/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 3; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009, Wei Mingzhi . // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Modified by Lou Yihua with Unicode support, 2015 // #include "main.h" LPSPRITE gpSpriteUI = NULL; INT PAL_InitUI( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Initialze the UI subsystem. Parameters: None. Return value: 0 = success, -1 = fail. --*/ { int iSize; // // Load the UI sprite. // iSize = PAL_MKFGetChunkSize(CHUNKNUM_SPRITEUI, gpGlobals->f.fpDATA); if (iSize < 0) { return -1; } gpSpriteUI = (LPSPRITE)calloc(1, iSize); if (gpSpriteUI == NULL) { return -1; } PAL_MKFReadChunk(gpSpriteUI, iSize, CHUNKNUM_SPRITEUI, gpGlobals->f.fpDATA); return 0; } VOID PAL_FreeUI( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Shutdown the UI subsystem. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { if (gpSpriteUI != NULL) { free(gpSpriteUI); gpSpriteUI = NULL; } } LPBOX PAL_CreateBox( PAL_POS pos, INT nRows, INT nColumns, INT iStyle, BOOL fSaveScreen ) /*++ Purpose: Create a box on the screen. Parameters: [IN] pos - position of the box. [IN] nRows - number of rows of the box. [IN] nColumns - number of columns of the box. [IN] iStyle - style of the box (0 or 1). [IN] fSaveScreen - whether save the used screen area or not. Return value: Pointer to a BOX structure. NULL if failed. If fSaveScreen is false, then always returns NULL. --*/ { int i, j, x, m, n; LPCBITMAPRLE rglpBorderBitmap[3][3]; LPBOX lpBox = NULL; SDL_Surface *save; SDL_Rect rect; // // Get the bitmaps // for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { rglpBorderBitmap[i][j] = PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, i * 3 + j + iStyle * 9); } } rect.x = PAL_X(pos); rect.y = PAL_Y(pos); rect.w = 0; rect.h = 0; // // Get the total width and total height of the box // for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 1) { rect.w += PAL_RLEGetWidth(rglpBorderBitmap[0][i]) * nColumns; rect.h += PAL_RLEGetHeight(rglpBorderBitmap[i][0]) * nRows; } else { rect.w += PAL_RLEGetWidth(rglpBorderBitmap[0][i]); rect.h += PAL_RLEGetHeight(rglpBorderBitmap[i][0]); } } if (fSaveScreen) { // // Save the used part of the screen // save = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(gpScreen->flags, rect.w, rect.h, 8, gpScreen->format->Rmask, gpScreen->format->Gmask, gpScreen->format->Bmask, gpScreen->format->Amask); if (save == NULL) { return NULL; } lpBox = (LPBOX)calloc(1, sizeof(BOX)); if (lpBox == NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(save); return NULL; } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(save, gpScreen->format->palette); #else SDL_SetPalette(save, SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL, VIDEO_GetPalette(), 0, 256); #endif SDL_BlitSurface(gpScreen, &rect, save, NULL); lpBox->lpSavedArea = save; lpBox->pos = pos; lpBox->wWidth = rect.w; lpBox->wHeight = rect.h; } // // Border takes 2 additional rows and columns... // nRows += 2; nColumns += 2; // // Draw the box // for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { x = rect.x; m = (i == 0) ? 0 : ((i == nRows - 1) ? 2 : 1); for (j = 0; j < nColumns; j++) { n = (j == 0) ? 0 : ((j == nColumns - 1) ? 