/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; c-file-style: "linux" -*- */ // // Copyright (c) 2017, SDLPAL development team. // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of SDLPAL. // // SDLPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // // aviplay.c // // Simple quick and dirty AVI player specially designed for PAL Win95. // /* * Portions based on: * * Microsoft Video-1 Decoder * Copyright (C) 2003 The FFmpeg project * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Microsoft Video-1 Decoder by Mike Melanson (melanson@pcisys.net) * For more information about the MS Video-1 format, visit: * http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ */ #include "main.h" typedef struct { FILE *fp; // pointer to the AVI file SDL_Surface *surface; // video buffer DWORD dwVideoEndOffset; WORD wWidth, wHeight; // width and height of video WORD wMsPerFrame; // milliseconds per frame DWORD dwAudioSamplesPerSec; DWORD dwAudioBitsPerSample; DWORD dwAudioChannels; SDL_AudioCVT cvt; SDL_mutex *mtxAudioData; BYTE bAudioBuf[256000]; // ring buffer for audio data DWORD dwAudioReadPos; DWORD dwAudioWritePos; } AVIPlayState; static SDL_mutex *gpAVIPlayStateMutex = NULL; static AVIPlayState *gpAVIPlayState = NULL; typedef struct { DWORD dwFourCC; DWORD dwSize; BYTE bData[1]; } AVIChunk; typedef struct { DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame; // frame display rate (or 0) DWORD dwMaxBytesPerSec; // max. transfer rate DWORD dwPaddingGranularity; // pad to multiples of this size DWORD dwFlags; // the ever-present flags DWORD dwTotalFrames; // # frames in file DWORD dwInitialFrames; DWORD dwStreams; DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; DWORD dwWidth; DWORD dwHeight; DWORD dwReserved[4]; } MainAVIHeader; typedef struct { DWORD fccType; DWORD fccHandler; DWORD dwFlags; WORD wPriority; WORD wLanguage; DWORD dwInitialFrames; DWORD dwScale; DWORD dwRate; /* dwRate / dwScale == samples/second */ DWORD dwStart; DWORD dwLength; /* In units above... */ DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; DWORD dwQuality; DWORD dwSampleSize; DWORD rcFrame[4]; } AVIStreamHeader; typedef struct { DWORD biSize; DWORD biWidth; DWORD biHeight; WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; DWORD biXPelsPerMeter; DWORD biYPelsPerMeter; DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; } BitmapInfoHeader; typedef struct { WORD wFormatTag; WORD nChannels; DWORD nSamplesPerSec; DWORD nAvgBytesPerSec; WORD nBlockAlign; WORD wBitsPerSample; } WaveFormat; #define AVI_RIFF (((DWORD)'R') | (((DWORD)'I') << 8) | (((DWORD)'F') << 16) | (((DWORD)'F') << 24)) #define AVI_hdrl (((DWORD)'h') | (((DWORD)'d') << 8) | (((DWORD)'r') << 16) | (((DWORD)'l') << 24)) #define AVI_strl (((DWORD)'s') | (((DWORD)'t') << 8) | (((DWORD)'r') << 16) | (((DWORD)'l') << 24)) #define AVI_strh (((DWORD)'s') | (((DWORD)'t') << 8) | (((DWORD)'r') << 16) | (((DWORD)'h') << 24)) #define AVI_strf (((DWORD)'s') | (((DWORD)'t') << 8) | (((DWORD)'r') << 16) | (((DWORD)'f') << 24)) #define AVI_avih (((DWORD)'a') | (((DWORD)'v') << 8) | (((DWORD)'i') << 16) | (((DWORD)'h') << 24)) #define AVI_LIST (((DWORD)'L') | (((DWORD)'I') << 8) | (((DWORD)'S') << 16) | (((DWORD)'T') << 24)) #define AVI_movi (((DWORD)'m') | (((DWORD)'o') << 8) | (((DWORD)'v') << 16) | (((DWORD)'i') << 24)) #define AVI_01wb (((DWORD)'0') | (((DWORD)'1') << 8) | (((DWORD)'w') << 16) | (((DWORD)'b') << 24)) #define AVI_00dc (((DWORD)'0') | (((DWORD)'0') << 8) | (((DWORD)'d') << 16) | (((DWORD)'c') << 24)) #define AVI_00db (((DWORD)'0') | (((DWORD)'0') << 8) | (((DWORD)'d') << 16) | (((DWORD)'b') << 24)) #define AVI_rec (((DWORD)'r') | (((DWORD)'e') << 8) | (((DWORD)'c') << 16) | (((DWORD)' ') << 24)) #define AVI_JUNK (((DWORD)'J') | (((DWORD)'U') << 8) | (((DWORD)'N') << 16) | (((DWORD)'K') << 24)) #define AVI_vids (((DWORD)'v') | (((DWORD)'i') << 8) | (((DWORD)'d') << 16) | (((DWORD)'s') << 24)) #define AVI_auds (((DWORD)'a') | (((DWORD)'u') << 8) | (((DWORD)'d') << 16) | (((DWORD)'s') << 24)) static VOID PAL_ParseAVInfoList( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState, DWORD dwEndOffset ) { AVIChunk hdr; DWORD dwNextOffset; AVIStreamHeader streamHdr; BitmapInfoHeader bitmapHdr; WaveFormat waveFormat; DWORD dwInfoType = 0; while (ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) < dwEndOffset) { if (feof(lpAVIPlayState->fp)) { return; // end of file reached } fread(&hdr, sizeof(DWORD) * 2, 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); hdr.dwFourCC = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwFourCC); hdr.dwSize = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwSize); dwNextOffset = ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) + hdr.dwSize; switch (hdr.dwFourCC) { case AVI_strh: fread(&streamHdr, sizeof(AVIStreamHeader), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); dwInfoType = SDL_SwapLE32(streamHdr.fccType); break; case AVI_strf: if (dwInfoType == AVI_vids) { fread(&bitmapHdr, sizeof(bitmapHdr), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); } else if (dwInfoType == AVI_auds) { fread(&waveFormat, sizeof(waveFormat), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioChannels = SDL_SwapLE16(waveFormat.nChannels); lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioSamplesPerSec = SDL_SwapLE16(waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec); lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioBitsPerSample = SDL_SwapLE16(waveFormat.wBitsPerSample); } break; default: break; } fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, dwNextOffset, SEEK_SET); } } static VOID PAL_ParseHdrlList( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState, DWORD dwEndOffset ) { AVIChunk hdr; DWORD dwNextOffset, dwListType; MainAVIHeader aviHeader; while (ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) < dwEndOffset) { if (feof(lpAVIPlayState->fp)) { return; // end of file reached } fread(&hdr, sizeof(DWORD) * 2, 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); hdr.dwFourCC = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwFourCC); hdr.dwSize = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwSize); dwNextOffset = ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) + hdr.dwSize; switch (hdr.dwFourCC) { case AVI_avih: fread(&aviHeader, sizeof(aviHeader), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); lpAVIPlayState->wWidth = aviHeader.dwWidth; lpAVIPlayState->wHeight = aviHeader.dwHeight; lpAVIPlayState->wMsPerFrame = aviHeader.dwMicroSecPerFrame / 1000; break; case AVI_LIST: fread(&dwListType, sizeof(dwListType), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); if (SDL_SwapLE32(dwListType) == AVI_strl) { PAL_ParseAVInfoList(lpAVIPlayState, dwNextOffset); } break; } fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, dwNextOffset, SEEK_SET); } } static VOID PAL_ReadAVIInfo( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState ) { AVIChunk hdr; DWORD dwListType = 0; DWORD dwNextOffset = 0; // // Skip RIFF header // fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, 12, SEEK_SET); while (TRUE) { if (feof(lpAVIPlayState->fp)) { return; // end of file reached } fread(&hdr, sizeof(DWORD) * 2, 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); hdr.dwFourCC = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwFourCC); hdr.dwSize = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwSize); dwNextOffset = ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) + hdr.dwSize; switch (hdr.dwFourCC) { case AVI_LIST: fread(&dwListType, sizeof(DWORD), 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); dwListType = SDL_SwapLE32(dwListType); switch (dwListType) { case AVI_hdrl: PAL_ParseHdrlList(lpAVIPlayState, dwNextOffset); break; case AVI_movi: // // Stop right here as the actual movie data starts // lpAVIPlayState->dwVideoEndOffset = dwNextOffset; return; } break; case AVI_JUNK: default: // // Ignore these chunks // break; } fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, dwNextOffset, SEEK_SET); } } static AVIPlayState * PAL_OpenAVI( LPCSTR lpszPath ) { AVIPlayState *ret; ret = (AVIPlayState *)UTIL_calloc(1, sizeof(AVIPlayState)); // // Open the file // ret->fp = UTIL_OpenFile(lpszPath); if (ret->fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file: %s!\n", lpszPath); free(ret); return NULL; } PAL_ReadAVIInfo(ret); if (ret->wWidth == 0 || ret->wHeight == 0) { return NULL; } // // Create surface // ret->surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, ret->wWidth, ret->wHeight, 16, 0x7C00, 0x03E0, 0x001F, 0x0000); // // Create mutex // ret->mtxAudioData = SDL_CreateMutex(); // // Build SDL audio conversion info // SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&ret->cvt, (ret->dwAudioBitsPerSample == 8) ? AUDIO_U8 : AUDIO_S16LSB, ret->dwAudioChannels, ret->dwAudioSamplesPerSec, AUDIO_S16SYS, gConfig.iAudioChannels, gConfig.iSampleRate); return ret; } static AVIChunk * PAL_ReadAVChunk( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState ) { AVIChunk hdr; AVIChunk *ret = NULL; DWORD dwNextOffset; begin: if (feof(lpAVIPlayState->fp) || ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) >= lpAVIPlayState->dwVideoEndOffset) { return NULL; // end of file reached } fread(&hdr, sizeof(DWORD) * 