/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Wei Mingzhi . // Copyright (c) 2011-2017, SDLPAL development team. // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // #include "main.h" #include volatile PALINPUTSTATE g_InputState; #if PAL_HAS_JOYSTICKS static SDL_Joystick *g_pJoy = NULL; #endif #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) # define SDLK_KP_1 SDLK_KP1 # define SDLK_KP_2 SDLK_KP2 # define SDLK_KP_3 SDLK_KP3 # define SDLK_KP_4 SDLK_KP4 # define SDLK_KP_5 SDLK_KP5 # define SDLK_KP_6 SDLK_KP6 # define SDLK_KP_7 SDLK_KP7 # define SDLK_KP_8 SDLK_KP8 # define SDLK_KP_9 SDLK_KP9 # define SDLK_KP_0 SDLK_KP0 # define SDL_JoystickNameForIndex SDL_JoystickName # define SDL_GetKeyboardState SDL_GetKeyState # define SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(x) (x) #endif BOOL g_fUseJoystick = TRUE; static void _default_init_filter() {} static int _default_input_event_filter(const SDL_Event *event, volatile PALINPUTSTATE *state) { return 0; } static void _default_input_shutdown_filter() {} static void (*input_init_filter)() = _default_init_filter; static int (*input_event_filter)(const SDL_Event *, volatile PALINPUTSTATE *) = _default_input_event_filter; static void (*input_shutdown_filter)() = _default_input_shutdown_filter; static const int g_KeyMap[][2] = { { SDLK_UP, kKeyUp }, { SDLK_KP_8, kKeyUp }, { SDLK_DOWN, kKeyDown }, { SDLK_KP_2, kKeyDown }, { SDLK_LEFT, kKeyLeft }, { SDLK_KP_4, kKeyLeft }, { SDLK_RIGHT, kKeyRight }, { SDLK_KP_6, kKeyRight }, { SDLK_ESCAPE, kKeyMenu }, { SDLK_INSERT, kKeyMenu }, { SDLK_LALT, kKeyMenu }, { SDLK_RALT, kKeyMenu }, { SDLK_KP_0, kKeyMenu }, { SDLK_RETURN, kKeySearch }, { SDLK_SPACE, kKeySearch }, { SDLK_KP_ENTER, kKeySearch }, { SDLK_LCTRL, kKeySearch }, { SDLK_PAGEUP, kKeyPgUp }, { SDLK_KP_9, kKeyPgUp }, { SDLK_PAGEDOWN, kKeyPgDn }, { SDLK_KP_3, kKeyPgDn }, { SDLK_HOME, kKeyHome }, { SDLK_KP_7, kKeyHome }, { SDLK_END, kKeyEnd }, { SDLK_KP_1, kKeyEnd }, { SDLK_r, kKeyRepeat }, { SDLK_a, kKeyAuto }, { SDLK_d, kKeyDefend }, { SDLK_e, kKeyUseItem }, { SDLK_w, kKeyThrowItem }, { SDLK_q, kKeyFlee }, { SDLK_f, kKeyForce }, { SDLK_s, kKeyStatus } }; static VOID PAL_KeyDown( INT key, BOOL fRepeat ) /*++ Purpose: Called when user pressed a key. Parameters: [IN] key - keycode of the pressed key. Return value: None. --*/ { switch (key) { case kKeyUp: if (g_InputState.dir != kDirNorth && !fRepeat) { g_InputState.prevdir = (gpGlobals->fInBattle ? kDirUnknown : g_InputState.dir); g_InputState.dir = kDirNorth; } g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyUp; break; case kKeyDown: if (g_InputState.dir != kDirSouth && !fRepeat) { g_InputState.prevdir = (gpGlobals->fInBattle ? kDirUnknown : g_InputState.dir); g_InputState.dir = kDirSouth; } g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyDown; break; case kKeyLeft: if (g_InputState.dir != kDirWest && !fRepeat) { g_InputState.prevdir = (gpGlobals->fInBattle ? kDirUnknown : g_InputState.dir); g_InputState.dir = kDirWest; } g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyLeft; break; case kKeyRight: if (g_InputState.dir != kDirEast && !fRepeat) { g_InputState.prevdir = (gpGlobals->fInBattle ? kDirUnknown : g_InputState.dir); g_InputState.dir = kDirEast; } g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRight; break; default: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= key; break; } } static VOID PAL_KeyUp( INT key ) /*++ Purpose: Called when user released a key. Parameters: [IN] key - keycode of the released key. Return value: None. --*/ { switch (key) { case kKeyUp: if (g_InputState.dir == kDirNorth) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; break; case kKeyDown: if (g_InputState.dir == kDirSouth) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; break; case kKeyLeft: if (g_InputState.dir == kDirWest) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; break; case kKeyRight: if (g_InputState.dir == kDirEast) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; break; default: break; } } static VOID PAL_UpdateKeyboardState( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Poll & update keyboard state. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { static DWORD rgdwKeyLastTime[sizeof(g_KeyMap) / sizeof(g_KeyMap[0])] = {0}; LPCBYTE keyState = (LPCBYTE)SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); int i; DWORD dwCurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_KeyMap) / sizeof(g_KeyMap[0]); i++) { if (keyState[SDL_GetScancodeFromKey(g_KeyMap[i][0])]) { if (dwCurrentTime > rgdwKeyLastTime[i]) { PAL_KeyDown(g_KeyMap[i][1], (rgdwKeyLastTime[i] != 0)); rgdwKeyLastTime[i] = dwCurrentTime + (rgdwKeyLastTime[i] == 0 ? 200 : 75); } } else { if (rgdwKeyLastTime[i] != 0) { PAL_KeyUp(g_KeyMap[i][1]); rgdwKeyLastTime[i] = 0; } } } } static VOID PAL_KeyboardEventFilter( const SDL_Event *lpEvent ) /*++ Purpose: Handle keyboard events. Parameters: [IN] lpEvent - pointer to the event. Return value: None. --*/ { if (lpEvent->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { // // Pressed a key // if (lpEvent->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) { if (lpEvent->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) { // // Pressed Alt+Enter (toggle fullscreen)... // VIDEO_ToggleFullscreen(); return; } else if (lpEvent->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F4) { // // Pressed Alt+F4 (Exit program)... // PAL_Shutdown(0); } } else if (lpEvent->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_p) { VIDEO_SaveScreenshot(); } } } static VOID PAL_MouseEventFilter( const SDL_Event *lpEvent ) /*++ Purpose: Handle mouse events. Parameters: [IN] lpEvent - pointer to the event. Return value: None. --*/ { #if PAL_HAS_MOUSE static short hitTest = 0; // Double click detect; const SDL_VideoInfo *vi; double screenWidth, gridWidth; double screenHeight, gridHeight; double mx, my; double thumbx; double thumby; INT gridIndex; BOOL isLeftMouseDBClick = FALSE; BOOL isLeftMouseClick = FALSE; BOOL isRightMouseClick = FALSE; static INT lastReleaseButtonTime, lastPressButtonTime, betweenTime; static INT lastPressx = 0; static INT lastPressy = 0; static INT lastReleasex = 0; static INT lastReleasey = 0; if (lpEvent->type!= SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && lpEvent->type != SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) return; vi = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); screenWidth = vi->current_w; screenHeight = vi->current_h; gridWidth = screenWidth / 3; gridHeight = screenHeight / 3; mx = lpEvent->button.x; my = lpEvent->button.y; thumbx = ceil(mx / gridWidth); thumby = floor(my / gridHeight); gridIndex = thumbx + thumby * 3 - 1; switch (lpEvent->type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: lastPressButtonTime = SDL_GetTicks(); lastPressx = lpEvent->button.x; lastPressy = lpEvent->button.y; switch (gridIndex) { case 2: g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirNorth; break; case 6: g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirSouth; break; case 0: g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirWest; break; case 8: g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirEast; break; case 1: //g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; //g_InputState.dir = kDirNorth; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyUp; break; case 7: //g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; //g_InputState.dir = kDirSouth; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyDown; break; case 3: //g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; //g_InputState.dir = kDirWest; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyLeft; break; case 5: //g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; //g_InputState.dir = kDirEast; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRight; break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: lastReleaseButtonTime = SDL_GetTicks(); lastReleasex = lpEvent->button.x; lastReleasey = lpEvent->button.y; hitTest ++; if (abs(lastPressx - lastReleasex) < 25 && abs(lastPressy - lastReleasey) < 25) { betweenTime = lastReleaseButtonTime - lastPressButtonTime; if (betweenTime >500) { isRightMouseClick = TRUE; } else if (betweenTime >=0) { if((betweenTime < 100) && (hitTest >= 2)) { isLeftMouseClick = TRUE; hitTest = 0; } else { isLeftMouseClick = TRUE; if(betweenTime > 100) { hitTest = 0; } } } } switch (gridIndex) { case 2: if( isLeftMouseDBClick ) { AUDIO_IncreaseVolume(); break; } case 6: case 0: if( isLeftMouseDBClick ) { AUDIO_DecreaseVolume(); break; } case 7: if (isRightMouseClick) //repeat attack { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRepeat; break; } case 8: g_InputState.dir = kDirUnknown; g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; break; case 1: if( isRightMouseClick ) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyForce; } break; case 3: if( isRightMouseClick ) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyAuto; } break; case 5: if( isRightMouseClick ) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyDefend; } break; case 4: if (isRightMouseClick) // menu { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyMenu; } else if (isLeftMouseClick) // search { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeySearch; } break; } break; } #endif } static VOID PAL_JoystickEventFilter( const SDL_Event *lpEvent ) /*++ Purpose: Handle joystick events. Parameters: [IN] lpEvent - pointer to the event. Return value: None. --*/ { #if PAL_HAS_JOYSTICKS switch (lpEvent->type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: // // Moved an axis on joystick // switch (lpEvent->jaxis.axis) { case 0: // // X axis // if (lpEvent->jaxis.value > 20000) { if (g_InputState.dir != kDirEast) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRight; } g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirEast; } else if (lpEvent->jaxis.value < -20000) { if (g_InputState.dir != kDirWest) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyLeft; } g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirWest; } else { if (g_InputState.prevdir != kDirEast && g_InputState.prevdir != kDirWest) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; } break; case 1: // // Y axis // if (lpEvent->jaxis.value > 20000) { if (g_InputState.dir != kDirSouth) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyDown; } g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirSouth; } else if (lpEvent->jaxis.value < -20000) { if (g_InputState.dir != kDirNorth) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyUp; } g_InputState.prevdir = g_InputState.dir; g_InputState.dir = kDirNorth; } else { if (g_InputState.prevdir != kDirNorth && g_InputState.prevdir != kDirSouth) { g_InputState.dir = g_InputState.prevdir; } g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; } break; } break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: // // Pressed the joystick button // switch (lpEvent->jbutton.button & 1) { case 0: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyMenu; break; case 1: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeySearch; break; } break; } #endif } #if PAL_HAS_TOUCH #define TOUCH_NONE 0 #define TOUCH_UP 1 #define TOUCH_DOWN 2 #define TOUCH_LEFT 3 #define TOUCH_RIGHT 4 #define TOUCH_BUTTON1 5 #define TOUCH_BUTTON2 6 #define TOUCH_BUTTON3 7 #define TOUCH_BUTTON4 8 static float gfTouchXMin = 0.0f; static float gfTouchXMax = 1.0f; static float gfTouchYMin = 0.0f; static float gfTouchYMax = 1.0f; static SDL_TouchID gFinger1 = -1, gFinger2 = -1; static DWORD g_dwFinger1Time = 0, g_dwFinger2Time = 0; static int g_iPrevTouch1 = TOUCH_NONE; static int g_iPrevTouch2 = TOUCH_NONE; VOID PAL_SetTouchBounds( DWORD dwScreenWidth, DWORD dwScreenHeight, SDL_Rect renderRect ) { gfTouchXMin = (float)renderRect.x / dwScreenWidth; gfTouchXMax = (float)(renderRect.x + renderRect.w) / dwScreenWidth; gfTouchYMin = (float)renderRect.y / dwScreenHeight; gfTouchYMax = (float)(renderRect.y + renderRect.h) / dwScreenHeight; } static int PAL_GetTouchArea( float X, float Y ) { if (X < gfTouchXMin || X > gfTouchXMax || Y < 0.5f || Y > gfTouchYMax) { // // Upper area or cropped area // return