/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 3; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009, Wei Mingzhi . // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include "main.h" // Screen buffer SDL_Surface *gpScreen = NULL; // Backup screen buffer SDL_Surface *gpScreenBak = NULL; // The real screen surface #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) static SDL_Window *gpWindow = NULL; static SDL_Renderer *gpRenderer = NULL; #else static SDL_Surface *gpScreenReal = NULL; #endif #if (defined (__SYMBIAN32__) && !defined (__S60_5X__)) || defined (PSP) || defined (GEKKO) static BOOL bScaleScreen = FALSE; #else static BOOL bScaleScreen = TRUE; #endif // Initial screen size static WORD g_wInitialWidth = 640; static WORD g_wInitialHeight = 400; // Shake times and level static WORD g_wShakeTime = 0; static WORD g_wShakeLevel = 0; INT #ifdef GEKKO // Rikku2000: Crash on compile, allready define on WIISDK VIDEO_Init_GEKKO( #else VIDEO_Init( #endif WORD wScreenWidth, WORD wScreenHeight, BOOL fFullScreen ) /*++ Purpose: Initialze the video subsystem. Parameters: [IN] wScreenWidth - width of the screen. [IN] wScreenHeight - height of the screen. [IN] fFullScreen - TRUE to use full screen mode, FALSE to use windowed mode. Return value: 0 = success, -1 = fail to create the screen surface, -2 = fail to create screen buffer. --*/ { g_wInitialWidth = wScreenWidth; g_wInitialHeight = wScreenHeight; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) // // Before we can render anything, we need a window and a renderer. // gpWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL_RenderCopy Example", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, 640, 400, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); if (gpWindow == NULL) { return -1; } gpRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(gpWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); if (gpRenderer == NULL) { return -1; } // // Create the screen buffer and the backup screen buffer. // gpScreen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 320, 200, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); gpScreenBak = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 320, 200, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); // // Failed? // if (gpScreen == NULL || gpScreenBak == NULL) { if (gpScreen != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreen); gpScreen = NULL; } if (gpScreenBak != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenBak); gpScreenBak = NULL; } SDL_DestroyRenderer(gpRenderer); gpRenderer = NULL; SDL_DestroyWindow(gpWindow); gpWindow = NULL; return -2; } #else // // Create the screen surface. // #if defined (NDS) gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(293, 196, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN); #elif defined (__SYMBIAN32__) #ifdef __S60_5X__ gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 360, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | (fFullScreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0)); #else gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(320, 240, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | (fFullScreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0)); #endif #elif defined (GEKKO) gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | (fFullScreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0)); #elif defined (PSP) gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(320, 240, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN); #else gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(wScreenWidth, wScreenHeight, 8, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_RESIZABLE | (fFullScreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0)); #endif if (gpScreenReal == NULL) { // // Fall back to 640x480 software mode. // gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE | (fFullScreen ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0)); } // // Still fail? // if (gpScreenReal == NULL) { return -1; } // // Create the screen buffer and the backup screen buffer. // gpScreen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(gpScreenReal->flags & ~SDL_HWSURFACE, 320, 200, 8, gpScreenReal->format->Rmask, gpScreenReal->format->Gmask, gpScreenReal->format->Bmask, gpScreenReal->format->Amask); gpScreenBak = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(gpScreenReal->flags & ~SDL_HWSURFACE, 320, 200, 8, gpScreenReal->format->Rmask, gpScreenReal->format->Gmask, gpScreenReal->format->Bmask, gpScreenReal->format->Amask); // // Failed? // if (gpScreen == NULL || gpScreenBak == NULL) { if (gpScreen != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreen); gpScreen = NULL; } if (gpScreenBak != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenBak); gpScreenBak = NULL; } SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenReal); gpScreenReal = NULL; return -2; } #endif if (fFullScreen) { SDL_ShowCursor(FALSE); } return 0; } VOID VIDEO_Shutdown( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Shutdown the video subsystem. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { if (gpScreen != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreen); } gpScreen = NULL; if (gpScreenBak != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenBak); } gpScreenBak = NULL; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) if (gpRenderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(gpRenderer); } gpRenderer = NULL; if (gpWindow) { SDL_DestroyWindow(gpWindow); } gpWindow = NULL; #else if (gpScreenReal != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenReal); } gpScreenReal = NULL; #endif } VOID VIDEO_UpdateScreen( const SDL_Rect *lpRect ) /*++ Purpose: Update the screen area specified by lpRect. Parameters: [IN] lpRect - Screen area to update. Return value: None. --*/ { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) // TODO #else SDL_Rect srcrect, dstrect; short offset = 240 - 200; short screenRealHeight = gpScreenReal->h; short screenRealY = 0; // // Lock surface if needed // if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { if (SDL_LockSurface(gpScreenReal) < 0) return; } if (!bScaleScreen) { screenRealHeight -= offset; screenRealY = offset / 2; } if (lpRect != NULL) { dstrect.x = (SHORT)((INT)(lpRect->x) * gpScreenReal->w / gpScreen->w); dstrect.y = (SHORT)((INT)(screenRealY + lpRect->y) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h); dstrect.w = (WORD)((DWORD)(lpRect->w) * gpScreenReal->w / gpScreen->w); dstrect.h = (WORD)((DWORD)(lpRect->h) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h); SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreen, (SDL_Rect *)lpRect, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(gpScreenReal); } SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, dstrect.x, dstrect.y, dstrect.w, dstrect.h); } else if (g_wShakeTime != 0) { // // Shake the screen // srcrect.x = 0; srcrect.y = 0; srcrect.w = 320; srcrect.h = 200 - g_wShakeLevel; dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = screenRealY; dstrect.w = 320 * gpScreenReal->w / gpScreen->w; dstrect.h = (200 - g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; if (g_wShakeTime & 1) { srcrect.y = g_wShakeLevel; } else { dstrect.y = (screenRealY + g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; } SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreen, &srcrect, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); if (g_wShakeTime & 1) { dstrect.y = (screenRealY + screenRealHeight - g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; } else { dstrect.y = screenRealY; } dstrect.h = g_wShakeLevel * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; SDL_FillRect(gpScreenReal, &dstrect, 0); if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(gpScreenReal); } SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); g_wShakeTime--; } else { dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = screenRealY; dstrect.w = gpScreenReal->w; dstrect.h = screenRealHeight; SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreen, NULL, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(gpScreenReal); } SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); } #endif } VOID VIDEO_SetPalette( SDL_Color rgPalette[256] ) /*++ Purpose: Set the palette of the screen. Parameters: [IN] rgPalette - array of 256 colors. Return value: None. --*/ { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) int i; SDL_Palette *palette = SDL_AllocPalette(256); if (palette == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { palette->colors[i] = rgPalette[i]; } SDL_SetSurfacePalette(gpScreen, palette); #else SDL_SetPalette(gpScreen, SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL, rgPalette, 0, 256); SDL_SetPalette(gpScreenReal, SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL, rgPalette, 0, 256); #if (defined (__SYMBIAN32__)) { static UINT32 time = 0; if (SDL_GetTicks() - time > 50) { SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); time = SDL_GetTicks(); } } #endif #endif } VOID VIDEO_Resize( INT w, INT h ) /*++ Purpose: This function is called