2, 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); hdr.dwFourCC = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwFourCC); hdr.dwSize = SDL_SwapLE32(hdr.dwSize); dwNextOffset = ftell(lpAVIPlayState->fp) + hdr.dwSize; switch (hdr.dwFourCC) { case AVI_LIST: // // Just skip list header here // fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, sizeof(DWORD), SEEK_CUR); goto begin; case AVI_01wb: case AVI_00db: case AVI_00dc: // // got actual audio/video frame // ret = (AVIChunk *)UTIL_malloc(sizeof(DWORD) * 2 + hdr.dwSize); *ret = hdr; fread(ret->bData, hdr.dwSize, 1, lpAVIPlayState->fp); break; case AVI_JUNK: default: // // Ignore these chunks // fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, dwNextOffset, SEEK_SET); goto begin; } fseek(lpAVIPlayState->fp, dwNextOffset, SEEK_SET); return ret; } static VOID PAL_CloseAVI( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState ) { if (lpAVIPlayState->fp != NULL) { fclose(lpAVIPlayState->fp); } if (lpAVIPlayState->surface != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(lpAVIPlayState->surface); } if (lpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData != NULL) { SDL_DestroyMutex(lpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData); } free(lpAVIPlayState); } static VOID PAL_AVIFeedAudio( AVIPlayState *lpAVIPlayState, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD dwSize ) { SDL_mutexP(lpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData); while (dwSize > 0) { DWORD dwFeedSize = dwSize; if (lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos + dwSize > sizeof(lpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf)) { dwFeedSize = sizeof(lpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf) - lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos; } memcpy(&lpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf[lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos], lpBuffer, dwFeedSize); lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos += dwFeedSize; lpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos %= sizeof(lpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf); lpBuffer += dwFeedSize; dwSize -= dwFeedSize; } SDL_mutexV(lpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData); } VOID PAL_AVIInit( VOID ) { gpAVIPlayStateMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); } VOID PAL_AVIShutdown( VOID ) { SDL_DestroyMutex(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); } static VOID PAL_RenderAVIFrame( SDL_Surface *lpSurface, AVIChunk *lpChunk ) { #define AV_RL16(x) ((((LPCBYTE)(x))[1] << 8) | ((LPCBYTE)(x))[0]) #define CHECK_STREAM_PTR(n) if ((stream_ptr + n) > lpChunk->dwSize) { return; } int block_ptr, pixel_ptr; int total_blocks; int pixel_x, pixel_y; // pixel width and height iterators int block_x, block_y; // block width and height iterators int blocks_wide, blocks_high; // width and height in 4x4 blocks int block_inc; int row_dec; /* decoding parameters */ int stream_ptr; unsigned char byte_a, byte_b; unsigned short flags; int skip_blocks; unsigned short colors[8]; unsigned short *pixels = (unsigned short *)lpSurface->pixels; int stride = lpSurface->pitch / 2; stream_ptr = 0; skip_blocks = 0; blocks_wide = lpSurface->w / 4; blocks_high = lpSurface->h / 4; total_blocks = blocks_wide * blocks_high; block_inc = 4; row_dec = stride + 4; for (block_y = blocks_high; block_y > 0; block_y--) { block_ptr = ((block_y * 4) - 1) * stride; for (block_x = blocks_wide; block_x > 0; block_x--) { // check if this block should be skipped if (skip_blocks) { block_ptr += block_inc; skip_blocks--; total_blocks--; continue; } pixel_ptr = block_ptr; // get the next two bytes in the encoded data stream CHECK_STREAM_PTR(2); byte_a = lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr++]; byte_b = lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr++]; // check if the decode is finished if ((byte_a == 0) && (byte_b == 0) && (total_blocks == 0)) { return; } else if ((byte_b & 0xFC) == 0x84) { // skip code, but don't count the current block skip_blocks = ((byte_b - 0x84) << 8) + byte_a - 1; } else if (byte_b < 0x80) { // 2- or 8-color encoding modes flags = (byte_b << 8) | byte_a; CHECK_STREAM_PTR(4); colors[0] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[1] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; if (colors[0] & 0x8000) { // 8-color encoding CHECK_STREAM_PTR(12); colors[2] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[3] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[4] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[5] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[6] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; colors[7] = AV_RL16(&lpChunk->bData[stream_ptr]); stream_ptr += 2; for (pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < 4; pixel_y++) { for (pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < 4; pixel_x++, flags >>= 1) { pixels[pixel_ptr++] = colors[((pixel_y & 0x2) << 1) + (pixel_x & 0x2) + ((flags & 0x1) ^ 1)]; } pixel_ptr -= row_dec; } } else { // 2-color encoding for (pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < 4; pixel_y++) { for (pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < 4; pixel_x++, flags >>= 1) { pixels[pixel_ptr++] = colors[(flags & 0x1) ^ 1]; } pixel_ptr -= row_dec; } } } else { // otherwise, it's a 1-color block colors[0] = (byte_b << 8) | byte_a; for (pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < 4; pixel_y++) { for (pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < 4; pixel_x++) { pixels[pixel_ptr++] = colors[0]; } pixel_ptr -= row_dec; } } block_ptr += block_inc; total_blocks--; } } } BOOL PAL_PlayAVI( LPCSTR lpszPath ) { AVIPlayState *avi; AVIChunk *chunk; DWORD dwNextFrameTime = 0, dwCurrentTime = 0; BOOL fEndPlay = FALSE; // // Open AVI file // avi = PAL_OpenAVI(lpszPath); if (avi == NULL) { return FALSE; } SDL_mutexP(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); gpAVIPlayState = avi; SDL_mutexV(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); PAL_ClearKeyState(); while (!fEndPlay && (chunk = PAL_ReadAVChunk(avi)) != NULL) { dwCurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); switch (chunk->dwFourCC) { case AVI_00dc: case AVI_00db: // // Video frame // PAL_RenderAVIFrame(avi->surface, chunk); VIDEO_DrawSurfaceToScreen(avi->surface); dwNextFrameTime = dwCurrentTime + avi->wMsPerFrame; dwCurrentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if (dwCurrentTime >= dwNextFrameTime) { UTIL_Delay(1); } else { UTIL_Delay(dwNextFrameTime - dwCurrentTime); } if (g_InputState.dwKeyPress & (kKeyMenu | kKeySearch)) { fEndPlay = TRUE; } break; case AVI_01wb: // // Audio data, just feed into buffer // PAL_AVIFeedAudio(avi, chunk->bData, chunk->dwSize); break; } free(chunk); } SDL_mutexP(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); gpAVIPlayState = NULL; SDL_mutexV(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); if (fEndPlay) { // // Simulate a short delay (like the original game) // UTIL_Delay(500); } PAL_CloseAVI(avi); return TRUE; } VOID SDLCALL AVI_FillAudioBuffer( LPVOID udata, LPBYTE stream, INT len ) { SDL_mutexP(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); if (gpAVIPlayState != NULL) { FLOAT flRateScale = ((FLOAT)gConfig.iSampleRate / gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioSamplesPerSec); SDL_mutexP(gpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData); while (len > 0 && gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos != gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos) { INT remainingLen = gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioWritePos - gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos; INT samplesToRead; if (remainingLen < 0) { remainingLen = sizeof(gpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf) - gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos; } samplesToRead = remainingLen / gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioChannels / (gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioBitsPerSample / 8); if (samplesToRead > len / 2 / gConfig.iAudioChannels / flRateScale) { samplesToRead = len / 2 / gConfig.iAudioChannels / flRateScale; } gpAVIPlayState->cvt.buf = stream; gpAVIPlayState->cvt.len = samplesToRead * gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioChannels * (gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioBitsPerSample / 8); memcpy(stream, &gpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf[gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos], samplesToRead * gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioChannels * (gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioBitsPerSample / 8)); SDL_ConvertAudio(&gpAVIPlayState->cvt); stream += (DWORD)(samplesToRead * 2 * gConfig.iAudioChannels * flRateScale); len -= samplesToRead * 2 * gConfig.iAudioChannels * flRateScale; gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos += samplesToRead * gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioChannels * (gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioBitsPerSample / 8); gpAVIPlayState->dwAudioReadPos %= sizeof(gpAVIPlayState->bAudioBuf); } SDL_mutexV(gpAVIPlayState->mtxAudioData); } SDL_mutexV(gpAVIPlayStateMutex); }