TOUCH_NONE; } else { X = (X - gfTouchXMin) / (gfTouchXMax - gfTouchXMin); Y = (Y - gfTouchYMin) / (gfTouchYMax - gfTouchYMin); } if (X < 1.0f / 3) { if (Y - 0.5f < (1.0f / 6 - fabsf(X - 1.0f / 3 / 2)) * (0.5f / (1.0f / 3))) { return TOUCH_UP; } else if (Y - 0.75f > fabsf(X - 1.0f / 3 / 2) * (0.5f / (1.0f / 3))) { return TOUCH_DOWN; } else if (X < 1.0f / 3 / 2 && fabsf(Y - 0.75f) < 0.25f - X * (0.5f / (1.0f / 3))) { return TOUCH_LEFT; } else { return TOUCH_RIGHT; } } else if (X > 1.0f - 1.0f / 3) { if (X < 1.0f - (1.0f / 3 / 2)) { if (Y < 0.75f) { return TOUCH_BUTTON1; } else { return TOUCH_BUTTON3; } } else { if (Y < 0.75f) { return TOUCH_BUTTON2; } else { return TOUCH_BUTTON4; } } } else { return TOUCH_NONE; } } static VOID PAL_SetTouchAction( int area ) { switch (area) { case TOUCH_UP: g_InputState.dir = kDirNorth; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyUp; break; case TOUCH_DOWN: g_InputState.dir = kDirSouth; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyDown; break; case TOUCH_LEFT: g_InputState.dir = kDirWest; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyLeft; break; case TOUCH_RIGHT: g_InputState.dir = kDirEast; g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRight; break; case TOUCH_BUTTON1: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyForce; break; case TOUCH_BUTTON2: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyMenu; break; case TOUCH_BUTTON3: if (gpGlobals->fInBattle) { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyRepeat; } else { g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeyUseItem; } break; case TOUCH_BUTTON4: g_InputState.dwKeyPress |= kKeySearch; break; } } static VOID PAL_UnsetTouchAction( int area ) { switch (area) { case TOUCH_UP: case TOUCH_DOWN: case TOUCH_LEFT: case TOUCH_RIGHT: g_InputState.dir = kDirUnknown; break; } } static VOID PAL_TouchRepeatCheck( VOID ) { if (gFinger1 != -1 && SDL_GetTicks() > g_dwFinger1Time) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch1); PAL_SetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch1); g_dwFinger1Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 120; } if (gFinger2 != -1 && SDL_GetTicks() > g_dwFinger2Time) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch2); PAL_SetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch2); g_dwFinger2Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 120; } } #endif static VOID PAL_TouchEventFilter( const SDL_Event *lpEvent ) /*++ Purpose: Handle touch events. Parameters: [IN] lpEvent - pointer to the event. Return value: None. --*/ { #if PAL_HAS_TOUCH switch (lpEvent->type) { case SDL_FINGERDOWN: if (gFinger1 == -1) { int area = PAL_GetTouchArea(lpEvent->tfinger.x, lpEvent->tfinger.y); gFinger1 = lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId; g_iPrevTouch1 = area; PAL_SetTouchAction(area); g_dwFinger1Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 500; } else if (gFinger2 == -1) { int area = PAL_GetTouchArea(lpEvent->tfinger.x, lpEvent->tfinger.y); gFinger2 = lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId; g_iPrevTouch2 = area; PAL_SetTouchAction(area); g_dwFinger2Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 500; } break; case SDL_FINGERUP: if (lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId == gFinger1) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch1); gFinger1 = -1; g_iPrevTouch1 = TOUCH_NONE; } else if (lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId == gFinger2) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch2); gFinger2 = -1; g_iPrevTouch2 = TOUCH_NONE; } break; case SDL_FINGERMOTION: if (lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId == gFinger1) { int area = PAL_GetTouchArea(lpEvent->tfinger.x, lpEvent->tfinger.y); if (g_iPrevTouch1 != area && area != TOUCH_NONE) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch1); g_iPrevTouch1 = area; PAL_SetTouchAction(area); g_dwFinger1Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 500; } } else if (lpEvent->tfinger.fingerId == gFinger2) { int area = PAL_GetTouchArea(lpEvent->tfinger.x, lpEvent->tfinger.y); if (g_iPrevTouch2 != area && area != TOUCH_NONE) { PAL_UnsetTouchAction(g_iPrevTouch2); g_iPrevTouch2 = area; PAL_SetTouchAction(area); g_dwFinger2Time = SDL_GetTicks() + 500; } } break; } #endif } static int SDLCALL PAL_EventFilter( const SDL_Event *lpEvent ) /*++ Purpose: SDL event filter function. A filter to process all events. Parameters: [IN] lpEvent - pointer to the event. Return value: 1 = the event will be added to the internal queue. 