].wPlayerRole); if (g_fScriptSuccess) { gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnSuccess = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wScriptOnSuccess, gpGlobals->rgParty[wPlayer].wPlayerRole); if (g_fScriptSuccess) { gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[gpGlobals->rgParty[w].wPlayerRole] -= gpGlobals->g.lprgMagic[gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wMagicNumber].wCostMP; // // Check if we have run out of MP // if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[gpGlobals->rgParty[w].wPlayerRole] < gpGlobals->g.lprgMagic[gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wMagic].magic.wMagicNumber].wCostMP) { // // Don't go further if run out of MP // wPlayer = MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; } } } break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyLeft | kKeyUp)) { if (wPlayer > 0) { wPlayer--; break; } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyRight | kKeyDown)) { if (wPlayer < gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex) { wPlayer++; break; } } SDL_Delay(1); } } } // // Redraw the player info boxes // y = 45; for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { PAL_PlayerInfoBox(PAL_XY(y, 165), gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole, 100, TIMEMETER_COLOR_DEFAULT, TRUE); y += 78; } } } static VOID PAL_InventoryMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the inventory menu. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { static WORD w = 0; const SDL_Rect rect = {30, 60, 290, 60}; MENUITEM rgMenuItem[2] = { // value label enabled pos { 1, INVMENU_LABEL_USE, TRUE, PAL_XY(43, 73) }, { 2, INVMENU_LABEL_EQUIP, TRUE, PAL_XY(43, 73 + 18) }, }; PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(30, 60), 1, PAL_MenuTextMaxWidth(rgMenuItem, sizeof(rgMenuItem)/sizeof(MENUITEM)) - 1, 0, FALSE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); w = PAL_ReadMenu(NULL, rgMenuItem, 2, w - 1, MENUITEM_COLOR); switch (w) { case 1: PAL_GameUseItem(); break; case 2: PAL_GameEquipItem(); break; } } static VOID PAL_InGameMenu_OnItemChange( WORD wCurrentItem ) /*++ Purpose: Callback function when user selected another item in the in-game menu. Parameters: [IN] wCurrentItem - current selected item. Return value: None. --*/ { gpGlobals->iCurMainMenuItem = wCurrentItem - 1; } VOID PAL_InGameMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the in-game main menu. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { LPBOX lpCashBox, lpMenuBox; WORD wReturnValue; const SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 320, 185}; // Fix render problem with shadow VIDEO_BackupScreen(gpScreen); // // Create menu items // MENUITEM rgMainMenuItem[4] = { // value label enabled pos { 1, GAMEMENU_LABEL_STATUS, TRUE, PAL_XY(16, 50) }, { 2, GAMEMENU_LABEL_MAGIC, TRUE, PAL_XY(16, 50 + 18) }, { 3, GAMEMENU_LABEL_INVENTORY, TRUE, PAL_XY(16, 50 + 36) }, { 4, GAMEMENU_LABEL_SYSTEM, TRUE, PAL_XY(16, 50 + 54) }, }; // // Display the cash amount. // lpCashBox = PAL_ShowCash(gpGlobals->dwCash); // // Create the menu box. // // Fix render problem with shadow lpMenuBox = PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(3, 37), 3, PAL_MenuTextMaxWidth(rgMainMenuItem, 4) - 1, 0, FALSE); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Process the menu // while (TRUE) { wReturnValue = PAL_ReadMenu(PAL_InGameMenu_OnItemChange, rgMainMenuItem, 4, gpGlobals->iCurMainMenuItem, MENUITEM_COLOR); if (wReturnValue == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { break; } switch (wReturnValue) { case 1: // // Status // PAL_PlayerStatus(); goto out; case 2: // // Magic // PAL_InGameMagicMenu(); goto out; case 3: // // Inventory // PAL_InventoryMenu(); goto out; case 4: // // System // if (PAL_SystemMenu()) { goto out; } break; } } out: // // Remove the boxes. // PAL_DeleteBox(lpCashBox); PAL_DeleteBox(lpMenuBox); // Fix render problem with shadow VIDEO_RestoreScreen(gpScreen); } VOID PAL_PlayerStatus( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the player status. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { PAL_LARGE BYTE bufBackground[320 * 200]; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImage[16384]; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImageBox[50 * 49]; int labels0[] = { STATUS_LABEL_EXP, STATUS_LABEL_LEVEL, STATUS_LABEL_HP, STATUS_LABEL_MP }; int labels1[] = { STATUS_LABEL_EXP_LAYOUT, STATUS_LABEL_LEVEL_LAYOUT, STATUS_LABEL_HP_LAYOUT, STATUS_LABEL_MP_LAYOUT }; int labels[] = { STATUS_LABEL_ATTACKPOWER, STATUS_LABEL_MAGICPOWER, STATUS_LABEL_RESISTANCE, STATUS_LABEL_DEXTERITY, STATUS_LABEL_FLEERATE }; int iCurrent; int iPlayerRole; int i, j; WORD w; PAL_MKFDecompressChunk(bufBackground, 320 * 200, STATUS_BACKGROUND_FBPNUM, gpGlobals->f.fpFBP); iCurrent = 0; if (gConfig.fUseCustomScreenLayout) { for (i = 0; i < 49; i++) { memcpy(&bufImageBox[i * 50], &bufBackground[(i + 39) * 320 + 247], 50); } for (i = 0; i < 49; i++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 125) * 320 + 81], &bufBackground[(i + 125) * 320 + 81 - 50], 50); memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 141) * 320 + 141], &bufBackground[(i + 141) * 320 + 81 - 50], 50); memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 133) * 320 + 201], &bufBackground[(i + 133) * 320 + 81 - 50], 50); memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 101) * 320 + 251], &bufBackground[(i + 101) * 320 + 81 - 50], 50); memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 39) * 320 + 247], &bufBackground[(i + 39) * 320 + 189 - 50], 50); if (i > 0) memcpy(&bufBackground[(i - 1) * 320 + 189], &bufBackground[(i - 1) * 320 + 189 - 50], 50); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; i++) { short x = PAL_X(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipImageBoxes[i]); short y = PAL_Y(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipImageBoxes[i]); short sx = (x < 0) ? -x : 0, sy = (y < 0) ? -y : 0, d = (x > 270) ? x - 270 : 0; if (sx >= 50 || sy >= 49 || x >= 320 || y >= 200) continue; for (; sy < 49 && y + sy < 200; sy++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[(y + sy) * 320 + x + sx], &bufImageBox[sy * 50 + sx], 50 - sx - d); } } } while (iCurrent >= 0 && iCurrent <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex) { iPlayerRole = gpGlobals->rgParty[iCurrent].wPlayerRole; // // Draw the background image // PAL_FBPBlitToSurface(bufBackground, gpScreen); // // Draw the image of player role // if (PAL_MKFReadChunk(bufImage, 16384, gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwAvatar[iPlayerRole], gpGlobals->f.fpRGM) > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(bufImage, gpScreen, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleImage); } // // Draw the equipments // for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; i++) { int offset; w = gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][iPlayerRole]; if (w == 0) { continue; } // // Draw the image // if (PAL_MKFReadChunk(bufImage, 16384, gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].item.wBitmap, gpGlobals->f.fpBALL) > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(bufImage, gpScreen, PAL_XY_OFFSET(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipImageBoxes[i], 1, 1)); } // // Draw the text label // offset = PAL_WordWidth(w) * 16; if (PAL_X(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipNames[i]) + offset > 320) { offset = 320 - PAL_X(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipNames[i]) - offset; } else { offset = 0; } int index = &gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipNames[i] - gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray; BOOL fShadow = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & DISABLE_SHADOW) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL fUse8x8Font = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & USE_8x8_FONT) ? TRUE : FALSE; PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(w), PAL_XY_OFFSET(gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleEquipNames[i], offset, 0), STATUS_COLOR_EQUIPMENT, fShadow, FALSE, fUse8x8Font); } // // Draw the text labels // for (i = 0; i < sizeof(labels0) / sizeof(int); i++) { int index = labels1[i]; BOOL fShadow = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & DISABLE_SHADOW) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL fUse8x8Font = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & USE_8x8_FONT) ? TRUE : FALSE; PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(labels0[i]), *(&gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleExpLabel+i), MENUITEM_COLOR, fShadow, FALSE, fUse8x8Font); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(labels) / sizeof(int); i++) { int index = &gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusLabels[i] - gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray; BOOL fShadow = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & DISABLE_SHADOW) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL fUse8x8Font = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & USE_8x8_FONT) ? TRUE : FALSE; PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(labels[i]), gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusLabels[i], MENUITEM_COLOR, fShadow, FALSE, fUse8x8Font); } PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[iPlayerRole]), gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleName, MENUITEM_COLOR_CONFIRMED, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); // // Draw the stats // if (gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleExpSlash != 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_SLASH), gpScreen, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleExpSlash); } if (gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleHPSlash != 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_SLASH), gpScreen, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleHPSlash); } if (gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleMPSlash != 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_SLASH), gpScreen, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleMPSlash); } PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->Exp.rgPrimaryExp[iPlayerRole].wExp, 5, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleCurrExp, kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.rgLevelUpExp[gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwLevel[iPlayerRole]], 5, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleNextExp, kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwLevel[iPlayerRole], 2, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleLevel, kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[iPlayerRole], 