when user resized the window. Parameters: [IN] w - width of the window after resizing. [IN] h - height of the window after resizing. Return value: None. --*/ { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) // TODO #else DWORD flags; PAL_LARGE SDL_Color palette[256]; int i; // // Get the original palette. // for (i = 0; i < gpScreenReal->format->palette->ncolors; i++) { palette[i] = gpScreenReal->format->palette->colors[i]; } // // Create the screen surface. // flags = gpScreenReal->flags; SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenReal); gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 8, flags); if (gpScreenReal == NULL) { #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__ #ifdef __S60_5X__ gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 360, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE); #else gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(320, 240, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE); #endif #else // // Fall back to 640x480 software windowed mode. // gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE); #endif } SDL_SetPalette(gpScreenReal, SDL_PHYSPAL | SDL_LOGPAL, palette, 0, i); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); #endif } SDL_Color * VIDEO_GetPalette( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Get the current palette of the screen. Parameters: None. Return value: Pointer to the current palette. --*/ { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) return gpScreen->format->palette->colors; #else return gpScreenReal->format->palette->colors; #endif } VOID VIDEO_ToggleScaleScreen( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Toggle scalescreen mode. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__ bScaleScreen = !bScaleScreen; VIDEO_Resize(320, 240); VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); #endif } VOID VIDEO_ToggleFullscreen( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Toggle fullscreen mode. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) // TODO #else DWORD flags; PAL_LARGE SDL_Color palette[256]; int i; // // Get the original palette. // for (i = 0; i < gpScreenReal->format->palette->ncolors; i++) { palette[i] = gpScreenReal->format->palette->colors[i]; } // // Get the flags of the original screen surface // flags = gpScreenReal->flags; if (flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) { // // Already in fullscreen mode. Remove the fullscreen flag. // flags &= ~SDL_FULLSCREEN; flags |= SDL_RESIZABLE; SDL_ShowCursor(TRUE); } else { // // Not in fullscreen mode. Set the fullscreen flag. // flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; SDL_ShowCursor(FALSE); } // // Free the original screen surface // SDL_FreeSurface(gpScreenReal); // // ... and create a new one // if (g_wInitialWidth == 640 && g_wInitialHeight == 400 && (flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) { gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, flags); } else if (g_wInitialWidth == 640 && g_wInitialHeight == 480 && !(flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) { gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 400, 8, flags); } else { gpScreenReal = SDL_SetVideoMode(g_wInitialWidth, g_wInitialHeight, 8, flags); } VIDEO_SetPalette(palette); // // Update the screen // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); #endif } VOID VIDEO_SaveScreenshot( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Save the screenshot of current screen to a BMP file. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { int iNumBMP = 0; FILE *fp; // // Find a usable BMP filename. // for (iNumBMP = 0; iNumBMP <= 9999; iNumBMP++) { fp = fopen(va("%sscrn%.4d.bmp", PAL_PREFIX, iNumBMP), "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { break; } fclose(fp); } if (iNumBMP > 9999) { return; } // // Save the screenshot. // #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) SDL_SaveBMP(gpScreen, va("%sscrn%.4d.bmp", PAL_PREFIX, iNumBMP)); #else SDL_SaveBMP(gpScreenReal, va("%sscrn%.4d.bmp", PAL_PREFIX, iNumBMP)); #endif } VOID VIDEO_BackupScreen( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Backup the screen buffer. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { SDL_BlitSurface(gpScreen, NULL, gpScreenBak, NULL); } VOID VIDEO_RestoreScreen( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Restore the screen buffer which has been saved with VIDEO_BackupScreen(). Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { SDL_BlitSurface(gpScreenBak, NULL, gpScreen, NULL); } VOID VIDEO_ShakeScreen( WORD wShakeTime, WORD wShakeLevel ) /*++ Purpose: Set the screen shake time and level. Parameters: [IN] wShakeTime - how many times should we shake the screen. [IN] wShakeLevel - level of shaking. Return value: None. --*/ { g_wShakeTime = wShakeTime; g_wShakeLevel = wShakeLevel; } VOID VIDEO_SwitchScreen( WORD wSpeed ) /*++ Purpose: Switch the screen from the backup screen buffer to the current screen buffer. NOTE: This will destroy the backup buffer. Parameters: [IN] wSpeed - speed of fading (the larger value, the slower). Return value: None. --*/ { int i, j; const int rgIndex[6] = {0, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4}; SDL_Rect dstrect; short offset = 240 - 200; short screenRealHeight = gpScreenReal->h; short screenRealY = 0; if (!bScaleScreen) { screenRealHeight -= offset; screenRealY = offset / 2; } wSpeed++; wSpeed *= 10; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (j = rgIndex[i]; j < gpScreen->pitch * gpScreen->h; j += 6) { ((LPBYTE)(gpScreenBak->pixels))[j] = ((LPBYTE)(gpScreen->pixels))[j]; } // // Draw the backup buffer to the screen // dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = screenRealY; dstrect.w = gpScreenReal->w; dstrect.h = screenRealHeight; SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreenBak, NULL, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); UTIL_Delay(wSpeed); } } VOID VIDEO_FadeScreen( WORD wSpeed ) /*++ Purpose: Fade from the backup screen buffer to the current screen buffer. NOTE: This will destroy the backup buffer. Parameters: [IN] wSpeed - speed of fading (the larger value, the slower). Return value: None. --*/ { int i, j, k; DWORD time; BYTE a, b; const int rgIndex[6] = {0, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4}; SDL_Rect dstrect; short offset = 240 - 200; short screenRealHeight = gpScreenReal->h; short screenRealY = 0; // // Lock surface if needed // if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { if (SDL_LockSurface(gpScreenReal) < 0) return; } if (!bScaleScreen) { screenRealHeight -= offset; screenRealY = offset / 2; } time = SDL_GetTicks(); wSpeed++; wSpeed *= 10; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); while (SDL_GetTicks() <= time) { PAL_ProcessEvent(); SDL_Delay(5); } time = SDL_GetTicks() + wSpeed; // // Blend the pixels in the 2 buffers, and put the result into the // backup buffer // for (k = rgIndex[j]; k < gpScreen->pitch * gpScreen->h; k += 6) { a = ((LPBYTE)(gpScreen->pixels))[k]; b = ((LPBYTE)(gpScreenBak->pixels))[k]; if (i > 0) { if ((a & 0x0F) > (b & 0x0F)) { b++; } else if ((a & 0x0F) < (b & 0x0F)) { b--; } } ((LPBYTE)(gpScreenBak->pixels))[k] = ((a & 0xF0) | (b & 0x0F)); } // // Draw the backup buffer to the screen // if (g_wShakeTime != 0) { // // Shake the screen // SDL_Rect srcrect, dstrect; srcrect.x = 0; srcrect.y = 0; srcrect.w = 320; srcrect.h = 200 - g_wShakeLevel; dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = screenRealY; dstrect.w = 320 * gpScreenReal->w / gpScreen->w; dstrect.h = (200 - g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; if (g_wShakeTime & 1) { srcrect.y = g_wShakeLevel; } else { dstrect.y = (screenRealY + g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; } SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreenBak, &srcrect, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); if (g_wShakeTime & 1) { dstrect.y = (screenRealY + screenRealHeight - g_wShakeLevel) * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; } else { dstrect.y = screenRealY; } dstrect.h = g_wShakeLevel * screenRealHeight / gpScreen->h; SDL_FillRect(gpScreenReal, &dstrect, 0); SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); g_wShakeTime--; } else { dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = screenRealY; dstrect.w = gpScreenReal->w; dstrect.h = screenRealHeight; SDL_SoftStretch(gpScreenBak, NULL, gpScreenReal, &dstrect); SDL_UpdateRect(gpScreenReal, 0, 0, gpScreenReal->w, gpScreenReal->h); } } } if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(gpScreenReal)) { SDL_UnlockSurface(gpScreenReal); } // // Draw the result buffer to the screen as the final step // VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) /*++ Purpose: Set the caption of the window. For compatibility with SDL2 only. Parameters: [IN] lpszCaption - the new caption of the window. [IN] lpReserved - not used, for compatibility only. Return value: None. --*/ VOID SDL_WM_SetCaption( LPCSTR lpszCaption, LPVOID lpReserved ) { if (gpWindow != NULL) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(gpWindow, lpszCaption); } } #endif