0 = the event will be dropped from the queue. --*/ { switch (lpEvent->type) { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (lpEvent->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { // // resized the window // VIDEO_Resize(lpEvent->window.data1, lpEvent->window.data2); } break; case SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND: g_bRenderPaused = TRUE; break; case SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND: g_bRenderPaused = FALSE; VIDEO_UpdateScreen(NULL); break; #else case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: // // resized the window // VIDEO_Resize(lpEvent->resize.w, lpEvent->resize.h); break; #endif case SDL_QUIT: // // clicked on the close button of the window. Quit immediately. // PAL_Shutdown(0); } PAL_KeyboardEventFilter(lpEvent); PAL_MouseEventFilter(lpEvent); PAL_JoystickEventFilter(lpEvent); PAL_TouchEventFilter(lpEvent); // // All events are handled here; don't put anything to the internal queue // return 0; } VOID PAL_ClearKeyState( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Clear the record of pressed keys. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { g_InputState.dwKeyPress = 0; } VOID PAL_InitInput( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Initialize the input subsystem. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { memset((void *)&g_InputState, 0, sizeof(g_InputState)); g_InputState.dir = kDirUnknown; g_InputState.prevdir = kDirUnknown; // // Check for joystick // #if PAL_HAS_JOYSTICKS if (SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0 && g_fUseJoystick) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++) { if (PAL_IS_VALID_JOYSTICK(SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(i))) { g_pJoy = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); break; } } if (g_pJoy != NULL) { SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); } } #endif input_init_filter(); } VOID PAL_ShutdownInput( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Shutdown the input subsystem. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { #if PAL_HAS_JOYSTICKS if (g_pJoy != NULL) { SDL_JoystickClose(g_pJoy); g_pJoy = NULL; } #endif input_shutdown_filter(); } static int PAL_PollEvent( SDL_Event *event ) /*++ Purpose: Poll and process one event. Parameters: [OUT] event - Events polled from SDL. Return value: Return value of PAL_PollEvent. --*/ { SDL_Event evt; int ret = SDL_PollEvent(&evt); if (ret != 0 && !input_event_filter(&evt, &g_InputState)) { PAL_EventFilter(&evt); } if (event != NULL) { *event = evt; } return ret; } VOID PAL_ProcessEvent( VOID ) /*++ Purpose: Process all events. Parameters: None. Return value: None. --*/ { while (PAL_PollEvent(NULL)); PAL_UpdateKeyboardState(); #ifdef PAL_HAS_TOUCH PAL_TouchRepeatCheck(); #endif } VOID PAL_RegisterInputFilter( void (*init_filter)(), int (*event_filter)(const SDL_Event *, volatile PALINPUTSTATE *), void (*shutdown_filter)() ) /*++ Purpose: Register caller-defined input event filter. Parameters: [IN] init_filter - Filter that will be called inside PAL_InitInput [IN] event_filter - Filter that will be called inside PAL_PollEvent, return non-zero value from this filter disables further internal event processing. [IN] shutdown_filter - Filter that will be called inside PAL_ShutdownInput Passing NULL to either parameter means the caller does not provide such filter. Return value: None. --*/ { if (init_filter) input_init_filter = init_filter; if (event_filter) input_event_filter = event_filter; if (shutdown_filter) input_shutdown_filter = shutdown_filter; }