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleCurHP, kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[iPlayerRole], 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleMaxHP, kNumColorBlue, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[iPlayerRole], 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleCurMP, kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxMP[iPlayerRole], 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleMaxMP, kNumColorBlue, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerAttackStrength(iPlayerRole), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusValues[0], kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerMagicStrength(iPlayerRole), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusValues[1], kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDefense(iPlayerRole), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusValues[2], kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDexterity(iPlayerRole), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusValues[3], kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerFleeRate(iPlayerRole), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.RoleStatusValues[4], kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); // // Draw all poisons // for (i = j = 0; i < MAX_POISONS; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgPoisonStatus[i][iCurrent].wPoisonID; if (w != 0 && gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].poison.wPoisonLevel <= 3) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(w), gConfig.ScreenLayout.RolePoisonNames[j++], (BYTE)(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].poison.wColor + 10), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } } // // Update the screen // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); // // Wait for input // PAL_ClearKeyState(); while (TRUE) { UTIL_Delay(1); if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeyMenu) { iCurrent = -1; break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyLeft | kKeyUp)) { iCurrent--; break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyRight | kKeyDown | kKeySearch)) { iCurrent++; break; } } } } WORD PAL_ItemUseMenu( WORD wItemToUse ) /*++ Purpose: Show the use item menu. Parameters: [IN] wItemToUse - the object ID of the item to use. Return value: The selected player to use the item onto. MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED if user cancelled. --*/ { BYTE bColor, bSelectedColor; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImage[2048]; DWORD dwColorChangeTime; static WORD wSelectedPlayer = 0; SDL_Rect rect = {110, 2, 200, 180}; int i; bSelectedColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST; dwColorChangeTime = 0; while (TRUE) { if (wSelectedPlayer > gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex) { wSelectedPlayer = 0; } // // Draw the box // PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(110, 2), 7, 9, 0, FALSE); // // Draw the stats of the selected player // PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_LEVEL), PAL_XY(200, 16), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_HP), PAL_XY(200, 34), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_MP), PAL_XY(200, 52), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_ATTACKPOWER), PAL_XY(200, 70), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_MAGICPOWER), PAL_XY(200, 88), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_RESISTANCE), PAL_XY(200, 106), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_DEXTERITY), PAL_XY(200, 124), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(STATUS_LABEL_FLEERATE), PAL_XY(200, 142), ITEMUSEMENU_COLOR_STATLABEL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); i = gpGlobals->rgParty[wSelectedPlayer].wPlayerRole; PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwLevel[i], 4, PAL_XY(240, 20), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_SLASH), gpScreen, PAL_XY(263, 38)); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxHP[i], 4, PAL_XY(261, 40), kNumColorBlue, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwHP[i], 4, PAL_XY(240, 37), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_SLASH), gpScreen, PAL_XY(263, 56)); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMaxMP[i], 4, PAL_XY(261, 58), kNumColorBlue, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwMP[i], 4, PAL_XY(240, 55), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerAttackStrength(i), 4, PAL_XY(240, 74), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerMagicStrength(i), 4, PAL_XY(240, 92), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDefense(i), 4, PAL_XY(240, 110), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDexterity(i), 4, PAL_XY(240, 128), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerFleeRate(i), 4, PAL_XY(240, 146), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); // // Draw the names of the players in the party // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { if (i == wSelectedPlayer) { bColor = bSelectedColor; } else { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR; } PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole]), PAL_XY(125, 16 + 20 * i), bColor, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_ITEMBOX), gpScreen, PAL_XY(120, 