2 : 1); PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(rglpBorderBitmap[m][n], gpScreen, PAL_XY(x, rect.y)); x += PAL_RLEGetWidth(rglpBorderBitmap[m][n]); } rect.y += PAL_RLEGetHeight(rglpBorderBitmap[m][0]); } return lpBox; } LPBOX PAL_CreateSingleLineBox( PAL_POS pos, INT nLen, BOOL fSaveScreen ) /*++ Purpose: Create a single-line box on the screen. Parameters: [IN] pos - position of the box. [IN] nLen - length of the box. [IN] fSaveScreen - whether save the used screen area or not. Return value: Pointer to a BOX structure. NULL if failed. If fSaveScreen is false, then always returns NULL. --*/ { static const int iNumLeftSprite = 44; static const int iNumMidSprite = 45; static const int iNumRightSprite = 46; LPCBITMAPRLE lpBitmapLeft; LPCBITMAPRLE lpBitmapMid; LPCBITMAPRLE lpBitmapRight; SDL_Surface *save; SDL_Rect rect; LPBOX lpBox = NULL; int i; // // Get the bitmaps // lpBitmapLeft = PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, iNumLeftSprite); lpBitmapMid = PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, iNumMidSprite); lpBitmapRight = PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, iNumRightSprite); rect.x = PAL_X(pos); rect.y = PAL_Y(pos); // // Get the total width and total height of the box // rect.w = PAL_RLEGetWidth(lpBitmapLeft) + PAL_RLEGetWidth(lpBitmapRight); rect.w += PAL_RLEGetWidth(lpBitmapMid) * nLen; rect.h = PAL_RLEGetHeight(lpBitmapLeft); if (fSaveScreen) { // // Save the used part of the screen // save = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(gpScreen->flags, rect.w, rect.h, 8, gpScreen->format->Rmask, gpScreen->format->Gmask, gpScreen->format->Bmask, gpScreen->format->Amask); if (save == NULL) { return NULL; } lpBox = (LPBOX)calloc(1, sizeof(BOX)); if (lpBox == NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreen); return NULL; } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) SDL_SetSurfacePalette(save, gpScreen->format->palette); #else SDL_SetPalette(save, SDL_PHYSPAL | SDL_LOGPAL, VIDEO_GetPalette(), 0, 256); #endif SDL_BlitSurface(gpScreen, &rect, save, NULL); lpBox->pos = pos; lpBox->lpSavedArea = save; lpBox->wHeight = (WORD)rect.w; lpBox->wWidth = (WORD)rect.h; } // // Draw the box // PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(lpBitmapLeft, gpScreen, pos); rect.x += PAL_RLEGetWidth(lpBitmapLeft); for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(lpBitmapMid, gpScreen, PAL_XY(rect.x, rect.y)); rect.x += PAL_RLEGetWidth(lpBitmapMid); } PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(lpBitmapRight, gpScreen, PAL_XY(rect.x, rect.y)); return lpBox; } VOID PAL_DeleteBox( LPBOX lpBox ) /*++ Purpose: Delete a box and restore the saved part of the screen. Parameters: [IN] lpBox - pointer to the BOX struct. Return value: None. --*/ { SDL_Rect rect; // // Check for NULL pointer. // if (lpBox == NULL) { return; } // // Restore the saved screen part // rect.x = PAL_X(lpBox->pos); rect.y = PAL_Y(lpBox->pos); rect.w = lpBox->wWidth; rect.h = lpBox->wHeight; SDL_BlitSurface(lpBox->lpSavedArea, NULL, gpScreen, &rect); // // Free the memory used by the box // SDL_FreeSurface(lpBox->lpSavedArea); free(lpBox); } WORD PAL_ReadMenu( LPITEMCHANGED_CALLBACK lpfnMenuItemChanged, LPCMENUITEM rgMenuItem, INT nMenuItem, WORD wDefaultItem, BYTE bLabelColor ) /*++ Purpose: Execute a menu. Parameters: [IN] lpfnMenuItemChanged - Callback function which is called when user changed the current menu item. [IN] rgMenuItem - Array of the menu items. [IN] nMenuItem - Number of menu items. [IN] wDefaultItem - default item index. [IN] bLabelColor - color of the labels. Return value: Return value of the selected menu item. MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED if cancelled. --*/ { int i; WORD wCurrentItem = (wDefaultItem < nMenuItem) ? wDefaultItem : 0; // // Draw all the menu texts. // for (i = 0; i < nMenuItem; i++) { BYTE bColor = bLabelColor; if (!rgMenuItem[i].fEnabled) { if (i == wCurrentItem) { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_INACTIVE; } else { bColor = MENUITEM_COLOR_INACTIVE; } } PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[i].pos, bColor, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); } if (lpfnMenuItemChanged != NULL) { (*lpfnMenuItemChanged)(rgMenuItem[wDefaultItem].wValue); } while (TRUE) { PAL_ClearKeyState(); // // Redraw the selected item if needed. // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } PAL_ProcessEvent(); if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyDown | kKeyRight)) { // // User pressed the down or right arrow key // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { // // Dehighlight the unselected item. // PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, bLabelColor, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_INACTIVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } wCurrentItem++; if (wCurrentItem >= nMenuItem) { wCurrentItem = 0; } // // Highlight the selected item. // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_INACTIVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } if (lpfnMenuItemChanged != NULL) { (*lpfnMenuItemChanged)(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wValue); } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyUp | kKeyLeft)) { // // User pressed the up or left arrow key // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { // // Dehighlight the unselected item. // PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, bLabelColor, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_INACTIVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } if (wCurrentItem > 0) { wCurrentItem--; } else { wCurrentItem = nMenuItem - 1; } // // Highlight the selected item. // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_SELECTED_INACTIVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } if (lpfnMenuItemChanged != NULL) { (*lpfnMenuItemChanged)(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wValue); } } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeyMenu) { // // User cancelled // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, bLabelColor, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_INACTIVE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } break; } else if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & kKeySearch) { // // User pressed Enter // if (rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].fEnabled) { PAL_DrawText(PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wNumWord), rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].pos, MENUITEM_COLOR_CONFIRMED, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); return rgMenuItem[wCurrentItem].wValue; } } // // Use delay function to avoid high CPU usage. // SDL_Delay(50); } return MENUITEM_VALUE_CANCELLED; } VOID PAL_DrawNumber( UINT iNum, UINT nLength, PAL_POS pos, NUMCOLOR color, NUMALIGN align ) /*++ Purpose: Draw the specified number with the bitmaps in the UI sprite. Parameters: [IN] iNum - the number to be drawn. [IN] nLength - max. length of the number. [IN] pos - position on the screen. [IN] color - color of the number (yellow or blue). [IN] align - align mode of the number. Return value: None. --*/ { UINT nActualLength, i; int x, y; LPCBITMAPRLE rglpBitmap[10]; // // Get the bitmaps. Blue starts from 29, Cyan from 56, Yellow from 19. // x = (color == kNumColorBlue) ? 29 : ((color == kNumColorCyan) ? 