/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Wei Mingzhi . // Copyright (c) 2011-2017, SDLPAL development team. // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // palcfg.h: Configuration definition. // @Author: Lou Yihua , 2016. // #ifndef CONFIG_H #define CONFIG_H #include "common.h" #include "palcommon.h" #define PAL_MAX_SAMPLERATE 48000 #define PAL_MAX_VOLUME 100 typedef enum tagPALCFG_ITEM { PALCFG_ALL_MIN = 0, PALCFG_BOOLEAN_MIN = PALCFG_ALL_MIN, /* Booleans */ PALCFG_FULLSCREEN = PALCFG_BOOLEAN_MIN, PALCFG_KEEPASPECTRATIO, PALCFG_LAUNCHSETTING, PALCFG_STEREO, PALCFG_USESURROUNDOPL, PALCFG_USETOUCHOVERLAY, /* Booleans */ PALCFG_BOOLEAN_MAX, PALCFG_INTEGER_MIN = PALCFG_BOOLEAN_MAX, /* Integers */ PALCFG_SURROUNDOPLOFFSET = PALCFG_INTEGER_MIN, PALCFG_LOGLEVEL, /* Integers */ PALCFG_INTEGER_MAX, PALCFG_UNSIGNED_MIN = PALCFG_INTEGER_MAX, /* Unsigneds */ PALCFG_AUDIOBUFFERSIZE = PALCFG_UNSIGNED_MIN, PALCFG_OPLSAMPLERATE, PALCFG_RESAMPLEQUALITY, PALCFG_SAMPLERATE, PALCFG_MUSICVOLUME, PALCFG_SOUNDVOLUME, PALCFG_WINDOWHEIGHT, PALCFG_WINDOWWIDTH, /* Unsigneds */ PALCFG_UNSIGNED_MAX, PALCFG_STRING_MIN = PALCFG_UNSIGNED_MAX, /* Strings */ PALCFG_CD = PALCFG_STRING_MIN, PALCFG_GAMEPATH, PALCFG_SAVEPATH, PALCFG_MESSAGEFILE, PALCFG_FONTFILE, PALCFG_MUSIC, PALCFG_OPL, PALCFG_LOGFILE, PALCFG_RIXEXTRAINIT, PALCFG_CLIMIDIPLAYER, /* Strings */ PALCFG_STRING_MAX, PALCFG_ALL_MAX = PALCFG_STRING_MAX } PALCFG_ITEM; typedef enum tagPALCFG_TYPE { PALCFG_STRING, PALCFG_BOOLEAN, PALCFG_INTEGER, PALCFG_UNSIGNED, } PALCFG_TYPE; typedef union tagConfigValue { LPCSTR sValue; DWORD uValue; INT iValue; BOOL bValue; } ConfigValue; typedef struct tagConfigItem { PALCFG_ITEM Item; PALCFG_TYPE Type; const char* Name; int NameLength; const ConfigValue DefaultValue; const ConfigValue MinValue; const ConfigValue MaxValue; } ConfigItem; typedef struct tagSCREENLAYOUT { PAL_POS EquipImageBox; PAL_POS EquipRoleListBox; PAL_POS EquipItemName; PAL_POS EquipItemAmount; PAL_POS EquipLabels[MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS]; PAL_POS EquipNames[MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS]; PAL_POS EquipStatusLabels[5]; PAL_POS EquipStatusValues[5]; PAL_POS RoleName; PAL_POS RoleImage; PAL_POS RoleExpLabel; PAL_POS RoleLevelLabel; PAL_POS RoleHPLabel; PAL_POS RoleMPLabel; PAL_POS RoleStatusLabels[5]; PAL_POS RoleCurrExp; PAL_POS RoleNextExp; PAL_POS RoleExpSlash; PAL_POS RoleLevel; PAL_POS RoleCurHP; PAL_POS RoleMaxHP; PAL_POS RoleHPSlash; PAL_POS RoleCurMP; PAL_POS RoleMaxMP; PAL_POS RoleMPSlash; PAL_POS RoleStatusValues[5]; PAL_POS RoleEquipImageBoxes[MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS]; PAL_POS RoleEquipNames[MAX_PLAYER_EQUIPMENTS]; PAL_POS RolePoisonNames[MAX_POISONS]; PAL_POS ExtraItemDescLines; PAL_POS ExtraMagicDescLines; } SCREENLAYOUT; typedef struct tagCONFIGURATION { union { SCREENLAYOUT ScreenLayout; PAL_POS ScreenLayoutArray[sizeof(SCREENLAYOUT) / sizeof(PAL_POS)]; }; enum { USE_8x8_FONT = 1, DISABLE_SHADOW = 2, } ScreenLayoutFlag[sizeof(SCREENLAYOUT) / sizeof(PAL_POS)]; /* Configurable options */ char *pszGamePath; char *pszSavePath; char *pszMsgFile; char *pszFontFile; char *pszCLIMIDIPlayerPath; char *pszLogFile; DWORD dwWordLength; DWORD dwScreenWidth; DWORD dwScreenHeight; INT iSurroundOPLOffset; INT iAudioChannels; INT iSampleRate; INT iOPLSampleRate; INT iResampleQuality; INT iMusicVolume; INT iSoundVolume; LOGLEVEL iLogLevel; MUSICTYPE eMusicType; MUSICTYPE eCDType; OPLTYPE eOPLType; WORD wAudioBufferSize; BOOL fIsWIN95; BOOL fUseSurroundOPL; BOOL fKeepAspectRatio; BOOL fFullScreen; BOOL fEnableJoyStick; BOOL fUseCustomScreenLayout; BOOL fLaunchSetting; BOOL fUseTouchOverlay; #if USE_RIX_EXTRA_INIT uint32_t *pExtraFMRegs; uint8_t *pExtraFMVals; uint32_t dwExtraLength; #endif } CONFIGURATION, *LPCONFIGURATION; PAL_C_LINKAGE_BEGIN extern CONFIGURATION gConfig; void PAL_LoadConfig( BOOL fFromFile ); BOOL PAL_SaveConfig( void ); void PAL_FreeConfig( void ); BOOL PAL_ParseConfigLine( const char * line, const ConfigItem ** pItem, ConfigValue * pValue ); const char * PAL_ConfigName( PALCFG_ITEM item ); PALCFG_ITEM PAL_ConfigIndex( const char *name ); PALCFG_TYPE PAL_ConfigType( PALCFG_ITEM item ); BOOL PAL_LimitConfig( PALCFG_ITEM item, ConfigValue * pValue ); ConfigValue PAL_GetConfigItem( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL default_value ); void PAL_SetConfigItem( PALCFG_ITEM item, const ConfigValue value ); BOOL PAL_GetConfigBoolean( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL default_value ); int PAL_GetConfigInteger( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL default_value ); unsigned int PAL_GetConfigUnsigned( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL default_value ); const char * PAL_GetConfigString( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL default_value ); BOOL PAL_SetConfigBoolean( PALCFG_ITEM item, BOOL value ); BOOL PAL_SetConfigInteger( PALCFG_ITEM item, int value ); BOOL PAL_SetConfigUnsigned( PALCFG_ITEM item, unsigned int value ); BOOL PAL_SetConfigString( PALCFG_ITEM item, const char *value ); PAL_C_LINKAGE_END #endif