80)); i = PAL_GetItemAmount(wItemToUse); if (i > 0) { // // Draw the picture of the item // if (PAL_MKFReadChunk(bufImage, 2048, gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItemToUse].item.wBitmap, gpGlobals->f.fpBALL) > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(bufImage, gpScreen, PAL_XY(127, 88)); } // // Draw the amount and label of the item // PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(wItemToUse), PAL_XY(116, 143), STATUS_COLOR_EQUIPMENT, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(i, 2, PAL_XY(170, 133), kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); } // // Update the screen area // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); // // Wait for key // PAL_ClearKeyState(); while (TRUE) { // // See if we should change the highlight color // if (SDL_TICKS_PASSED(SDL_GetTicks(), dwColorChangeTime)) { if ((WORD)bSelectedColor + 1 >= (WORD)MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST + MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_TOTALNUM) { bSelectedColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST; } else { bSelectedColor++; } dwColorChangeTime = SDL_GetTicks() + (600 / MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_TOTALNUM); // // Redraw the selected item. // PAL_DrawText( PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[gpGlobals->rgParty[wSelectedPlayer].wPlayerRole]), PAL_XY(125, 16 + 20 * wSelectedPlayer), bSelectedColor, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } PAL_ProcessEvent(); if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress != 0) { break; } SDL_Delay(1); } if (i <= 0) { return MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; } if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyUp | kKeyLeft)) { wSelectedPlayer--; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyDown | kKeyRight)) { if (wSelectedPlayer < gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex) { wSelectedPlayer++; } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeyMenu) { break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeySearch) { return gpGlobals->rgParty[wSelectedPlayer].wPlayerRole; } } return MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; } static VOID PAL_BuyMenu_OnItemChange( WORD wCurrentItem ) /*++ Purpose: Callback function which is called when player selected another item in the buy menu. Parameters: [IN] wCurrentItem - current item on the menu, indicates the object ID of the currently selected item. Return value: None. --*/ { const SDL_Rect rect = {20, 8, 300, 175}; int i, n; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImage[2048]; // // Draw the picture of current selected item // PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, SPRITENUM_ITEMBOX), gpScreen, PAL_XY(35, 8)); if (PAL_MKFReadChunk(bufImage, 2048, gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wCurrentItem].item.wBitmap, gpGlobals->f.fpBALL) > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(bufImage, gpScreen, PAL_XY(42, 16)); } // // See how many of this item we have in the inventory // n = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (gpGlobals->rgInventory[i].wItem == 0) { break; } else if (gpGlobals->rgInventory[i].wItem == wCurrentItem) { n = gpGlobals->rgInventory[i].nAmount; break; } } // // Draw the amount of this item in the inventory // PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(20, 105), 5, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(BUYMENU_LABEL_CURRENT), PAL_XY(30, 115), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(n, 6, PAL_XY(69, 119), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); // // Draw the cash amount // PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(20, 145), 5, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(CASH_LABEL), PAL_XY(30, 155), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->dwCash, 6, PAL_XY(69, 159), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); } VOID PAL_BuyMenu( WORD wStoreNum ) /*++ Purpose: Show the buy item menu. Parameters: [IN] wStoreNum - number of the store to buy items from. Return value: None. --*/ { MENUITEM rgMenuItem[MAX_STORE_ITEM]; int i, y; WORD w; SDL_Rect rect = {125, 8, 190, 190}; // // create the menu items // y = 22; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STORE_ITEM; i++) { if (gpGlobals->g.lprgStore[wStoreNum].rgwItems[i] == 0) { break; } rgMenuItem[i].wValue = gpGlobals->g.lprgStore[wStoreNum].rgwItems[i]; rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord = gpGlobals->g.lprgStore[wStoreNum].rgwItems[i]; rgMenuItem[i].fEnabled = TRUE; rgMenuItem[i].pos = PAL_XY(150, y); y += 18; } // // Draw the box // PAL_CreateBox(PAL_XY(125, 8), 8, 8, 1, FALSE); // // Draw the number of prices // for (y = 0; y < i; y++) { w = gpGlobals->g.rgObject[rgMenuItem[y].wValue].item.wPrice; PAL_DrawNumber(w, 6, PAL_XY(235, 25 + y * 18), kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); } VIDEO_UpdateScreen(&rect); w = 0; while (TRUE) { w = PAL_ReadMenu(PAL_BuyMenu_OnItemChange, rgMenuItem, i, w, MENUITEM_COLOR); if (w == MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED) { break; } if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].item.wPrice <= gpGlobals->dwCash) { if (PAL_ConfirmMenu()) { // // Player bought an item // gpGlobals->dwCash -= gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].item.wPrice; PAL_AddItemToInventory(w, 1); } } // // Place the cursor to the current item on next loop // for (y = 0; y < i; y++) { if (w == rgMenuItem[y].wValue) { w = y; break; } } } } static VOID PAL_SellMenu_OnItemChange( WORD wCurrentItem ) /*++ Purpose: Callback function which is called when player selected another item in the sell item menu. Parameters: [IN] wCurrentItem - current item on the menu, indicates the object ID of the currently selected item. Return value: None. --*/ { // // Draw the cash amount // PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(100, 150), 5, FALSE); PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(CASH_LABEL), PAL_XY(110, 160), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->dwCash, 6, PAL_XY(149, 164), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); // // Draw the price // PAL_CreateSingleLineBox(PAL_XY(220, 150), 5, FALSE); if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wCurrentItem].item.wFlags & kItemFlagSellable) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(SELLMENU_LABEL_PRICE), PAL_XY(230, 160), 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wCurrentItem].item.wPrice / 2, 6, PAL_XY(269, 164), kNumColorYellow, kNumAlignRight); } } VOID PAL_SellMenu( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Show the sell item menu. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { WORD w; while (TRUE) { w = PAL_ItemSelectMenu(PAL_SellMenu_OnItemChange, kItemFlagSellable); if (w == 0) { break; } if (PAL_ConfirmMenu()) { if (PAL_AddItemToInventory(w, -1)) { gpGlobals->dwCash += gpGlobals->g.rgObject[w].item.wPrice / 2; } } } } VOID PAL_EquipItemMenu( WORD wItem ) /*++ Purpose: Show the menu which allow players to equip the specified item. Parameters: [IN] wItem - the object ID of the item. Return value: None. --*/ { PAL_LARGE BYTE bufBackground[320 * 200]; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImageBox[72 * 72]; PAL_LARGE BYTE bufImage[2048]; WORD w; int iCurrentPlayer, i; BYTE bColor, bSelectedColor; DWORD dwColorChangeTime; gpGlobals->wLastUnequippedItem = wItem; PAL_MKFDecompressChunk(bufBackground, 320 * 200, EQUIPMENU_BACKGROUND_FBPNUM, gpGlobals->f.fpFBP); if (gConfig.fUseCustomScreenLayout) { int x = PAL_X(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipImageBox); int y = PAL_Y(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipImageBox); for (i = 8; i < 72; i++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[i * 320 + 92], &bufBackground[(i + 128) * 320 + 92], 32); memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + 64) * 320 + 92], &bufBackground[(i + 128) * 320 + 92], 32); } for (i = 9; i < 90; i++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[i * 320 + 226], &bufBackground[(i + 104) * 320 + 226], 32); } for (i = 99; i < 113; i++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[i * 320 + 226], &bufBackground[(i + 16) * 320 + 226], 32); } for (i = 8; i < 80; i++) { memcpy(&bufImageBox[(i - 8) * 72], &bufBackground[i * 320 + 8], 72); memcpy(&bufBackground[i * 320 + 8], &bufBackground[(i + 72) * 320 + 8], 72); } for (i = 0; i < 72; i++) { memcpy(&bufBackground[(i + y) * 320 + x], &bufImageBox[i * 72], 72); } } iCurrentPlayer = 0; bSelectedColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST; dwColorChangeTime = SDL_GetTicks() + (600 / MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_TOTALNUM); while (TRUE) { wItem = gpGlobals->wLastUnequippedItem; // // Draw the background // PAL_FBPBlitToSurface(bufBackground, gpScreen); // // Draw the item picture // if (PAL_MKFReadChunk(bufImage, 2048, gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wBitmap, gpGlobals->f.fpBALL) > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(bufImage, gpScreen, PAL_XY_OFFSET(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipImageBox, 8, 8)); } if (gConfig.fUseCustomScreenLayout) { int labels1[] = { STATUS_LABEL_ATTACKPOWER, STATUS_LABEL_MAGICPOWER, STATUS_LABEL_RESISTANCE, STATUS_LABEL_DEXTERITY, STATUS_LABEL_FLEERATE }; int labels2[] = { EQUIP_LABEL_HEAD, EQUIP_LABEL_SHOULDER, EQUIP_LABEL_BODY, EQUIP_LABEL_HAND, EQUIP_LABEL_FOOT, EQUIP_LABEL_NECK }; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(labels1) / sizeof(int); i++) { int index = &gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusLabels[i] - gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray; BOOL fShadow = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & DISABLE_SHADOW) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL fUse8x8Font = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & USE_8x8_FONT) ? TRUE : FALSE; PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(labels1[i]), gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray[index], MENUITEM_COLOR, fShadow, FALSE, fUse8x8Font); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(labels2) / sizeof(int); i++) { int index = &gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipLabels[i] - gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray; BOOL fShadow = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & DISABLE_SHADOW) ? FALSE : TRUE; BOOL fUse8x8Font = (gConfig.ScreenLayoutFlag[index] & USE_8x8_FONT) ? TRUE : FALSE; PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(labels2[i]), gConfig.ScreenLayoutArray[index], MENUITEM_COLOR, fShadow, FALSE, fUse8x8Font); } } // // Draw