56 : 19); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { rglpBitmap[i] = PAL_SpriteGetFrame(gpSpriteUI, (UINT)x + i); } i = iNum; nActualLength = 0; // // Calculate the actual length of the number. // while (i > 0) { i /= 10; nActualLength++; } if (nActualLength > nLength) { nActualLength = nLength; } else if (nActualLength == 0) { nActualLength = 1; } x = PAL_X(pos) - 6; y = PAL_Y(pos); switch (align) { case kNumAlignLeft: x += 6 * nActualLength; break; case kNumAlignMid: x += 3 * (nLength + nActualLength); break; case kNumAlignRight: x += 6 * nLength; break; } // // Draw the number. // while (nActualLength-- > 0) { PAL_RLEBlitToSurface(rglpBitmap[iNum % 10], gpScreen, PAL_XY(x, y)); x -= 6; iNum /= 10; } } INT PAL_MenuTextMaxWidth( LPCMENUITEM rgMenuItem, INT nMenuItem ) /*++ Purpose: Calculate the maximal text width of all the menu items in number of full width characters. Parameters: [IN] rgMenuItem - Pointer to the menu item array. [IN] nMenuItem - Number of menu items. Return value: Maximal text width. --*/ { int i, r = 0; for (i = 0; i < nMenuItem; i++) { LPCWSTR itemText = PAL_GetWord(rgMenuItem[i].wNumWord); int j = 0, l = wcslen(itemText), w = 0; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { w += PAL_CharWidth(itemText[j]); } w = (w + 8) >> 4; if (r < w) { r = w; } } return r; } INT PAL_WordMaxWidth( INT nFirstWord, INT nWordNum ) /*++ Purpose: Calculate the maximal text width of a specific range of words in number of full width characters. Parameters: [IN] nFirstWord - First index of word. [IN] nWordNum - Number of words. Return value: Maximal text width. --*/ { int i, r = 0; for (i = 0; i < nWordNum; i++) { LPCWSTR itemText = PAL_GetWord(nFirstWord + i); int j = 0, l = wcslen(itemText), w = 0; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { w += PAL_CharWidth(itemText[j]); } w = (w + 8) >> 4; if (r < w) { r = w; } } return r; } INT PAL_WordWidth( INT nWordIndex ) /*++ Purpose: Calculate the text width of a specific word. Parameters: [IN] nWordNum - Index of the word. Return value: Text width. --*/ { LPCWSTR itemText = PAL_GetWord(nWordIndex); int i, l = wcslen(itemText), w = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { w += PAL_CharWidth(itemText[i]); } return (w + 8) >> 4; } LPOBJECTDESC PAL_LoadObjectDesc( LPCSTR lpszFileName ) /*++ Purpose: Load the object description strings from file. Parameters: [IN] lpszFileName - the filename to be loaded. Return value: Pointer to loaded data, in linked list form. NULL if unable to load. --*/ { FILE *fp; PAL_LARGE char buf[512]; char *p; LPOBJECTDESC lpDesc = NULL, pNew = NULL; unsigned int i; fp = fopen(lpszFileName, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Load the description data // while (fgets(buf, 512, fp) != NULL) { int wlen,strip_count=2; p = strchr(buf, '='); if (p == NULL) { continue; } *p++ = '\0'; while(strip_count--){ if(p[strlen(p)-1]=='\r') p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; if(p[strlen(p)-1]=='\n') p[strlen(p)-1]='\0'; } wlen = PAL_MultiByteToWideChar(p, -1, NULL, 0); pNew = UTIL_calloc(1, sizeof(OBJECTDESC)); sscanf(buf, "%x", &i); pNew->wObjectID = i; pNew->lpDesc = (LPWSTR)UTIL_malloc(wlen * sizeof(WCHAR)); PAL_MultiByteToWideChar(p, -1, pNew->lpDesc, wlen); pNew->next = lpDesc; lpDesc = pNew; } fclose(fp); return lpDesc; } VOID PAL_FreeObjectDesc( LPOBJECTDESC lpObjectDesc ) /*++ Purpose: Free the object description data. Parameters: [IN] lpObjectDesc - the description data to be freed. Return value: None. --*/ { LPOBJECTDESC p; while (lpObjectDesc != NULL) { p = lpObjectDesc->next; free(lpObjectDesc->lpDesc); free(lpObjectDesc); lpObjectDesc = p; } } LPCWSTR PAL_GetObjectDesc( LPOBJECTDESC lpObjectDesc, WORD wObjectID ) /*++ Purpose: Get the object description string from the linked list. Parameters: [IN] lpObjectDesc - the description data linked list. [IN] wObjectID - the object ID. Return value: The description string. NULL if the specified object ID is not found. --*/ { while (lpObjectDesc != NULL) { if (lpObjectDesc->wObjectID == wObjectID) { return lpObjectDesc->lpDesc; } lpObjectDesc = lpObjectDesc->next; } return NULL; }