the current equipment of the selected player // w = gpGlobals->rgParty[iCurrentPlayer].wPlayerRole; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS; i++) { if (gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][w] != 0) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwEquipment[i][w]), gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipNames[i], MENUITEM_COLOR, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } } // // Draw the stats of the currently selected player // PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerAttackStrength(w), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusValues[0], kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerMagicStrength(w), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusValues[1], kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDefense(w), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusValues[2], kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerDexterity(w), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusValues[3], kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetPlayerFleeRate(w), 4, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipStatusValues[4], kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); // // Draw a box for player selection // PAL_CreateBox(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipRoleListBox, gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex, PAL_WordMaxWidth(36, 4) - 1, 0, FALSE); // // Draw the label of players // for (i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; i++) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[i].wPlayerRole; if (iCurrentPlayer == i) { if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wFlags & (kItemFlagEquipableByPlayerRole_First << w)) { bColor = bSelectedColor; } else { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_INACTIVE; } } else { if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wFlags & (kItemFlagEquipableByPlayerRole_First << w)) { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR; } else { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_INACTIVE; } } PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[w]), PAL_XY_OFFSET(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipRoleListBox, 13, 13 + 18 * i), bColor, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } // // Draw the text label and amount of the item // if (wItem != 0) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(wItem), gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipItemName, MENUITEM_COLOR_CONFIRMED, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); PAL_DrawNumber(PAL_GetItemAmount(wItem), 2, gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipItemAmount, kNumColorCyan, kNumAlignRight); } // // Update the screen // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); // // Accept input // PAL_ClearKeyState(); while (TRUE) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); // // See if we should change the highlight color // if (SDL_TICKS_PASSED(SDL_GetTicks(), dwColorChangeTime)) { if ((WORD)bSelectedColor + 1 >= (WORD)MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST + MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_TOTALNUM) { bSelectedColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_FIRST; } else { bSelectedColor++; } dwColorChangeTime = SDL_GetTicks() + (600 / MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_TOTALNUM); // // Redraw the selected item if needed. // w = gpGlobals->rgParty[iCurrentPlayer].wPlayerRole; if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wFlags & (kItemFlagEquipableByPlayerRole_First << w)) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(gpGlobals->g.PlayerRoles.rgwName[w]), PAL_XY_OFFSET(gConfig.ScreenLayout.EquipRoleListBox, 13, 13 + 18 * iCurrentPlayer), bSelectedColor, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); } } if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress != 0) { break; } SDL_Delay(1); } if (wItem == 0) { return; } if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyUp | kKeyLeft)) { iCurrentPlayer--; if (iCurrentPlayer < 0) { iCurrentPlayer = 0; } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyDown | kKeyRight)) { iCurrentPlayer++; if (iCurrentPlayer > gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex) { iCurrentPlayer = gpGlobals->wMaxPartyMemberIndex; } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeyMenu) { return; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeySearch) { w = gpGlobals->rgParty[iCurrentPlayer].wPlayerRole; if (gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wFlags & (kItemFlagEquipableByPlayerRole_First << w)) { // // Run the equip script // gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wScriptOnEquip = PAL_RunTriggerScript(gpGlobals->g.rgObject[wItem].item.wScriptOnEquip, gpGlobals->rgParty[iCurrentPlayer].wPlayerRole); } } } } VOID PAL_QuitGame( VOID ) { #if PAL_HAS_CONFIG_PAGE WORD wReturnValue = PAL_TripleMenu(SYSMENU_LABEL_LAUNCHSETTING); #else WORD wReturnValue = PAL_ConfirmMenu(); // No config menu available #endif if (wReturnValue == 1 || wReturnValue == 2) { if (wReturnValue == 2) gConfig.fLaunchSetting = TRUE; PAL_SaveConfig(); // Keep the fullscreen state AUDIO_PlayMusic(0, FALSE, 2); PAL_FadeOut(2); PAL_Shutdown(0); } }